2013年5月6日 星期一

Megafood: Catering to Fashion 超級倉廚實戰 夢幻料理秀

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2013/05/07 第109期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Megafood: Catering to Fashion 超級倉廚實戰  夢幻料理秀
by Olivia Wycech
In Florence, fashion extends beyond the runways and into the kitchen.

  Everybody knows that people from every corner of the globe flock to Florence, Italy for its world famous fashion weeks. The city buzzes with the vibrant energy of fashion enthusiasts and influential people in fashion and art. In addition to fashion shows or art exhibits, there is design to be found elsewhere in the city because many gourmet restaurants transform their kitchens into fashion houses of their own. When the city of Florence hosts the men's fashion show of the season, caterer Galateo Ricevimenti and his team need to step up their game. Nevertheless, Ricevimenti and his team have a lot of experience and are up for the challenge. They were awarded first prize for best Italian caterers in a competition where more than 60 of the top national catering companies took part.
  With an influx of thousands of people in the city, the additional mouths mean more work, less time, and loads of extra stress, even for the most experienced of chefs. This is because the guests are some of the most critical in the world. National Geographic Channel's Megafood: Catering to Fashion goes right into Ricevimenti's kitchen and sees what it really takes to get food from the frying pans and onto the plates of hundreds of people at the same time. Will they snap under pressure, or will they deliver their fashion-themed culinary dreams with collective ease? They will certainly be tested to their absolute limits.

  1. cater vi. 迎合(與介詞 to 並用)& vt. 承辦宴席
    caterer n. 宴席承辦商,外燴者
    cater to...  迎合……
    A lot of TV programs that cater to teenagers are ignored by adults.
  2. flock vi. 聚集
    flock to + 地方  湧向某地
    Millions of pilgrims flock to that holy city every year.
  3. buzz with...  (某地)充滿(興奮、活動等)
    buzz vi. 發出吵雜聲
    The whole room buzzed with excitement when Anthony proposed to his girlfriend.
  4. enthusiast n. 狂熱者
    In India, yoga enthusiasts can experience a rich culture while learning advanced techniques.
  5. influential a. 具影響力的
    The artist's influential design elements have persisted even to this day.
  6. transform A into B  將 A 改變/轉變成 B
    The mayor is hoping to transform this area of the city into a movie lovers' paradise by next year.
  7. step up...  加強/加快……
    As London theaters have stepped up security against terrorist threats, politicians urge those on Broadway to do the same.
  8. be up for...  願意參加……
    Are you sure you are up for this very challenging task?
  9. award vt. 授(獎)
    award sth to sb  把某物頒給某人
    = award sb sth
    The boss awarded Mark the employee-of-the-year certificate.
  10. take part  參與
    take part in...  參與……
    Eight out of 10 students take part in after-school activities.
  11. influx n. 湧進;匯集
    an influx of visitors  大量湧入的旅客
    In contrast to South Korea's influx of foreign immigrants, North Korea imposes strict control over the movement of foreigners.
  12. critical a. 批評的;評論的
    Christine has received critical acclaim for all of her novels.
  13. snap vi. 突然崩潰
    The secretary snapped after she was fired for messing up the important project.
  14. under pressure  承受壓力
    Some people are at their best under pressure.
  15. with ease  輕易地,容易地
    Several problems arose, but I was able to handle them with ease.
  16. collective a. 集體的,共同的
    This activity requires the collective effort of our whole team.
  17. test / push / stretch...to the limit
    The intensive language course pushed the students to the limit.
  1. extend vi. 延伸 & vt. 伸展
  2. runway n. 伸展台
  3. vibrant a. 充滿生氣的;活躍的
  4. exhibit n. 展示會;展示品
  5. gourmet n. 美食家
  6. fashion house  時尚店
  7. host vt. 主持;主辦 & n. 主持人
  8. challenge n. & vt. 挑戰
  9. competition n. 競賽
  10. culinary a. 烹飪的
  1. a load of...  很多的……

超級倉廚實戰  夢幻料理秀


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