2014年1月14日 星期二

Japan's Northern Sea Circuit 日本北海巡禮

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2014/01/14 第133期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Japan's Northern Sea Circuit 日本北海巡禮

  As the second largest island in Japan, Hokkaido has a wide variety of attractions for visitors. There is an abundance of natural beauty to be found there. Its national parks include unique wildlife like Japanese cranes and natural formations, such as lakes, volcanoes, and hot springs. Its four distinct seasons, including pleasant summers and snow-filled winters, are other features that draw many people to visit.
  Hokkaido is also referred to as the kingdom of food since all kinds of goodies, from dairy products to the freshest seafood, can be tasted there. Regional specialties, called gotouchi gourmet, are all the rage. These include Genghis Khan barbecues, miso ramen, curry udon, and Bibai yakitori, not to mention Sapporo Beer.
  Going hand in hand with these foods are all the festivals in the area. Hokkaido boasts more than 1,200 fun events that are held year-round. The summer sees the Furano Lavender Festival, while the winter is celebrated with the Sapporo Snow Festival, Asahikawa Winter Festival, and Monbetsu Drift Ice Festival. With so much going on throughout the year, Hokkaido truly has something for everyone.



  1. an abundance of...  豐富的……
    The shop offers an abundance of handicrafts.
  2. attraction n. 吸引人之物
    The area's beautiful scenery is its main attraction.
  3. unique a. 獨特的
    The building's design is very stylish and unique.
  4. draw vt. 吸引(三態為:draw, drew, drawn )
    Amy was drawn to teaching because she wanted to help children learn.
  5. refer to A as B  把A稱為B
    Johnny refers to his daughter as a little angel.
  6. be / become all the rage  蔚為風行,極為流行
    Over the past several years, smartphones have become all the rage.
  7. boast vt. 以有……而自豪
    * boast 亦可作不及物動詞,與介詞 of 或 about 並用,表『吹噓』。
    The organization boasts millions of volunteers worldwide.
    Kevin often boasts of his wealth and numerous possessions.
  8. celebrate vt. 慶祝
    Lisa's friends brought her favorite chocolate cake to help celebrate her birthday.
  1. crane n. 鶴
  2. formation n. 形態;結構
  3. hot spring n. 溫泉
  4. goody n. 好吃的東西
  5. specialty n. 特產
  6. gourmet n. 美食(家)

not to mention 表『更不用說』的意思,在肯定句和否定句中皆可使用。而 let alone 和 much less 也表『更不用說』的意思,但只能用於否定句中。

The man has an expensive car and a villa in France, not to mention a private jet.

I don't even have a dime to lend you, not to mention a dollar.
= I don't even have a dime to lend you, let alone a dollar.
= I don't even have a dime to lend you, much less a dollar.

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