2013年7月15日 星期一

SHMILY 愛,不言而喻

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2013/07/16 第119期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

SHMILY 愛,不言而喻
by Olivia Wycech
How can one silly word represent a lifetime of devotion and love?

  When I was growing up, my grandparents played a special game that involved the word SHMILY. I never understood what that mysterious combination of letters meant, but they would leave it in places for the other to find. SHMILY would turn up in the sugar, written in the frost on the windows, and left on the mirrors after a hot shower, reappearing at the next bath. There would also be notes with SHMILY on them tucked into shoes or left under pillows. The word became as much a part of my grandparents' house as the furniture, and it also became a symbol of their devotion to one another.
  It wasn't until I was older that I realized that my grandparents' game wasn't just silliness, but a way of life. It all came to light after my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled the disease for over 10 years, and my grandfather lovingly stood by her every step of the way. When she passed away, the word SHMILY was even scrawled on the pink ribbons of my grandmother's funeral bouquet. At the funeral, my grandfather approached my grandmother's casket and, through tears and grief, he began to sing. The deep, throaty lullaby was in honor of the depth of their love, which was something that few people will ever experience, and I was privileged to share its unmatched beauty. The meaning of SHMILY was finally revealed to us as we listened to my grandfather sing his final words to my grandmother—see how much I love you.

1. What was the object of the game played by the grandparents?
(A) To see who could figure out the meaning of SHMILY.
(B) To decorate their house with different words that meant a lot to them.
(C) To leave the word SHMILY in a place where the other person would stumble upon it.
(D) To confuse other people who did not know the true meaning of SHMILY.
2. What did the narrator discover about the game when she was older?
(A) The game was meaningless.
(B) The game was the way her grandparents battled disease.
(C) The game was a symbol of breast cancer.
(D) Instead of being a silly game, it was the foundation of the way they lived their lives.
3. How did the grandfather reveal the meaning of SHMILY?
(A) He put the words on his wife's gravestone.
(B) He sang it in a song.
(C) He made the words out of flowers for her funeral.
(D) He told the family in a meeting before the funeral.
4. What is the word SHMILY a symbol of?
(A) Everlasting love.
(B) Long life.
(C) Death and despair.
(D) A lovely lullaby.

  1. mysterious a. 神秘的
  2. frost n. 霜
  3. battle vt. 與……作戰
  4. lovingly adv. 深情地
  5. ribbon n. 絲帶;緞帶
  6. funeral n. 喪禮
  7. bouquet n. 花束
  8. casket n. 棺材
  9. throaty a. 嘶啞的
  10. lullaby n. 搖籃曲
  11. unmatched a. 無與倫比的
  12. narrator n. 講述者(本文指作者)
  13. gravestone n. 墓碑
  14. everlasting a. 永恆的
  1. turn up  出現;露面
    = show up
  2. figure out...  想出……,理解……

It wasn't until I was older that I realized that my grandparents' game wasn't just silliness, but a way of life.

It is / was not until...+ that 子句
此句型為 it is / was 引導的強勢句構,until 可作介詞,之後接名詞;until 亦可作連接詞,之後接主詞 + 動詞,形成副詞子句。
It was not until Helen attended college that she started wearing her hair down.
It was not until 1999 that the small country gained its independence from England.
那個小國一直到 1999 年才從英國獨立。

  1. devotion n. 忠誠
    The boss thanked the retiring employee for his hard work and devotion.
  2. involve vt. 與……有關
    This problem involves solving complicated equations.
  3. combination n. 組合
    The woman is a combination of wit and kindness.
  4. tuck vt. 把……塞進
    The referee told the baseball player to tuck his shirt into his pants.
    *referee n. 裁判
  5. come to light  真相大白
    New evidence has come to light in the scandal that has destroyed the mayor's reputation.
  6. be diagnosed with + 疾病
    diagnose vt. 診斷
    Gary was diagnosed with high blood pressure and had to cut salt from his diet.
  7. stand by sb  支持/幫助某人
    You should stand by your friends when they are in need.
  8. scrawl vt. & vi. 潦草地塗寫
    The business owner put cameras outside his office to catch anyone scrawling on its walls.
  9. approach vt. 接近,靠近
    As the clock struck noon, the train approached the station.
    *strike vt. 敲鐘,報時
    (三態為:strike, struck, struck)
  10. grief n. 悲傷
    On hearing the bad news, Fred couldn't bear the grief and burst into tears.
  11. in honor of...  以紀念……
    They set up the scholarship in honor of the great scientist.
  12. be privileged to V  因……而感到榮幸
    privileged a. 感到榮幸的;有特權的
    Allison was privileged to represent her school at the nationwide swimming competition.
    In the past, only privileged people could afford to go to college.
  13. reveal vt. 揭露
    reveal to...  向……揭露
    Don't even bother asking because I will not reveal what Alice said.
  14. stumble upon...  偶然發現……
    stumble vi. 偶遇
    Mike stumbled upon the rare book in the second-hand bookstore.
  15. despair n. 絕望
    The unexpected occurrence threw John into despair because he didn't know what to do next.
    *occurrence n. 發生的事件(可數)


  在我成長的過程中,我的爺爺奶奶都在玩一個有關 SHMILY 這個字的特殊遊戲。我從來無法理解那神秘的文字組合是什麼意思,但他們會將這個字留在各個地方讓對方去尋找。SHMILY 這個字會出現在糖罐裡,寫在窗戶的白霜上,還會留在洗完熱水澡後的鏡子上,下回洗澡時會再次浮現。另外寫了 SHMILY 字樣的紙條會被塞進鞋子裡,或是遺留在枕頭底下。這個字就像傢俱一樣成了爺爺奶奶家的一部份,而它也變成對彼此忠誠的一種象徵。
  直到我年紀比較大了,我才瞭解爺爺奶奶之間的遊戲並不愚蠢,而是一種生活方式。這一切在我奶奶被診斷出患有乳癌後就真相大白了。她與病魔搏鬥了十多年,而我爺爺一路走來都深情地長伴她左右。我奶奶過世時,SHMILY 這個字甚至還被塗寫在我奶奶喪禮花束的粉紅色絲帶上。在喪禮上,爺爺走近奶奶的靈柩,含著眼淚並帶著悲傷唱起了歌。這首低沉而嘶啞的搖籃曲是為了紀念他們的愛有多深,而這是鮮少有人會體驗到的愛,我很榮幸能分享這份無與倫比的美麗。當我們聽到爺爺向奶奶唱出的最後一句歌詞,我們終於明白了 SHMILY 的含義??看看我有多愛妳。

1. 爺爺奶奶玩這個遊戲的目的是什麼?
(A) 看看誰能夠猜出 SHMILY 的意思。
(B) 使用各種對他們來說有重大意義的字來裝飾房子。
(C) 在對方會偶然發現的地方留下 SHMILY 這個字。
(D) 混淆其他不知道 SHMILY 真正含義的人。
題解:根據本文第一段,他們會將這個字留在各個地方讓對方去尋找,故 (C) 項應為正選。
2. 作者長大時發現了什麼和該遊戲有關的事情?
(A) 該遊戲是沒有意義的。
(B) 該遊戲是奶奶對抗疾病的方法。
(C) 該遊戲是乳癌的象徵。
(D) 與其說是一個無聊的遊戲,它其實是爺爺奶奶過生活的基本原則。
題解:根據本文第二段第一句,直到我年紀比較大了,我才瞭解爺爺奶奶之間的遊戲並不愚蠢,而是一種生活方式,故 (D) 項應為正選。
3. 這位爺爺是如何揭露 SHMILY 的含義?
(A) 他把這句話放在他妻子的墓碑上。
(B) 他在一首歌中把它唱了出來。
(C) 他用她葬禮上的花排出這些字。
(D) 他在葬禮之前的會議中告訴了家人。
題解:根據本文第二段,在喪禮上,爺爺走近奶奶的靈柩,含著眼淚並帶著悲傷唱起了歌,當我們聽到爺爺向奶奶唱出的最後一句歌詞,我們終於明白了 SHMILY 的含義,故 (B) 項應為正選。
4. SHMILY 這個字是什麼的象徵?
(A) 永恆的愛。
(B) 長壽。
(C) 死亡與絕望。
(D) 一首可愛的搖籃曲。
題解:根據本文第二段最後一句,得知 SHMILY 的含義即是看看我有多愛妳,故 (A) 項應為正選。

答案:1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A

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