2013年2月5日 星期二

The Traditions of Chinese New Year  農曆新年習俗談

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2013/02/05 第87期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Traditions of Chinese New Year  農曆新年習俗談

  About a month before the Lunar New Year, people start to prepare for the biggest holiday in Asia. This includes getting their fortunes read so that they know what the upcoming year has in store for them. Barbershops and beauty salons are booked many days in advance because it is bad luck to cut anything during Chinese New Year.
  Malls, stores, and markets all have sales leading up to the New Year. Customers happily fill the aisles to part with their hard-earned money. The hottest items before the start of the holiday are food and red clothing. Also before the New Year, people's homes get a thorough cleaning. All old furniture and belongings are taken out with the trash as well. This is so that during Chinese New Year, no one sweeps away any good luck.
  On the eve of the New Year, a family reunion is held, with a feast as the main focus. There are dumplings which symbolize wealth, a fish dish, and a variety of other foods. This meal is comparable to Christmas dinner in the West.



  1. upcoming a. 即將來臨的,即將發生的
    Cindy and her boyfriend are very excited about their upcoming trip to Europe.
  2. have...in store  有……將要出現/發生
    We have a few surprises in store for the birthday boy tonight.
  3. lead up to…  發生在……之前;是……的先導
    Lucy studied extra hard in the weeks leading up to her big exam.
  4. part with...  捨棄/放棄……;與……道別
    The boy couldn't bear to part with his favorite toy, so his mom let him keep it.
  5. sweep away.../sweep...away  掃除/帶走……
    The joy of seeing my dog happy and healthy swept my pain away.
  6. symbolize vt. 象徵
    Easter eggs symbolize new life and are often given out during the holiday.
  7. a variety of...  各式各樣的……
    This shop carries a huge variety of candy, so there is something for everyone.
  8. comparable a. 可相比的,相當的
    The movie version is hardly comparable to the novel it is based on.
  1. fortune n. 命運,時運(常用複數)
  2. barbershop n. 理髮店
  3. beauty salon n. 美容院
  4. reunion n. 團聚,重聚
  5. feast n. 盛宴
  6. dumpling n. 餃子


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