2013年4月16日 星期二

Megafood  超級倉廚實戰

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2013/04/16 第97期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Megafood  超級倉廚實戰


  When you are hungry, it is simple enough to walk into the kitchen and fix yourself something to eat. It is not so easy when there are more people involved. That takes a lot more planning and preparation, not to mention time. After deciding what kinds of food to serve, you have to buy all the ingredients, wash and chop all the vegetables, cook everything, and then set the table.
  Now, imagine what it would take to serve hundreds to thousands of hungry guests. You would need a whole army of chefs and servers to deal with the task. That is just the case with the world's biggest kitchens. Take the Marina Bay Sands in Singapore for example. This luxury hotel employs 450 chefs that work around the clock seven days a week in its 43 kitchens. What's more, that is not just for the hotel's guests. For the over 10,000 employees, one massive kitchen is used to cook up 1.5 tons of vegetables, 1.2 tons of meat, and 3,000 eggs every day. To see how it is done, don't miss National Geographic Channel's "Megafood".


  現在,想像要上菜給數百位到數千位飢腸轆轆的賓客會是什麼樣子。您會需要一大批的廚師和侍者來處理這項任務。在世上一些最大的廚房裡就是如此光景。就拿新加坡的Marina Bay Sands為例好了。這間奢華的飯店雇用了四百五十名廚師,他們在飯店的四十三座廚房裡,一星期七天、每日從早到晚不停地工作。再者,這樣做不只是為了飯店的賓客而已。要供應伙食給超過一萬名的員工,一間巨大廚房每天要料理一點五噸的蔬菜、一點二噸的肉品以及三千顆雞蛋。要看看這是如何辦到的,就請別錯過國家地理頻道的《超級倉廚實戰》。

  1. fix vt. 準備(食物)
    If you really can't wait for dinner, I'll fix you a snack.
  2. involve vt. 涉及,牽扯
    Publishing a magazine involves time, money, and lots of manpower.
  3. not to mention...  更不用說……
    Eric doesn't have enough money to pay his rent this month, not to mention his bills.
  4. serve vt. 供應(食物)
    Lunch is served from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM every day.
  5. set the table  (用餐前)擺設餐桌/餐具
    Since the children were at their grandparents' house, Emily just set the table for two.
  6. employ vt. 雇用
    Zack is employed as a web designer at a well-known computer company.
  7. around the clock  日以繼夜地
    Eric studied around the clock for his exams because he wanted to get good grades.
  8. cook up.../cook...up  (快速)煮好……
    James cooked up some spaghetti for his children for dinner.
  1. ingredient n. 食材,原料
  2. army n. 一大群
  3. chef n. 廚師;主廚
  4. server n. 侍者;上菜者
就業博覽會 怎樣當場被錄用?

只要有看職棒的球迷, 對指定打擊制度(Designated Hitter簡稱DH)絕對不陌生,這是不讓沒有攻擊力的投手上場打擊的一種施行了三十餘年的制度。但你知道DH是怎麼出現的嗎?

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