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2014/04/28 第85期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份

“You Are Hired!” -Expert Tips to Ace an On-Screen Interview

還停留在面對面的「面試」階段嗎? 現今越來越多大企業採取視訊面試以減省成本及時間,閱讀本篇文章將幫助你提昇視訊面試的技巧! 進入本文前,請想想以下的單字:

(A) 嚇人的, 令人害怕的
(B) 後勤準備工作、物流
(C) 穿著, 衣著

For companies, it is just not practical for them to fly every potential candidate to their headquarters for an interview in person. Each day, more than a million job vacancies are created searching for employees who are talented to succeed with complex tasks, or managers who are capable of bringing an organization forward. Therefore, a “video interview”, an alternative to save time for both employers and interviewees, is now catching on in both private and public sectors.

對很多的公司來說,把所有的面試者傳喚到公司總部進行面對面的面試並不是這麼容易的一件事。每一天, 創造出超過上百萬的工作機會,爲的是尋找能夠處理繁複工作的人才,或是能夠帶領企業向前的管理者。因此,「視訊面試」這個可以節省雇主和面試者雙方的取代方案, 變得越來越流行也越來越普及。

For many people, a video interview might sound a) intimidating. Those who are being interviewed may be quite uncomfortable with their images being shown on the screen, and this may affect their performance while responding to a series of important questions. But with these expert tips, you can learn how to master the b) logistics of a video interview and keep yourself focused rather than sweating in front of the screen.


The first thing to bear in mind is that a video interview really is not that much different from one that occurs face-to-face. Having said that, a serious job seeker should carefully consider what technology they should use for the occasion. Mary Ellen Slayter, a career expert for Monster.com, suggests (1)priming yourself with the best equipment available. "The most important thing is to make sure you look at the camera, and pretend you’re having a conversation with the camera," she added.

首先,謹記最重要的事就是,視訊面試跟一般面試其實沒有太大的不同。話雖如此,一個謹慎的求職者,在進行視訊面試時,應該要仔細的考慮所要採用的設備。Monster.com的職涯專家Mary Ellen Slayter建議面試者準備好身邊盡可能好的設備來進行每場視訊面試。 「最重要的是確保自己看的是鏡頭,要想像自己是在跟鏡頭對話」她補充到。

Besides, it will definitely help if you could have a friend to practice with in a similar setting to the interview and offer you feedback on how you sound. They can also give you advice on the c) attire that looks best.
此外,若是能請朋友和你練習視訊面試時的類似設置給予一些意見,像是你在面試時的聲音, 對於面試的進行一定會有幫助。他們也能對於穿著給予合適的建議。

Stephanie Krieg, a HR fashion icon, offers some tips. "Feel free to keep your pajama bottoms on for a video interview, but dress like you’re going to be on TV from the waist up," "Solid colors work better than prints — and don't be afraid to show a little personality with your waist-up wardrobe." Krieg emphasizes the importance of erring on the side of professionalism while maintaining some (2)personal flair.

時尚達人Stephanie Krieg,提供了一些有用的小技巧:「你大可下半身穿著睡衣進行視訊面試,至於腰部以上,請打扮的像是你是要參加電視節目一般」。「純色比印花圖案好—並且別害怕將衣櫃中可以展現一些個人風格的上半身服裝拿來搭配」Krieg強調在螢幕上傳達自己專業的一面時,也別忘了保留一點獨有的個人特色。

1. Priming yourself with (= prepare yourself with 準備)

Prime當動詞有裝填的意思,prime Sb. With Something. 則是為某人準備某些東西的意思,類似prepare,但比prepare更為正式。 Prime當形容詞則有高級和最好的意思,像是美國牛肉分上上面常會分級為 U.S. Prime(頂級), U.S. Choice (特選,一般用作牛排) U.S. Select (可選) etc.. 。

2. Personal flair.
Flair 有天資和風采的意思,若前面加了Personal 就個專指為個人風采。
e.g.: Jack came up with some creative ways to decorate our lawn with more personal flair.
        Jack 想出了幾個有創意的方法來把我們的庭院弄的更有(個人)特色。




  1. Is it necessary to say obviously? 非得要說得這麼明白嗎?
  2. Can his reputation be saved after this scandal? 在這醜聞案後,他還可明哲保身嗎?
  3. I still can’t understand the fact. 我還是不了解這個事實。
  4. I didn’t hurt you on purpose. 我無心傷害你。
  5. Don’t judge on my taste in clothes.別評論我對衣著的品味。


1. Is it necessary to caption the obvious?


2. Can his reputation survive this scandal?

    Survive更能表逹fight for his reputation.

3. I still can’t get over the fact.

    get over表示了解。

4. I didn't mean to hurt you.

    didn’t mean to指無心之過。purpose意指有企圖及目地性的,不合語意。

5. Don’t criticize my taste in clothes.


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因為記得每一個名字,在意每一個學生的學習主軸、進步,我們無意間累積了一個龐大、數百萬筆「語誤資料庫」,都說Big data商機無限,英語島第6期出刊了,專題是 「新品種、新履歷: 從Big Data長出的21世紀混種人才」。


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