2013年10月21日 星期一

In Search of Mom 尋母記

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2013/10/22 第123期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

In Search of Mom 尋母記

請根據上面三張連環圖畫的內容,以 "Jennifer never thought she would meet her biological mother." 開頭,寫一篇約120-140字的文章,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。

  Jennifer never thought she would meet her biological mother. She was born in Taiwan but adopted by a couple from the US when she was a baby. She grew up happily there because her adoptive parents treated her very well. However, Jennifer always wanted to know more about her biological mother.
On her 18th birthday, Jennifer decided she would travel to Taiwan to look for her biological mother. The only clue Jennifer had about her was an envelope with her name and an old address on it. When she arrived in Taiwan, she contacted the local police for help. The police went to the address, but the woman had moved. Luckily, the neighbors had information about her whereabouts. With their help, Jennifer eventually found her biological mother and got a lot of her burning questions answered.

Writing Method: 1. 引導句:珍妮佛在台灣出生,但有對來自美國的夫婦在她還是嬰兒時領養了她。
2. 發展句:珍妮佛十八歲生日時,決定要去台灣尋找她的生母。
3. 結論句:經由鄰居的幫忙,珍妮佛終於找到了她的生母,而且許多急切的問題都得到了答案。



  1. adopt vt. 收養,領養
    After five years of waiting, Gina and Tim were finally able to adopt a child.
  2. couple n.(一對)夫婦;情侶
    The couple needed to decide on a wedding date.
  3. treat vt. 對待
    Owen's family has treated me like part of their family since I was young.
  4. look for...  尋找……
    I was fresh from college when I came to Taipei to look for a job.
  5. clue n. 提示;線索
    Can you give me some clues about where the surprise party will be held?
  6. arrive in...  抵達……
    Our flight is due to arrive in Taipei at 10:00 PM.
  7. contact vt. 聯繫,聯絡
    Beth usually contacts her parents by phone once a week.
  8. a burning question  急切的問題;渴望得到解答的問題
    I have a burning question about my childhood for you.
  1. biological mother n. 親生母親
  2. adoptive parent(s) n. 養父母
  3. whereabouts n. 行蹤;去向

with 的用法
介詞 with 有許多用法,在本文最後一句 "With their help, Jennifer eventually found her biological mother..." 中,with 放句首表『有……;隨著……』。例︰
With your help, I have nothing to worry about.
= Having your help, I have nothing to worry about.
With the passing of time, he's gotten older and wiser.
with 亦表『使用(某物)』之意。
Mom cut the potato with a knife.
Sandy does everything with care.

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