2013年12月11日 星期三

I Wouldn't Go in There 不想去的詭地方

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2013/12/10 第140期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

I Wouldn't Go in There 不想去的詭地方
by Marcus Maurice
Urban explorer Robert Joe goes where many people are scared to go.

  In 2011, eight students went to the abandoned Tat Tak School grounds in Hong Kong to see if it was really haunted. For years, there had been rumors of a former teacher that had committed suicide in one of the bathrooms, roaming the grounds as a ghost. Once they got near a gravestone, one of the students told the group that she saw a woman in a red dress coming toward them. They were all scared silly, so they ran away to the nearest train station. When they stopped to catch their breath, the girl in the group that had seen the ghost tried to strangle herself and bite the other students. Soon, she fainted, and when she woke up, things were back to normal.
  Robert Joe is a blogger and urban explorer, and likes to try and find out the untold stories behind haunted sites. He believes that every paranormal encounter can be explained, and the truth that he sometimes finds is even stranger than fiction. This month on National Geographic Channel, Joe treks to Tat Tak School in the series, I Wouldn't Go in There to see if it's really haunted.
  In another episode, Joe heads to one of Taiwan's top tourist attractions, Green Island. Many people are drawn there because of the hot springs and the beaches, but some locals say Green Island is haunted. Joe hears rumors about a headless ghost that had buried a treasure on the beach, and he vows to dig up the truth. Watch I Wouldn't Go in There to learn if Tat Tak really has ghosts and if Joe finds any gold on the beaches of Green Island.

  1. abandoned a. 被遺棄的
    abandon vt. 拋棄;遺棄
    The baby polar bear was abandoned by its mother.
  2. rumor n. 謠言,傳聞
    Rumor has it that...  謠傳……
    = Word has it that...
    = It is said that...
    Rumor has it that Mr. Brown has sold his business.
  3. roam vt. & vi. 漫步;徘徊
    There are problems with beggars roaming the halls of Taipei Main Station.
  4. strangle vt. 勒死
    The forensic examination showed that the man was strangled to death.
    *forensic a. 法醫的
  5. encounter n. 遭遇(與介詞 with 並用)& vt. 碰見
    In the woods, we had a terrifying encounter with hungry bears.
    The proposed new law encountered great opposition in the legislature.
  6. head to...  前往……
    = head for...
    = set out for...
    = set off for...
    Linda is heading to Tokyo this afternoon.
    = Linda is setting out for Tokyo this afternoon.
  7. vow vt. 發誓 & n. 誓言
    vow to V  發誓要做……
    make a vow  發誓
    Peter and Judy vowed to be there for each other, no matter what.
    Jenny made a vow that she would never reveal her beauty secrets.
  1. explorer n. 探險家
  2. ground
    vi. 落地(此處指座落於)& n.(建築物周圍的)土地
  3. haunted a. 鬧鬼的
  4. gravestone n. 墓碑
  5. faint vi. 暈倒,昏厥
  6. blogger n.(撰寫部落格的)部落客
  7. untold a. 未說出的;未透露的
  8. paranormal a. 超自然的,神秘的
  9. trek vi. 長途跋涉
  10. episode n.(電視節目的)一集
  11. local n. 當地人

When they stopped to catch their breath, the girl in the group that had seen the ghost tried to strangle herself and bite the other students.
stop to V 停下來去(做)……
stop V-ing 停止(做)……
Stop to take a rest, or you will be too tired.
Stop listening to that horrible music. It is driving me up a wall!
*drive sb up a wall  逼某人發瘋

  1. catch one's breath  喘口氣
  2. dig up...  挖掘……

  2011 年,有八位學生前往位於香港,且已荒廢的達德學校,想看看它是否真的鬧鬼。多年來一直有傳言說有一位前任老師在某間浴室裡自殺,之後就變成鬼魂在那裡徘徊遊蕩。當他們走到一座墓碑附近,有一位同學告訴大家,她看見一個身穿紅色洋裝的女人正朝他們走來。大家都嚇傻了,於是就逃向最近的火車站。當他們停下來喘口氣時,團隊裡之前看到鬼魂的那位女生竟試圖勒自己的脖子和咬其他學生。不久後,她就昏倒了,而當她醒來時,一切又恢復正常。

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