2013年11月18日 星期一

Kindness Wins 人間處處有溫情

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2013/11/19 第137期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Kindness Wins 人間處處有溫情
by Olivia Wycech
How bullying changed one gay student's life for the better.

  For some, college years are the best times of their lives, but many others have not been so fortunate. For a multitude of reasons, college students all over the world are forced to endure teasing and bullying to varying degrees, making those years less than pleasurable. Fortunately, there are kind-hearted people in this world looking out for one another. When a student in Radford, Virginia, became a victim of bullying and his car was repeatedly vandalized, a group of local business owners heard his story and set out to change the young student's life.
  Jordan Addison is an openly gay student at Radford University. His car had been vandalized a total of four times, with things like hateful slurs keyed into it. The damage totaled US$2,500, an amount that exceeds most students' budgets. When the manager of Quality Auto Paint and Body, Richard Henegar, Jr., heard his story, he felt compelled to help. He and several other businesses pooled together and donated more than ten thousand dollars' worth of work and over 100 hours of their time not only repairing Addison's car, but pimping it out, too. Addison's car got a new paint job, tinted windows, an alarm system, and even a new stereo. Henegar explained that it was the least they could do, and Addison was overjoyed, saying that the car had never looked that good the entire time he owned it. Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres noted this on her daytime talk show when she awarded Henegar and Addison each US$25,000. You never know how much even the smallest random act of kindness can change someone's life.

1. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Everyone loves college.
(B) Car repairs are expensive.
(C) Bullying is impossible to stop.
(D) Even if something bad happens, kindness can overcome it.
2. Why was Addison bullied?
(A) He was attracted to members of the same sex.
(B) He drove an ugly car.
(C) People in Virginia don't like students that attend Radford.
(D) His family was poor and couldn't afford much.
3. What does pimping it out mean?
(A) Someone had used his car for the wrong reasons.
(B) Basic repairs were done to his car.
(C) The car was altered and made better.
(D) Necessary repairs were done to his car.
4. What was the random act of kindness in this story?
(A) A bully keying a stranger's car.
(B) An auto shop helping a stranger in need.
(C) Spending 100 hours in the car.
(D) Running up a US$25,000 bill.

  1. bullying n. 霸凌;恃強凌弱的行為
    bully vt. 欺負 & n. 惡霸
  2. pleasurable a. 使人快樂的
  3. kind-hearted a. 仁慈的
  4. repeatedly adv. 一再地,反覆地
  5. vandalize vt. 蓄意破壞
  6. openly adv. 公開地
  7. hateful a. 充滿憎恨的
  8. slur n. 污辱;詆毀
  9. key vt.(用鑰匙)刻劃詆毀文字
  10. pool vi. 合資
  11. tinted a. 著色的
  1. pimp...out  使……升級;使……變得更華麗
  2. run up...  積欠……

He and several other businesses pooled together and donated more than ten thousand dollars' worth of work...
數量詞 + 所有格 + worth of...  總共……的……
The tornado caused US$50,000's worth of damage.
My mother always buys a week's worth of groceries on the weekends.

  1. a multitude of...  許多的……,大量的……
    multitude n. 大量
    A multitude of problems exist with this new software.
  2. endure vt. 忍耐,忍受
    Mike's immune system has been weakened by the stress he endures at work.
  3. to a / an...degree  到達……的程度
    = to a / an...extent
    I agree with what you've said to some extent.
  4. look out for...  盡力照顧好……
    When all is said and done, you have to look out for your family members above anyone else.
  5. set out to V  打算……,開始從事……
    We set out to raise money for the charity again.
  6. exceed vt. 超過,勝過
    We estimate that our profits this year will exceed US$10 million.
  7. compel vt. 強迫,迫使
    compel sb to V  迫使某人(做)……
    Jack's rude remark compelled me to say something back to him.
  8. overjoyed a. 非常高興的,狂喜的
    Upon seeing his missing dog, Henry was overjoyed.
  9. award vt. 授與,頒發
    The champion of the contest was awarded the trophy.
  10. overcome vt. 戰勝;克服
    = conquer vt.
    I could not overcome the feeling of guilt I had, so I apologized.
  11. alter vt. & vi. 改變
    alternative n. 可供選擇的東西/辦法
    have no alternative / option / choice but to V
    Being fired from her high-paying job dramatically altered Lisa's life.
    The farmer had no alternative but to sell his land to the large company.

1. 本文的主旨是什麼?
(A) 每個人都喜歡大學。
(B) 修理車子的費用很昂貴。
(C) 要停止霸凌是不可能的。
(D) 即使發生了不好的事情,善心都能克服它。
題解:本文描述一位遭到霸凌的學生因為得到他人好心的相助而擺脫陰霾,重新發現人性美好的一面,故 (D) 項應為正選。
2. 愛迪生為什麼遭到霸凌?
(A) 他被同志所吸引。
(B) 他開的車很醜。
(C) 維吉尼亞州的人不喜歡就讀拉德福大學的學生。
(D) 他的家庭很貧困,而且無法負擔太多費用。
題解:根據本文第二段第一句,喬丹由於已公開自己性向,導致他的車子多次遭到破壞,故 (A) 項應為正選。
3. pimping it out 是什麼意思?
(A) 有人用他的車來做不好的事情。
(B) 他的車子作了基本的維修。
(C) 他的車子變得更好了。
(D) 他的車子作了必要的維修。
題解:根據本文第二段,修車廠不僅幫他把車修理好,還做了一番改造升級,例如車子重新烤漆,車窗也重新上色,還裝了新的警報系統,甚至音響也是新的,故 (C) 項應為正選。
4. 在這個故事中隨機的善行是什麼?
(A) 在陌生人的車上留下霸凌的文字。
(B) 一家修車廠幫助了一位需要幫助的陌生人。
(C) 花了一百個小時待在車上。
(D) 積欠了一筆兩萬五千美元的帳單。
題解:根據本文第一段最後一句,有一群當地企業的老闆聽說了喬丹的故事,並出手幫忙,改變了這名年輕學生的生活,故 (B) 項應為正選。
答案: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B

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