2013年5月20日 星期一

'80s Greatest Gadgets

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2013/05/21 第101期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱



'80s Greatest Gadgets


  Many people in the present day can't imagine leaving their homes without their MP3 players, smartphones, portable game consoles, or tablet computers. Their lives revolve around these gadgets to keep them informed, entertained, and connected. Moreover, they take it for granted that everything is at their fingertips, but that wasn't the case not so long ago. Instead, a lot of what we consider simple actions now had to be done the old-fashioned way. If it weren't for the 1980s, the world today would look and feel completely different.
  In regards to technology, the 1980s was the decade that changed the world. Gadgets that seemed only possible in science fiction actually started to take form. Devices like personal computers went from huge models that took up the whole desk to small units that could be carried anywhere. Music also became mobile with the creation of the Sony Walkman. Better yet, people could actually phone home not only from payphones, but with cellphones. The 1980s started a technological revolution that greatly changed the way we work, play, and live. Learn more about these technological firsts with National Geographic Channel's '80s Greatest Gadgets.


  於科技方面,1980年代就是改變世界的十年。一些看起來似乎只會出現在科幻小說的小玩意兒,其實已開始成形。像個人電腦這種設備,從佔去整張書桌的大型組件,演變成可以到處攜帶的小型裝置。音樂也隨著Sony隨身聽的出現而變得可以四處帶著走。更棒的是,人們不但能用公共電話打回家,還可以真的用手機打電話回家。1980年代開啟了一項科技革命,這項革命大大地改變了我們工作、玩耍和生活的方式。敬請收看國家地理頻道的'80s Greatest Gadgets,來瞭解更多有關這些首次出現的科技產物。

  1. revolve around...  繞著……旋轉
    revolve vi. 旋轉
    Some people believe that the whole world revolves around them.
  2. keep + 人 + informed  不斷提供某人最新消息
    The live broadcast kept us informed of the baseball game as it was being played.
  3. take...for granted  將……視為理所當然
    You shouldn't take your parents for granted because they won't be around forever.
  4. at + 所有格 + fingertips  對某人來說隨手可得
    The speaker had all the necessary facts for his presentation at his fingertips.
  5. old-fashioned a. 舊式的,老式的
    The festival celebrates the old-fashioned way people lived during the Middle Ages.
  6. in/with regard(s) to...  有關於……
    The government just passed a new law with regards to drinking and driving.
  7. take form  成形
    The organization took form after months of hard work and fundraising.
  8. take up...  佔去……(空間、時間等)
    Doing the housework took up Jennifer's whole morning.
  1. gadget n. 設計精巧的裝置
  2. science fiction n. 科幻小說
  3. unit n. 裝置
  4. mobile a. 移動式的;活動的
  5. revolution n. 革新,變革
  6. first n. 第一個類


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