2013年3月11日 星期一

Creative vision 創意洞見

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2013/03/12 第226期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

China's cyberspies

Chinese hackers seen as increasingly professional

China hotly denies accusations of official involvement in massive cyberattacks against foreign targets, insinuating that such activity is the work of rogues. But at least one piece of evidence cited by experts points to professional cyberspies: China's hackers don't work weekends. 有人指責中國官方涉及針對外國目標的大規模網路攻擊,中國強烈否認之餘,還暗示這是流氓所為。但專家提出了至少一項證據,顯示些攻擊是專業網路特務所為。這項證據就是中國的駭客週末不上班。
Accusations of state-sanctioned hacking took center stage recently after the release of a detailed report by U.S.-based Internet security firm Mandiant. It added to growing suspicions that the Chinese military is not only stealing defense secrets and harassing dissidents, but also pilfering information from foreign companies that could be worth millions or even billions of U.S. dollars. 最近一家設在美國,稱為 Mandiant 的網路安全公司發表了一份詳盡的報告後,關於中國當局包庇駭客攻擊之說成了世人注目的焦點,而且使人更進一步懷疑中國軍方不僅僅在偷竊軍事機密和騷擾異議人士,而且還從外國企業掠奪價值可能高達數百萬乃至數十億美元的資訊。
Experts say Chinese hacking attacks are characterized not only by their brazenness, but by their persistence. "China conducts cyberattacks on at least an order of magnitude more than the next country," said Martin Libicki, a specialist on cyberwarfare at the Rand Corporation. The fact that hackers take weekends off suggests they are paid, and that would belie "the notion that the hackers are private," he said. 專家說,中國駭客攻擊不僅僅肆無忌憚,而且還持之以恆。蘭德公司網路戰爭專家馬丁利比凱說:「中國進行的網路攻擊規模至少比一般國家大一等。他說,這些駭客週末不上班,顯示他們是受薪的,這一點也駁斥了所謂 「這些駭客為私人業者的說法」。。
Libicki and other cyberwarfare experts have long noted a Monday-through-Friday pattern in the intensity of attacks believed to come from Chinese sources, though there has been little evidence released publicly directly linking the Chinese military to the attacks. 利比凱和其他網路戰爭專家早就注意到攻擊強烈程度中的週一到週五周期,這些攻擊,相信發動的地點是中國,但迄今只有很少已經公布的證據顯示攻擊和中國軍方有關。
Mandiant went a step further in its report, saying that it had traced hacking activities against 141 foreign entities in the U.S., Canada, Britain and elsewhere to a group of operators known as the "Comment Crew," which it then traced back to the People's Liberation Army Unit 61398. The unit is headquartered in a nondescript 12-story building inside a military compound in a crowded suburb of Shanghai. Mandiant 公司在報告中更進一步指出,該公司追蹤美國、加拿大、英國和其他地方一百四十一家機構所受到的駭客攻擊,發現發動攻擊的是一群稱為「評論人員」的人,以後再進一步溯源找到解放軍的六一三九八部隊。這部隊的總部設 在上海一個人口稠密市郊一個軍營內的一幢不起眼的建築物中。
China denies any official involvement in the cyberattacks, calling such accusations "groundless" and insisting that Beijing is itself a major victim of hacking attacks, the largest number of which originate in the U.S. While not denying hacking attacks originated in China, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that it was flat out wrong to accuse the Chinese government or military of being behind them. 中國否認官方涉及這些網路攻擊,說各指控均「全無根據」,並堅稱北京本身也是駭客攻擊的受害人,而這些駭客攻擊數目最多的是在美國發動的。中國外交部發言人洪磊宣稱,指控中國政府或軍方在幕後支持這些攻擊是非常錯誤的說法。
China's government isn't alone in being accused of Web-based espionage, but observers say it has outpaced its rivals in using military assets to steal commercial secrets. "Stealing secrets is thief, regardless of the medium," said Richard Forno, director of the University of Maryland Baltimore County's graduate cybersecurity program. "The key difference is that you can't easily arrest such electronic thieves since they're most likely not even in the country, which differs from how the game was played during the Cold War." 中國政府不是唯一遭指控在網路進行間諜活動的國家,但觀察家說,中國在使用軍方設備盜竊商業機密方面已經領先對手。馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩郡研究所網路安全課程主任理查佛諾說:「不論使用那一種媒介,盜竊機密就是小偷行徑。最重要差別是你很難拘捕這些電子竊賊,因為他們很可能不在國內,這是和冷戰時期的遊戲規則不同的。」
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本文來自Student Post 1322期
3月10日 – 3月16日, 2013
Creative vision


To the casual observer, it might seem easier to create an illustrated book than a complex adult novel. The truth, however, is quite different. The best illustrated books are much more than just literary texts; they are works of art, filled with stunning images designed to stimulate our imaginations and immerse us in new and fantastical worlds.       

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