2013年11月20日 星期三

Taipei’s Resplendent Nights

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2013/11/21 第86期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份DiscoveTaipei
本期主題 Taipei's Resplendent Nights
Taipei's Resplendent Nights
文/Discover Taipei
Taipei's attractive appearance does not disappear into the darkness with night's arrival. Instead, the darkness cloaks the metropolis in an altogether different kind of allure. Whether wandering through its areas of natural beauty or exploring the streets of the urban center, you will discover that at night, in every corner, Taipei glitters with sparkling radiance and color.

Yangmingshan (陽明山), Xiangshan (象山), and Maokong (貓空) present nightscapes that are not to be missed, and in this issue we provide you with an introduction to the first of these. If you've a mind to enjoy gorgeous night views from one of the world's 25 greatest engineering achievements, the Taipei 101 Observatory (台北101觀景臺) beckons. The Grand Hotel (圓山大飯店) brims with classical-style beauty, inspiring the imagination in the still of night. Moreover, the city's sleek river-spanning light-sculpture bridges, accompanied by sparkling reflections on the water and glittering stars in the sky, create a dream-like sense of fantasy.

Taipei 101 Observatory – Magnificent Nighttime Views

The Taipei 101 (台北101) tower, in Xinyi District (信義區), is one of Taiwan's foremost tourist landmarks. It has been declared one of 25 mankind's greatest engineering achievements by CNN, which also placed the elevator ride up the tower 9th in its list of "49 journeys that'll change your life."

The Taipei 101 Observatory night-viewing experience is in every way extraordinary. Passengers are whisked up in super-fast elevators declared the world's fastest streamlined pressurized elevators by Guinness in 2004. The observation deck on the 89th floor is reached in just 37 seconds. The deck offers splendid views of Taipei from a different angle. As the stars pop up and flicker high in the sky, the lights of the city flicker to life far down below, presenting a bedazzling landscape.

On New Year's Eve, a grand countdown party is held in the area below the tower, and Taipei 101 itself is the launch pad for a tremendous fireworks show that rings in the New Year. The celebration is very popular with foreign tourists and expatriate residents, and you are heartily invited to join in the fun.

Light-Sculpture Bridges – Riverside Lights and Radiant Flowing Lines

The light-sculpture bridges that span the Tamsui River and its tributaries between Taipei City and New Taipei City are major players in shaping the charm of Taipei at night. The city currently has 12 such bridges on its rivers. From north to south: Guandu Bridge (關渡大橋), Chongyang Bridge (重陽橋), Taipei Bridge (台北橋), Huajiang Bridge (華江橋), Wanban Bridge (萬板大橋), Huacui Bridge (華翠大橋), Huazhong Bridge (華中橋), Zhongzheng Bridge (中正橋), Yongfu Bridge (永福橋), Fuhe Bridge (福和橋), Wanshan Bridge (萬善橋), and Bao Bridge (寶橋). Decorated with energy-efficient LED lighting, they splendidly enhance the city's riparian zones.

Guandu Bridge spans the Tamsui River between Taipei's Beitou District (北投區) and New Taipei City's Bali District (新北市八里區). Renowned for its bright-red arches, it has a sightseeing walkway from which inspiring river views can be enjoyed. Rays of light shoot upward to envelop the bridge has rounded form, adding even more to the night beauty of the Tamsui River estuary.

The cable-stayed Chongyang Bridge also spans the Tamsui River, connecting Taipei's Shilin (士林) with the suburb of Sanchong (三重). The body of the bridge was originally painted red to contrast with the silver of the steel cables, giving rise to its well-known reputation for "red-column peaks, rainbow bridge spanning the sky" (紅柱凌霄,虹橋跨天). The main part of the bridge was later painted lily-white as part of the nighttime light-sculpture plans – and the nightly show is indeed dazzling.

Yongfu Bridge, located near the Gongguan Riverside Plaza (公館水岸廣場), has an arch bridge right beside it with a large water pipe on top, used to transport drinking water. This has led to its being called the Yongfu Water Pipe Bridge (永福水管橋). The look of the architecture is unique, and on clear days, the rainbow lighting is reflected off the water's surface to lovely effect. The Gongguan Riverside Plaza is Taipei's only riverside area without a dike as part of the landscape, and the Taipei Water Park (自來水園區) and Gongguan Commercial District (公館商圈) are close by, so you can end a fine day spent in the park and/or shopping by heading over to the river to view the light-sculpture art.

Taipei at night offers all the elements that make for perfect travel outings long remembered – stargazing, breezy drives, pleasant strolls, and great food. Set up your own night-tour itinerary and enjoy that unique Taipei feeling of carefree freedom amidst the glittering city nightscape.

The Grand Hotel – A Raising Red Hillside Icon of Retro Grandeur

Taipei's venerable Grand Hotel is a 14-story structure built in classical Chinese palace style. Standing lofty and majestic on the flank of Yuanshan (圓山), it's a Taipei landmark known worldwide. At night, the hotel glows with light, as through dressed in a striking red gown, a modern beauty of classical aesthetics.

Because of its elevated location, look to the right from the second-floor garden-view terrace and you'll get a clear view of the distinctive architecture of the Chientan Youth Activity Center (劍潭青年活動中心) and of the coruscating Shilin nightscape. Look left and you'll enjoy a tranquil and expansive night view of Dajia Riverside Park (大佳河濱公園), Dazhi Bridge (大直橋), and far-off Taipei 101. When the weather's nice you can walk from MRT Jiantan Station (捷運劍潭站) to the hotel, along Zhongshan North Road (中山北路). After walking about 500 meters or so you'll see the entrance and stairs that lead up into the Yuanshan Scenic Area (圓山風景區). Climb up to the viewing platform on Jiantan Mountain (劍潭山), where you'll be greeted with the beauty of the sparkling Taipei nightscape. The Grand Hotel is having a big countdown party on New Year's Eve, on the 12th floor, and you should consider this your personal invitation to both party fun and great nighttime views.


Taipei 101 台北101大樓

Add: 45, Shifu Rd. (市府路45號)

Observatory Hours:

Daily 09:00~22:00 (last ticket sales and entry at 21:15); tickets sold on 5F, Taipei 101 Mall (台北101購物中心), immediate access to Observatory.

Tel: (02)8101-8898

Website: www.taipei-101.com.tw

Taipei Light Sculpture Bridges

Guandu Bridge 關渡大橋

Between Fude Borough, Tamsui District, New Taipei City

(新北市淡水區福德里) and Longyuan Borough, Bali District, New Taipei City (新北市八里區龍源里)

Chongyang Bridge 重陽橋

Between Shilin, Taipei City (臺北市士林區) and Sanchong, New Taipei City (新北市三重區)

Yongfu Bridge 永福橋

Between Siyuan St., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City (臺北市中正區思源街) and Fuhe Rd., Yonghe District, New Taipei City (新北市永和區福和路)

Grand Hotel 圓山大飯店

Add: 1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd. (中山北路4段1號)

Tel: (02)2886-8888


Take Taipei Metro Tamsui Line (淡水線) to Yuanshan Station (圓山站), take Exit 1, walk diagonally to Yumen St. (玉門街), take free shuttle bus where indicated among other public-bus stops.

Website: www.grand-hotel.org


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