2014年1月7日 星期二

The Monster Project: Jersey Devil 世界怪物搜奇:澤西惡魔

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2014/01/07 第132期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Monster Project: Jersey Devil 世界怪物搜奇:澤西惡魔


  When you mention New Jersey Devils in the US, most people know you are referring to a professional hockey team. However, that is not what Judah Friedlander is after as he goes on a mission to find the Jersey Devil. This legendary monster is rumored to have a horse's head, man's body, goat's feet, bat's wings, and snake-like tail. Those who have claimed to have seen this mysterious creature reported that it took chickens from their coops, destroyed crops, killed farm animals, and even tried to steal children.
  The first supposed sighting of the Jersey Devil was in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey, where it got its name. Also, the eldest brother of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte believed he caught a glimpse of the monster while hunting on his New Jersey estate around 1820. There was widespread panic in the area in January 1909, when hundreds of incidents involving the creature forced schools to close and workers to stay at home.
  Friedlander talks to multiple witnesses as he tries to get to the bottom of the legend. To see what he uncovers, tune in to National Geographic Channel's The Monster Project: Jersey Devil.


  傳聞第一次看見澤西惡魔是在紐澤西州南方的稀疏松樹沙地,故得此名。此外,約在 1820 年時,拿破崙•波拿巴皇帝的長兄相信他在紐澤西自家莊園打獵時,瞥見了這隻怪物。1909 年一月,這個地區引起廣大的恐慌,數百起與怪物有關的事件導致學校被迫關閉、上班族被迫待在家裡。

  1. refer to...  指的是……;提及……
    I promise I will never refer to that matter again.
  2. rumor vt. 謠傳(常用被動)& n. 謠言
    it is rumored + that 子句  謠傳……
    It is rumored that our new colleague used to be a beauty queen.
  3. claim vt. 聲稱
    claim to have done sth  聲稱曾做過某事
    The suspect claims to be innocent, but the police took him in for questioning anyway.
  4. destroy vt. 毀滅
    The typhoon destroyed everything in that area except for a single tree.
  5. supposed a. 傳聞的;假定的
    Everyone at the office was talking about Vivian's supposed affair with the boss.
  6. catch a glimpse of...  瞥見……
    The little girl caught a glimpse of a shooting star and made a wish.
  7. get to the bottom of...  弄清……的真相
    I won't give up until I get to the bottom of the problem.
  8. uncover vt. 揭露;發現
    Sherlock Holmes always uncovers the truth with logical reasoning.
  1. incident n. 事件
  2. hockey n. 曲棍球
  3. sighting n. 看見(尤指少見的事物)
  4. widespread a. 擴散的,廣佈的
  5. witness n. 目擊者,證人
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