2013年10月21日 星期一

Vegetarian Trailblazers 素食先驅

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2013/10/22 第133期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Vegetarian Trailblazers 素食先驅
by Leigh Goldberg
A public school in New York City has become the first to serve a completely meatless menu.

  Founded in 2008, the Active Learning Elementary School in Flushing, Queens in New York City serves over 400 students from pre-kindergarten to the third grade. _(1)_ They have put their money where their mouth is with their lunch menu.
  Three years ago, the principal noticed that many of the students were bringing their own vegetarian meals from home. The school's incorporation of health and nutrition in their educating of the children was starting to take effect. In response, PS 244 started serving meatless meals three days a week nearly two years ago. _(2)_ The enthusiasm for these healthier meals was boundless, so the school expanded their vegetarian program to four days a week in the spring of 2012. _(3)_
  All the dishes on the school's menu meet the US Department of Agriculture's standards and requirements for protein and nutrition per serving. Students can choose from falafels, roasted chickpeas, vegetarian chili with brown rice, roasted tofu with sesame sauce, and tofu vegetable wraps with cucumber salad, to name a few. _(4)_ Even though the school only serves meatless meals, children that bring their own lunches are free to eat whatever they want. _(5)_

(A) Then in January of 2013, PS 244 officially went completely meatless.
(B) Additionally, they tried out new vegetarian options on a small group of students and changed their menu according to their feedback.
(C) Also known as PS 244, the public school emphasizes the principle that a healthy lifestyle is a direct line to strong academic achievement.
(D) The Active Learning Elementary School is the first public school to serve an all-vegetarian menu, but it certainly won't be the last.
(E) The biggest hit with the kids are the black bean and cheddar quesadillas served with salsa and roasted potatoes.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "the Active Learning Elementary
    School"(積極學習小學),而選項 (C) 的句子補充說明這所小學的別名,"Also known as PS 244, the public school..."(該所公立學校亦稱為 PS 244 小學……),兩句皆有提到關鍵字 school(學校),因此產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. emphasize vt. 強調,重視
    The report emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet.
    b. academic a. 學業的;學術的
  2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "..., PS 244 started serving meatless meals three days a week nearly two years ago."(……,PS 244 小學大約兩年前便開始提供每週三天的素食餐點。),而選項 (B) 的句子補充說明其實行方法 "Additionally, they tried out new vegetarian options on a small group of students..."(此外,他們還針對一小群學生試驗新的素食菜色……),空格前一句所提到的 meatless meals(素食餐點),與 (B) 項句子提到的 new vegetarian options(新的素食菜色)相互呼應,因此兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. try out...  試驗/試用(非身上所穿之物)
    Mary tried out the mattress before buying it.
    b. feedback n. 反饋;回應
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提及 "...the school expanded their vegetarian program to... in the spring of 2012."(……該校於 2012 年春天將其素食計劃擴增到……),而 (A) 項句子進一步提及『時間點』,"Then in January of 2013, PS 244..."
    (隨後於 2013 年一月,PS 244 小學……),前後兩句皆有提到時間,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    officially adv. 正式地
  4. 第四題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "Students can choose from falafels, roasted chickpeas..., to name a few."(學生可以選擇油炸素丸子、烤鷹嘴豆……等,僅舉少數幾個為例。),而選項 (E) 的句子補充說明最受孩子們歡迎的是 "black bean and cheddar quesadillas served with salsa..."(黑豆、切達薄餅搭配莎莎醬……),兩句皆提及菜餚名稱,因此形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. hit n. 熱門/受歡迎的事物
    b. cheddar n. 切達起司
    c. quesadilla n. 墨西哥薄餅
    d. salsa n. 莎莎醬(墨西哥食物中用蕃茄、洋蔥等製成的辣調味汁)
  5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "Even though the school only serves meatless meals..."(雖然學校僅供應素食餐點……),而選項 (D) 的句子補充說明 "The Active Learning Elementary School is the first public school to serve an all-vegetarian menu..."(積極學習小學是第一所供應全素菜單的公立學校……),前後兩句皆提到『供應素食』,因此形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    all-vegetarian a. 全素的
  1. put one's money where one's mouth is某人說話算話/用行動證明自己所說的話
    If you think you are better than me at tennis, why don't you put your money where your mouth is?
  2. incorporation n. 納入
    The incorporation of visual aids into the class increased the students' learning.
  3. take effect  生效
    The company's policy will take effect as of this July.
  4. response n. 回應;答覆
    (與介詞 to 並用)
    in response to...  因應/回應……
    The government announced more tax cuts in response to the worsening economy.
  5. expand vt. 擴展
    The resort expanded its services by adding a spa center.
  6. standard n. 標準
    Your paper is not up to standard, so you need to redo it.
  7. requirement n. 要求,條件
    meet a / the requirement  符合/達到要求
    I'm afraid you don't meet the requirements for the job.
  8. (just) to name a few  僅舉幾個為例
    The salad includes tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers, just to name a few.
  9. be free to V  可以自由做/隨意做……
    You are free to order anything you want.
  1. vegetarian a. 素食的 & n. 素食者
  2. trailblazer n. 先驅
  3. meatless a. 素食的;無肉的
  4. pre-kindergarten n. 學齡前班
  5. enthusiasm n. 熱情,熱忱
  6. boundless a. 無限的,無窮的
  7. serving n.(食物、飲料等)一份
  8. falafel n. 油炸素丸子
  9. chickpea n. 鷹嘴豆;雞豆
  10. chili n. 紅番椒
  11. sesame n. 芝麻
  12. wrap n. 包裹物
  13. cucumber n. 黃瓜

  位於紐約市皇后區法拉盛的積極學習小學創始於 2008 年,該校提供四百多名從學齡前班到小學三年級的學生就讀。該所公立學校亦稱為 PS 244 小學,他們所強調的原則就是『健康的生活方式是達到卓越學業成果的直接方法』。而他們已經用午餐菜單來證明自己做到言行一致了。
  該校校長三年前就發現許多學生從家裡帶來自備的素食餐點。校方將健康和營養的觀念納入孩子們的教育當中,當時就開始見效。為了對此有所回應,PS 244 小學大約兩年前便開始提供每週三天的素食餐點。此外,他們還針對一小群學生試驗新的素食菜色,並根據他們的反應來改變其菜單。正因對這些較健康的膳食抱有無限熱忱,所以該校於 2012 年春天將其素食計劃擴展到每週四天。隨後於 2013 年一月,PS 244 小學正式實行全面素食的政策。
答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. E 5. D

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