2013年10月14日 星期一

Underwater Cycling Makes a Big Splash 水底飛輪造成大轟動

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2013/10/15 第132期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Underwater Cycling Makes a Big Splash 水底飛輪造成大轟動
by Brian Foden
Another new fitness craze has hit the shores of America.

  When it comes to the benefits of cycling, the Europeans are teaching the Americans a thing or two. First _(1)_ in Italy and then spreading to Spain, France, and some other parts of Europe, underwater cycling is now in the United States, specifically New York City. The concept of underwater cycling is simple yet _(2)_ as specially designed stationary bikes are placed in water a bit more than one meter in depth in a pool. The water resistance provides cyclists _(3)_ a tougher workout than one done on land, and the water has other advantages, too. This is not surprising since an Italian physiotherapist created the activity as a method to provide physical _(4)_ to injured athletes. Since the water supports a person's body weight, there is less _(5)_ on the joints. Also, the water resistance provides a deep massage for muscles, and the exercise burns cellulite and gets rid of toxins and calories very efficiently.
  Aqua cycling was brought to New York City by a former French fashion photographer named Esther Gauthier. After learning about the exercise craze when she was visiting France a few years ago, Gauthier decided it would be a good idea to _(6)_ it to America. Her studio offers 45-minute classes in _(7)_ participants work out using various positions on and behind the stationary bikes to improve their fitness. Considering the popularity of underwater cycling in Europe, it shouldn't be too long before the idea spreads to the rest of America and around the globe.

1. (A) develop  (B) developed  (C) developing  (D) develops
2. (A) effective  (B) accidental  (C) miserable  (D) suspicious
3. (A) into  (B) over  (C) with  (D) about
4. (A) trend  (B) confusion  (C) therapy  (D) jealousy
5. (A) obedience  (B) maturity  (C) pursuit  (D) stress
6. (A) introduce  (B) resolve  (C) terrify  (D) inform
7. (A) whom  (B) which  (C) that  (D) whose

  1. First developed in Italy and then spreading to Spain, France, and some other parts of Europe, underwater cycling is now in the United States...
    a. 本句原為 "Underwater cycling was first developed in Italy and...Europe, underwater cycling is now in the..." 但如此一來造成兩句無連接詞連接的錯誤句構。補救之道為將第一個子句依照分詞句構化簡法變成分詞片語。故將第一個子句中相同的主詞刪除,並將 be 動詞 was 變成現在分詞 being 之後省略。
    Faced with difficulties, Karen never gave up.
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  2. The concept of underwater cycling is simple yet effective as specially designed stationary bikes are placed in water a bit more than one meter in depth in a pool.
    a. (A) effective a. 有效的
    Attention to detail is necessary for effective proofreading.
    (B) accidental a. 意外的
    accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地(= by accident)
    One of the mechanic's fingers was accidentally cut off.
    (C) miserable a. 痛苦的,悲慘的
    Putting this job in a negative light will only make you miserable.
    (D) suspicious a. 懷疑的
    be suspicious of...  對……感到懷疑
    Tina was suspicious of me at first, but I eventually earned her trust.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  3. The water resistance provides cyclists with a tougher workout than one done on land...
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    provide sb with sth  提供某物給某人
    = provide sth for sb
    The organization provides single mothers with free day-care services.
    = The organization provides free day-care services for single mothers.
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  4. This is not surprising since an Italian physiotherapist created the activity as a method to provide physical therapy to injured athletes.
    a. (A) trend n. 趨勢,潮流
    The designer always pays close attention to the latest fashion trends.
    (B) confusion n. 困惑;混亂
    My mother-in-law's unexpected visit caused a lot of confusion.
    (C) therapy n. 治療,療法
    Gary had to undergo physical therapy after the accident.
    (D) jealousy n. 妒忌
    The letter made Judy insane with jealousy.
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  5. Since the water supports a person's body weight, there is less stress on the joints.
    a. (A) obedience n. 服從;順從
    It was tough to teach the dog obedience.
    (B) maturity n. 成熟
    Although the story is full of imagination, the author's writing lacks maturity.
    (C) pursuit n. 追蹤;追求
    in pursuit of...  追求/找尋……
    Many people sacrifice their health in pursuit of wealth and power.
    (D) stress n. 壓力
    The major source of stress for most people is their finances.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  6. After learning about the exercise craze when she was visiting France a few years ago, Gauthier decided it would be a good idea to introduce it to America.
    a. (A) introduce vt. 引進;介紹
    introduce A to B  把 A 引進/介紹到 B
    The waiter introduced the daily specials to us.
    (B) resolve vt. 解決
    The controversy surrounding the president's election was eventually resolved.
    (C) terrify vt. 使驚嚇
    terrifying a. 令人害怕的
    We had a terrifying encounter with a hungry bear while camping.
    (D) inform vt. 通知,告知
    inform sb about / of sth  通知某人某事
    The doctor informed us of our father's condition shortly after his surgery.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  7. Her studio offers 45-minute classes in which participants work out using various positions on and behind the stationary bikes to improve their fitness.
    a. 空格前有表事物的先行詞 classes(課程)和介詞 in,且空格後為一完整的子句,故空格內應置入關係代名詞which來引導形容詞子句。
    This is the house in which Miranda once lived.
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  1. make a splash  惹人注目,引起轟動
    = cause a sensation
    splash n. 濺起的水花或聲音
    Al made a splash at the singing contest.
  2. craze n. 熱潮,一時的狂熱
    The latest craze among kids in Taiwan is street dancing.
  3. a thing or two  一些東西;不少東西
    Mary told me a thing or two about Jerry.
  4. spread vi. 蔓延,散播(三態同形)
    There is an ongoing crisis because that infectious disease is spreading quickly.
  5. resistance n. 阻力
    Wind resistance caused the car to run slower.
  6. injured a. 受傷的
    Jimmy wrecked his car this morning, but luckily no one was injured.
    *wreck vt. 使遇難;損壞
  7. efficiently adv. 有效率地
    Jeff always does his work efficiently.
  8. popularity n. 人氣
    The singer's popularity increases with every album she releases.
  1. fitness n. 健康
  2. specifically adv. 特別地
  3. stationary bike  (健身用的)固定式腳踏車
  4. in depth  在深度方面
  5. workout n. 鍛鍊
  6. physiotherapist n. 物理治療師
  7. joint n. 關節
  8. massage n. 按摩
  9. cellulite n.(皮下的)脂肪圈
  10. toxin n. 毒素
  11. aqua n. 水
  12. participant n. 參與者,參賽者


答案: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B

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