2013年3月10日 星期日

援中港 濕地公園

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2013/03/11 第117期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱 
A Kingdom at Sea: Jong Shyn Shipbuilding
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi ;Photos by Pao Chung-hui】

Yuanjhong Wetlands Park

Yuanjhong Wetlands Park is one of Kaohsiung's premier ecological parks. Located in Nanzih's coastal district between Dianbao Stream and Houjin Creek, it covers two hectares of land and has a large number of unique mangroves. The majority of mangroves are Avicennia marina, but there are also several other varieties in the area. Another wonderful feature of Yuanjhong Wetland is the abundance of species that come in with the tides. Kaohsiung is home to 18 wetlands with only Jiading, Yongan, Yanshuei and Yuanjhong Wetlands maintaining robust intertidal ecological systems. Ten of the twelve species of fiddler crabs be found in Taiwan, can be found in Yuanjhong Wetlands.

Yuanjhong wetlands originally belonged to the navy; for many years, it was leased to fish farmers. The Navy then reclaimed 300 hectares in order to develop a second generation base. In 2005, the navy donated 50 hectares to Kaohsiung City Government, of which they used 29.4 hectares to develop the wetlands. This was then divided into the Eastern and Western Zones with a water treatment plant in the middle. The water treatment integrates plants into the water purification process, thus diffusing the impact of the processed water, when releasing it back into the ecology.

The rich variety of water species and fish farms in Yuanjhong Wetlands Park provides food for a variety of birds. Although only the fish farms of the Eastern Zone are still in existence, the fresh water Dianbao Stream and salt water from the Taiwan Strait wash over the intertidal mud flats and create a safe habitat for fiddler crabs and mudskippers. Although mangroves provide shelter for a variety of creatures, the Mangrove Crabs have unfortunately been in decline due to its culinary popularity and harvesting by poachers. However, over the past couple of years, populations of fiddler crabs have been found to be on the rise. There are also a large number of brown land crabs, which can be distinguished by the round holes found all over the park, in which they make their homes. Volunteers place fallen leaves and twigs on the paths in order to protect worms and insects on the ground. All creatures play an important part in the food chain and therefore any accidental deaths could have an impact on the etire ecological system.

The 20 hectares of the Eastern Zone is also habitat to a variety of water birds. This year, a record number of seven rare Pheasant-tailed Jacanas were seen in the park. Mr. Liao Wen-cyuan, a wetlands volunteer, hopes these extremely rare birds will continue to make a comeback, and the park will continue to be a regular migratory stop. Trails are maintained by volunteers and laid behind tidal lines in order to protect the integrity of the shorelines and wildlife habitats. This encourages birds and other creatures to settle in the wetlands. The park is open to the public; however, bookings and guided tours must be arranged through Wetlands Taiwan and made at least seven days in advance.

Wetlands Taiwan 07-5822371

援中港 濕地公園


眼前的招潮蟹大軍不時揮舞著大手臂到處蹓躂,在洞穴中忙進忙出 ,這裡是楠梓區的援中港濕地公園,介於典寶溪和後勁溪之間,這座濕地公園特色是有為數頗多的紅樹林,其中數量最多的單一品種是海茄苳(紅樹林),面積廣達2公頃;援中港濕地是全市18處濕地中,除了茄萣濕地、永安鹽田濕地和鹽水港濕地之外,另一處有潮間帶生物的濕地,更令人驚喜的是,全台潮間帶發現12種招潮蟹中,這裡就有10種。



援中港濕地東區占地約20公頃,園區鳥類豐富,最特別的是今年出現7隻水雉的蹤跡,是歷年來最多的一年。園區的志工廖文泉表示,希望園區能夠成為水雉的故鄉,吸引更多水雉前來定居;在秋天這個季節,園區也有秋蟹的蹤跡 ,只是秋蟹奇貨可居,引起了盜捕人覬覦,數量銳減,此外,園區也有數量可觀的兇狠圓軸蟹,隨處可見圓軸蟹築起洞穴。志工們將人類行走的路徑鋪上自然掉落的乾樹枝,避免地上的昆蟲被踐踏,因為這些昆蟲很可能也是其他類昆蟲或生物的食物來源,某種程度上保持食物鏈的平衡,同時將路徑往後退一段 ,讓人類行走路徑離招潮蟹出沒岸邊更遠一些,希望藉由這些措施,讓招潮蟹的數量增加,同時吸引更多鳥類或生物前來定居。

想到援中港濕地參觀的民眾,可於7 天前向台灣濕地保護聯盟預約,濕地聯盟鼓勵參觀民眾透過預約講解,認識豐富的濕地生態。

台灣濕地聯盟 07-5822371

吳益政鏡頭下的輕軌攝影展 即日起駁二開展


80203 高雄市苓雅區四維三路二號 電話:(07) 331-5016



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