2013年4月3日 星期三

Laptops for All Kids!

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2013/04/04 第228期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 Laptops for All Kids!
NEWSworthy Clips
Vocabulary Focus high-profile, dub, utopian...
活動快遞 促銷商品

Laptops for All Kids!
TECHNOLOGY/ April 8-10

What seemed like a great idea, then seemed like a failure, now seems to work in ways unforeseen



Elisa Fernanda Castillo Cruz, age 6, is a first grader at the Escuela Enmanuel Mongalo in Diriamba, Nicaragua- and she loves her XO computer, better known as the One Laptop Per Child laptop. "I bring it home and I teach my mama and my papa and my little brothers," she says in Spanish. "I show them all the activities they don't know- painting, writing, reading, games." She opens her favorite game, in which addition and multiplication problems drift slowly down the small black-and-white screen…

Topic Talks for this article!

NEWSworthy Clips
NEWS / 2013 April 11-13

Facebook finds you a job, sugary soft drinks create

problems, and Nintendo scores points with the new Wii U



天堂以新問世的Wii U再創佳績

Topic Talks for this article!

Q1: traverse (v)
a) to go across
b) to climb
c) to move backwards
d) to camp

Q2: signature (adj)
a) specialty
b) word
c) argument
d) style


high-profile, dub, utopian...


(adj) attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public備受矚目的

That high-profile actor has been interviewed by a lot of reporters.


(v) to give something or someone a particular name, esp. describing what you think of that person or thing 把...叫做;給...綽號

The company was dubbed the leader in customer service and support.


(adj) having the characteristics and organization of a perfect society 烏托邦的

Many leaders dream of creating a utopian society, but none have achieved it.


(adj) simple but not effectively dealing with a real situation or problem, which is more complicated 被過度簡單化的

Angela's answer was too simplistic to fully answer the question.


(v) to give control or possession of something, esp. land to someone else, often unwillingly or because forced to do so 讓與;交出

Because Antonio cheated, he was forced to cede the victory to Katie.



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Q1: a Q2: a


人民幣保單 後收型來了

溫昇豪 都會男聲
溫昇豪在第二屆men's uno模特兒大賽時就嶄露頭角,轉戰銀幕演出眾多戲劇作品後,這次在偶像劇《金大花的華麗冒險》中的插曲〈何苦〉,終於圓了他想唱歌的夢。

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