2013年6月10日 星期一

Mental Decline 你還記得嗎?

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2013/06/11 第114期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Mental Decline 你還記得嗎?
by William Ryan
Severe loss of mental functions among the elderly is increasing rapidly.

  Dementia is a medical term that is used to describe a group of brain-related symptoms which all too often affect older people. Impaired memory, confusion, poor judgment, and difficulty carrying out basic daily activities are some of the most commonly seen. Whereas dementia can result from many possible sources, such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, and head injury, the most common cause is Alzheimer's disease, which accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the cases.
  Unfortunately, dementia and Alzheimer's are both increasing at an alarming rate. In the US, it is estimated that five million people are now living with Alzheimer's, with someone being diagnosed with the disease every 72 seconds. Likewise, these two conditions are rapidly increasing in Taiwan.
  Because of their similarities, the two conditions are often confused, and doctors are frequently asked to explain the difference between them. Dementia is any loss of mental ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily activities, such as keeping track of keys or wallets, paying bills, preparing meals, and remembering appointments. Memory loss is the most common symptom, and both short-term and long-term memory can be affected. Basically, dementia is not a specific disease, making it different from Alzheimer's, which is. Alzheimer's is a serious mental illness and the cause of most cases of dementia. People suffering from the disease may forget what day or season it is, have trouble speaking and writing, and not understanding what they see. Alzheimer's is progressive and always fatal, and like cancer, there is unfortunately no known cure for it. Alzheimer's patients are given specific drugs that help in managing some of the disease's symptoms.
  There is a common misconception that severe loss of mental functions is a normal part of the aging process. This false notion is sometimes reflected in the term senile dementia, which is wrongly used to describe the condition of any elderly person who seems mentally afflicted. If older people eat right, stay active, and exercise their brains, they can avoid developing a disease that ultimately robs them of their mental capacity.

1. What is dementia?
(A) A specific brain problem which affects people with Parkinson's disease.
(B) The process of making bad decisions for long periods of time.
(C) A temporary loss of memory after a terrible accident.
(D) A mental problem with multiple symptoms and causes.
2. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of dementia?
(A) Alzheimer's disease.
(B) Memory loss.
(C) Confusion.
(D) Having a hard time preparing meals.
3. How is dementia related to Alzheimer's disease?
(A) When dementia becomes overwhelming, it turns into Alzheimer's disease.
(B) It's much easier to do exercise when someone has experienced Alzheimer's disease.
(C) Alzheimer's disease is the main cause of people suffering from dementia.
(D) Both conditions are closely related because neither one is fatal.
4. According to the article, what is a common misconception people have?
(A) People in developed countries don't have as many mental problems.
(B) People who constantly diet never develop dementia.
(C) Arguing with relatives is one way for people to test for Alzheimer's disease.
(D) Losing mental abilities is something that happens to everyone.

  1. severe a. 嚴重的
  2. dementia n. 痴呆症(編按:現已改稱『腦退化症』,或稱『失智症』)
  3. symptom n. 症狀
  4. affect vt.(疾病的)侵襲
  5. stroke n. 中風
  6. condition n. 疾病;情況
  7. rapidly adv. 迅速地
  8. appointment n. 約會,約定
  9. specific a. 具體的;明確的
  10. progressive a. 逐漸的
  11. misconception n. 誤解
  12. notion n. 觀念,看法
  13. senile a. 高齡所致的;老年的
  14. ultimately adv. 最後,最終
  15. capacity n. 能力
  16. temporary a. 暫時的
  17. multiple a. 多重的,眾多的
  1. all too often  時常;一而再,再而三
  2. have trouble V-ing  在……方面有困難
    = have a hard time V-ing
    = have problems V-ing
    = have difficulty V-ing
  3. a cure for...  ……的治療方法
  4. be related to...  與……有關
  1. impaired a. 受損的
    impair vt. 損害,損傷
    Reading in dim lighting will impair your eyesight.
    *dim a. 昏暗的
  2. carry out...  執行……
    We'll carry out a trial run of the product before we start selling it to the general public.
  3. account for...  (在數量比例上)佔……
    This new series of fantasy novels accounts for about 30 percent of all our sales.
  4. at an alarming rate  以驚人的速度
    Glaciers around the globe are melting at an alarming rate.
    *glacier n. 冰河
  5. It is estimated + that 子句  據估計……
    estimate vt. 估計
    It is estimated that this structure is over 2,000 years old.
  6. be diagnosed with...  被診斷患有……
    Timothy went through a difficult time after he was diagnosed with cancer.
  7. similarity n. 相似處,相同點
    There are a few similarities between the two products.
  8. confuse vt. 混淆,搞錯
    confuse A with / and B  把 A 誤認為 B
    = mix A up with B
    = mistake A for B
    The witness confused the two men and wrongly accused the younger man of stealing her purse.
    Mark confused his girlfriend with her twin and accidentally kissed the wrong one.
  9. interfere with...  妨礙……,干擾……
    interfere vi. 妨礙;干擾
    The company's financial problems are interfering with its plans for expansion.
  10. keep track of...  掌握……;追蹤……
    It's hard to keep track of all the new discoveries in genetics.
  11. fatal a. 致命的
    Hank was struck by a fatal bolt of lightning.
    *a bolt of...  一道(閃電)
  12. reflect vt. 反映
    Alison's behavior reflects the changing attitude of young people today.
  13. afflict vt. 使痛苦,折磨
    be afflicted with...  為……所苦,受……折磨
    My grandmother is afflicted with a rare skin disease.
  14. rob sb of sth  搶奪某人的某物
    rob vt. 搶奪;搶劫
    The young man who robbed the beggar of the change in his bowl was a drug addict.
  15. overwhelming a. 勢不可擋的,招架不住的
    The amount of work I have to do this week is overwhelming.
  16. develop vt. 罹患(某種疾病)
    Gloria died two years after first developing the tumor.

Whereas dementia can result from many possible sources,...
whereas conj. 雖然;然而
whereas 相當於 while,用來連接兩個意思相對的句子。且 whereas 引導的子句可置於另一個子句之前或之後。whereas 或 while 置句首時,譯成『雖然』,置句中時,譯成『然而』、『可是』。
My father likes to wake up early, whereas my mom prefers to sleep in.
= Whereas my father likes to wake up early, my mom prefers to sleep in.
歷屆考題 (考古題源自歷年考題原句並做部份刪減)
_______ all bird species are thought to be susceptible to infections, domestic poultry flocks are especially vulnerable to them.
【93 年指考】
(A) Whether (B) Until
(C) Once (D) Whereas



1. 什麼是痴呆症?
(A) 一種明確的腦部疾病,專門侵優那些患有帕金森氏症的人。
(B) 很長一段時間都會作出錯誤決定的過程。
(C) 在一場嚴重意外之後,暫時喪失了記憶。
(D) 一種有各種症狀及成因的精神疾病。
題解:根據本文第一段所述,(D) 項應為正選。
2. 下列哪一項不是痴呆症的症狀?
(A) 阿茲海默症。
(B) 喪失記憶。
(C) 不知所措。
(D) 準備三餐有困難。
題解:根據本文第一段所述,阿茲海默症會造成痴呆症,而不是其症狀之一,故 (A) 項應為正選。
3. 痴呆症與阿茲海默症有怎麼樣的關聯性呢?
(A) 痴呆症變得很嚴重時,就會變成阿茲海默症。
(B) 某人經歷過阿茲海默症時,做運動就變得很簡單了。
(C) 阿茲海默症是主要導致痴呆症的原因。
(D) 這兩種疾病是息息相關的,因為兩種都不致命。
題解:根據本文第一段,痴呆症可能由不少來源所引起,像是中風、帕金森氏症等,但最常見的成因還是阿茲海默症,故 (C) 項應為正選。
4. 根據本文,人們常見的誤解是什麼?
(A) 已開發國家的人沒有那麼多心理問題。
(B) 持續的節食就不會得到痴呆症。
(C) 與親戚吵架對人們來說是一種測試阿茲海默症的方法。
(D) 喪失心智能力可能發生在每個人身上。
題解:根據本文第四段,常為大家所誤解的就是,心理功能的嚴重衰退是正常老化過程的一部份,得知這種情形有可能會發生在每個人身上,故 (D) 項應為正選。

答案:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D

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