2013年4月18日 星期四

5 Reasons Your SEO is Failing

5 Reasons Your SEO is Failing
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5 Reasons Your SEO is Failing

A SPN Exclusive Article by Tina Courtney-Brown (c) 2013

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If you listen closely, you can almost hear the lamented cries of business owners across the globe every day as they watch their search engine rankings crash and burn. Too often those who are the most sincere and determined do not see their efforts come to fruition, and this usually transpires in confusion. If you are one of the many perplexed and frustrated online entrepreneurs trying to understand why your SEO efforts keep falling flat, read on and take an honest look at which of your decisions cause Google to send you to the back of the line.

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1) A Website That Can't Convert
Before you dive into link sharing, keywords and various other external tactics, it's crucial that you first examine what's not working with your website. All the clever SEO tricks in the world won't move your revenues if your site fails to convert visitors. So before you throw all your efforts into rankings and traffic, first ensure your website is ready to welcome the masses. If your current conversion rate is lackluster, targeted marketing efforts will only expose this all the more. Make sure navigation is intuitive, your homepage is compelling and informative, there are no content dead ends or other bad user experiences, and that your ecommerce experience is fluid and flawless.

This may seem like common sense, but it's staggering how many business owners don't realize their problems start at home. If you have a website worth shouting about, only then is it time to call in the marketing hounds.

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