2013年6月18日 星期二

Living in a Bubble 住在泡泡裡

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2013/06/18 第115期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Living in a Bubble 住在泡泡裡
by Olivia Wycech
Forget pitching tents; the French have taken to camping in bubbles.

  Sleeping under the stars, with nothing between you and nature, can be truly serene. In fact, sleeping in woods devoid _(1)_ car horns, pollution, and obnoxious people is exceptionally peaceful that is, until pesky insects decide to make a meal out of you, and rodents and whatever else lives in the great outdoors disturb you while you try to sleep. Now, instead of a _(2)_ scenario, imagine taking in nature's beauty but from the comfort and safety of a king-sized bed inside an enclosed yet transparent bubble. These inflatable bubble hotels that offer patrons see-through sleeping experiences were created by a company called Attrap'Reves, which means dream catcher in French. Their _(3)_ must have been bitten by too many mosquitoes while camping.
  The clear plastic bubbles, which _(4)_ four meters in diameter, are designed using entirely recyclable materials and are equipped with electricity and a silent blower providing fresh air continuously. They have all been _(5)_ placed in forested areas with spectacular views but are only a stroll away from the nearest village and a main building where there is access to telescopes with star charts. Guests need not worry about sharing the view with their neighbors since each bubble is accessible only by its own private road that helps _(6)_ total seclusion. For those that desire even more _(7)_, partially opaque bubbles are also available instead of the standard fully transparent ones. Guests need to keep _(8)_ mind, however, that while the stars and moon are the only things that illuminate the night, the sun is strong during the daytime. Therefore, the hotels may be _(9)_ for night owls who wake up late when the sun is already hot. In any event, sleeping in a bubble hotel is an experience to be _(10)_ by those who love the outdoors but don't love sharing it with a forest full of creepy critters.

(A) designers (B) strategically (C) uncomfortable (D) typical (E) ensure
(F) coveted (G) of (H) in (I) methods (J) privacy
(K) measure (L) artificially

  1. In fact, sleeping in woods devoid of car horns, pollution, and obnoxious people is exceptionally peaceful...
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    be devoid of...  缺乏……
    devoid a. 缺乏的
    Hans thinks that the movie was devoid of any action or romance.
    b. 根據上述,(G) 項應為正選。
  2. Now, instead of a typical scenario, imagine taking in nature's beauty but from the comfort and safety of...
    a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a,空格後有名詞 scenario (可能發生的情況),得知空格應置子音開頭的形容詞以修飾 scenario。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅 (D) typical(典型的),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. typical a. 典型的;特有的
    be typical of...  是……的典型特性
    My dog's behavior is typical of this particular breed.
  3. Their designers must have been bitten by too many mosquitoes while camping.
    a. 空格前有代名詞所有格 Their(他們的),空格後有助動詞 must(必須),得知空格應置名詞以作本句的主詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (A) designers(設計師)、(I) methods(方法)、(J) privacy(隱私)及 (K) measure(措施),惟 (A) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. designer n. 設計師
    Lucia has just started out on a career as a interior designer.
  4. The clear plastic bubbles, which measure four meters in diameter, are designed using entirely recyclable materials...
    a. 空格前有關係代名詞 which 作主詞,空格後有作動詞補語的 four meters(四公尺),得知空格應置不及物動詞。
    b. 選項中為不及物動詞的僅有 (K) measure(量起來有……),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. measure vi. 量起來有……
    This room measures 20 square meters.
  5. They have all been strategically placed in forested areas with spectacular views but are only a stroll away from...
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞 been,空格後有過去分詞 placed(被安置),得知空格應置副詞修飾 placed,並形成被動語態。
    b. 選項中為副詞的有 (B) strategically(策略性地)及 (L) artificially(人為地),惟 (B) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. strategically adv.
    Turkey is strategically located between Europe and Asia.
  6. ...since each bubble is accessible only by its own private road that helps ensure total seclusion.
    a. 空格前有動詞 helps(幫助),空格後有作受詞的名詞詞組 total seclusion(完全的隱密性),得知空格應置原形及物動詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅有 (E) ensure(確保),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。此處 ensure 亦可改為 to ensure,因 "help to V" 等於 "help V"。
    c. ensure vt. 確保
    The company took many measures to ensure its product's success.
  7. For those that desire even more privacy, partially opaque bubbles are also available instead of...
    a. 空格前有動詞 desire(渴望)及比較級形容詞 more(較多的),得知空格應置名詞以作 desire 的受詞。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (I) methods(方法)及 (J) privacy(隱私),惟 (J) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. privacy n. 隱私
    It's rude to invade people's privacy by entering rooms without knocking.
  8. Guests need to keep in mind, however, that while the stars and moon are the only things...
    a. 本題測試下列固定用法:
    keep in mind + that 子句  牢記……
    = bear in mind + that 子句
    Keep in mind that Jimmy is only 10 years old and can't handle a lot of responsibility.
    b. 根據上述,(H) 項應為正選。
  9. Therefore, the hotels may be uncomfortable for night owls who wake up late when the sun is already hot.
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞的原形, 空格後有介詞 for,得知空格應置形容詞或作形容詞用的分詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的有 (C) uncomfortable(不舒服的)及 (F) coveted(渴望),惟 (C) 項置入後符合語意,故為正選。
    c. uncomfortable a. 不舒服的
    John feels uncomfortable wearing a suit to work every day.
  10. In any event, sleeping in a bubble hotel is an experience to be coveted by those who love the outdoors...
    a. 空格前有 be 動詞的原形, 空格後有引導被動語態的介詞 by,得知空格應置過去分詞。
    b. 選項中符合上述的僅 (F) coveted(渴望),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. covet vt. 貪圖;渴望
    Coveting what other people have will only make your life bitter.
  1. pitch a tent  紮營,搭帳篷
  2. serene a. 寧靜的
  3. obnoxious a. 討厭的
  4. exceptionally adv. 格外地,非常
  5. pesky a. 討厭的
  6. rodent n. 齧齒目動物
  7. scenario n. 可能發生的情況
  8. transparent a. 透明的
  9. inflatable a. 充氣的
  10. patron n. 顧客
  11. see-through a. 透明的
  12. diameter n. 直徑
  13. recyclable a. 可回收的
  14. forested a. 樹木叢生的
  15. spectacular a. 壯觀的
  16. stroll n. 散步
  17. accessible a. 可到達的;可接近的
  18. seclusion n. 隔絕;隱居
  19. opaque a. 不透明的
  20. creepy a. 令人毛骨悚然的
  21. critter n. 動物
  1. take to V-ing  開始從事……
    My sister has taken to wearing a lot of makeup recently.
  2. take in...  欣賞……
    Let's rest for a while and take in the beauty of the sunset.
  3. enclosed a. 密閉的
    enclose vt. 圍住
    The prison yard is enclosed within high walls.
  4. be equipped with...  配備有……
    Police headquarters has decided to equip their officers with a new kind of pistol.
  5. continuously adv. 連續地
    continuous a. 連續的
    The couple that won the dance marathon was on their feet continuously for 50 hours.
    Astronauts require a continuous supply of oxygen while in space.
  6. access n. 通道,接觸
    have access to...  有取得……的管道
    Only our VIP members have access to that dinner party with the famous author.
  7. illuminate vt. 照亮
    = light up...
    My living room is illuminated by three lamps.

  睡在滿天星斗之下,和大自然間沒有任何隔閡,這可能真的很寧靜。事實上,睡在沒有車子喇叭聲、沒有污染也沒有討厭的人的樹林裡真的格外平靜 也就是說,這種情形會一直維持到討人厭的昆蟲決定從你身上飽餐一頓,還有那些齧齒目動物以及任何棲息在戶外的生物在你打算入睡時打擾你為止。現在,你不用再面對這種情況了,想像一下你睡在密閉而透明的泡泡裡,並從舒服又安全的特大號床上欣賞大自然的美景。這些提供顧客透明睡覺經驗的充氣泡泡旅館是由一家叫 Attrap'Reves 的公司所打造,這個名稱在法文中是『捕夢者』的意思。它的設計師以前在露營時一定被太多的蚊子叮過。

答案:1. G 2. D 3. A 4. K 5. B 6. E 7. J 8. H 9. C 10. F

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