2014年1月28日 星期二

A Bus Just for Dogs 唯『狗』獨尊

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2014/01/28 第147期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Bus Just for Dogs 唯『狗』獨尊
by Olivia Wycech

Dogs in Hong Kong are getting a new view of their city from aboard a bus.

  It's widely known that dogs are man's best friends. _(1)_ Outdoor adventures are the best way to keep a dog happy and healthy, but for pet owners living in major metropolitan areas, this can be hard. _(2)_ For people who don't own cars or can't afford taxis, it's even harder to get out of the city with their pets because public transportation generally prohibits animals from traveling in their vehicles. In Hong Kong, two pet owners had finally had enough and decided to do something about it.
  In 2012, the Ninety-nine Bus began carting canines and their owners across Hong Kong. _(3)_ The bus runs on weekends and public holidays and stops at several popular recreational areas around the city and on the outskirts of Hong Kong. Since its trial run, the Ninety-nine Bus has developed into a semi-permanent, independent bus line with regular routes and new stops being added regularly.
  The response to the campaign has been extremely positive, with offers of sponsorship and loads of possible collaborations. _(4)_ Ninety-nine Bus' Facebook group already has nearly 10,000 likes and features countless photos of happy dogs running through parks and swimming at the city's many now-accessible beaches. _(5)_

(A) The transport service provides dog owners with plenty of dog-friendly bus routes around the city.
(B) Hopefully, the idea can spread to other cities across Asia that are less than dog friendly because best friends everywhere need and deserve some fun in the sun.
(C) Dog bans in parks and other popular recreational areas in city centers make it hard for dogs to get fresh air.
(D) Their love and loyalty are unmatched in humans, and it's important that owners return this companionship to their furry friends.
(E) Dog owners have been the most enthusiastic because they are thrilled that they can now travel easily with their best friends.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "...dogs are man's best friends."(……狗狗是人類最好的朋友。),而 (D) 選項的句子提及,"furry friends"(毛茸茸的朋友),前後兩句皆以 friends 來描述狗狗,因此形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. loyalty n. 忠誠,忠心
    Loyalty is a trait often attributed to dogs.
    b. unmatched a. 無法比擬的
    c. companionship n. 陪伴
    d. furry a. 毛茸茸的
  2. 第二題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格後一句提到 "...public transportation generally
    prohibits animals from traveling in their vehicles."(……大眾交通工具普遍都禁止動物乘坐車輛。),而選項 (C) 中提及 "Dog bans in... make it hard for dogs to get fresh air."(在……都有禁狗令,這讓狗狗不易呼吸新鮮空氣。),前一句的 prohibits(禁止)和後一句的 ban(禁令)使兩句產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
    a. ban n. 禁令
    b. recreational a. 休閒的,娛樂的
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "...the Ninety-nine Bus began carting canines and their owners across Hong Kong."(……九九巴士開始載送全香港的狗狗及其主人。),選項 (A) 中提到 "The transport service provides dog owners with plenty of dog-friendly bus routes around the city."(這項載送服務在城市各處提供了狗主人許多狗狗適用的巴士路線),前一句的 carting(載送)和後一句的 transport service(載送服務)使兩句產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    route n. 路線
  4. 第四題空格應選 (E)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "The response to the campaign has been extremely positive..."
    (這項活動已得到了相當積極的回響……),而選項 (E) 中提到 "Dog owners have been the most enthusiastic..."(狗狗的主人一直都是最熱心的……),前一句的 positive(積極的)和後一句的 enthusiastic(熱心的)使兩句產生關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
    a. enthusiastic a. 熱心的
    be enthusiastic about...  對……很熱心
    Nowadays, many people are enthusiastic about volunteering.
    b. thrill vt. 使興奮;使激動
    be thrilled by...  對……感到興奮
    Andy was thrilled by the news that his son had been accepted into law school.
  5. 第五題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "Ninety-nine Bus' Facebook group... features countless photos of happy dogs running through parks and swimming at the city's many now-accessible beaches."(九九巴士的臉書粉絲團……主要以源源不絕的照片作為特色,像是狗狗開心地在公園奔跑以及在該市中現在都能進入的諸多海邊游泳。)而選項 (B) 的句子提及 "Hopefully, the idea can spread to other cities across Asia that are less than dog friendly..."(但願這個想法可以散播到那些對狗狗不夠友善的亞洲城市……),得知這項活動讓狗狗能有更多活動的空間,同時呼籲其他亞洲國家也能迎頭趕上,前後語意連貫。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
    a. hopefully adv. 但願
    b. deserve vt. 應得
    Such a good student deserves our praise.
    = Such a good student deserves to be praised by us.
  1. prohibit vt. 禁止
    prohibit sb from V-ing  禁止某人做……
    The law prohibits stores from selling cigarettes to minors.
  2. on the outskirts of...  在……的郊外
    outskirts n. 郊外,郊區
    Real estate prices are lower on the outskirts of Taipei than in the downtown area.
    *real estate n. 房地產(集合名詞,不可數)
  3. trial n. 試驗,試用;審判
    After hours of trial and error, Ted finally cracked the code.
    Mark had been on trial for murder, but in the end he was found innocent.
  4. permanent a. 永久的
    temporary a. 短暫的
    The accident left Sally with a permanent scar above her left eye.
    The hunter made a temporary shelter out of branches.
  5. independent a. 獨立的
    be independent of...  脫離……而獨立
    In order to be independent of his parents, David moved out last year.
  6. campaign n.(為達成某一目標所進行的)運動/活動
    The government will launch an anti-drug campaign next month.
  7. feature vt. 以……為特色;刊出
    The latest issue of Vogue magazine featured an interview with Brad Pitt.
  8. accessible a. 可進入/使用的
    That remote island is only accessible by boat.
  1. metropolitan a. 大都市的
    metropolis n. 大都市
  2. cart vt. 載運
  3. canine n. 犬科動物
    feline n. 貓科動物
  4. sponsorship n. 贊助,資助
  5. collaboration n. 合作

  2012 年,九九巴士開始載送全香港的狗狗及其主人。這項載送服務在城市各處提供了狗主人許多狗狗適用的巴士路線。這臺巴士在週末和國定假日行駛,並且在市內各地以及香港郊區的幾個熱門休閒地區都會停靠。九九巴士自從試辦以來已發展成一條半永久性且有固定路線的獨立巴士,且會定期增加新的停靠點。
答案:1. D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B

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