2014年4月1日 星期二

I'll Have the Tiramisu, Please!  請給我一份提拉米蘇!

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2014/03/25 第143期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

I'll Have the Tiramisu, Please!  請給我一份提拉米蘇!

  Italian restaurants around the world are popular for their mouth-watering pizza and tasty pasta dishes. When it comes time for dessert, tiramisu is at the top of the list. It is believed that this sweet cake-style treat was first created by a head chef in the town of Treviso, Italy in 1969. The word tiramisu translates into pick me up in English. This is probably because of its high-energy main ingredients, coffee and cacao. Its other ingredients include mascarpone cheese, Marsala wine, and ladyfinger cookies that are soaked in espresso.
  Important for its place in modern-day festivals and culture, tiramisu is also associated with tales of love, devotion, and even royalty. One such story involves an Italian soldier heading off to war. Before his departure, his wife used all the remaining ingredients she had to make a dessert for him to take and named it tiramisu. When the soldier finally tasted the creamy dessert, he thought of his beloved wife. No matter the origins, tiramisu has come to define Italians almost as much as pizza and pasta.


  世界上的義大利餐廳因為有令人垂涎三尺的披薩和美味的義大利麵而受到歡迎。而吃甜點的時候,提拉米蘇便位居甜點之冠了。據信這個像蛋糕一樣的美味甜點,於 1969 年時由義大利特雷維索鎮的一位主廚首先創造出來。提拉米蘇這個字在英文中翻譯成『提振我的精神』之意。或許這是因為提拉米蘇的主要原料是富含能量的咖啡和可可。其它原料則包括馬士卡彭起司、馬沙拉白葡萄酒和浸泡過濃縮咖啡的手指餅乾。

  1. it is believed that...  據信/一般相信……
    It is believed that there is a secret underground passage to the castle.
  2. translate...into...  將……譯為……
    This popular novel has been translated into many languages.
  3. soak vt. 浸泡
    We soaked the dirty clothes in water before washing them.
  4. be associated with...  和……有關連
    George's illness is associated with his bad habits.
  5. devotion n. 奉獻
    We took our mother out to dinner to thank her for her devotion to the family.
  6. head off  離開;出發(前往某處)
    We should be heading off now if we don't want to be late.
  7. remaining a. 剩餘的
    Let's discuss the remaining items on the agenda at tomorrow's meeting.
  8. define vt. 給……下定義
    What really defines Josh is his loyalty to his friends.
  1. pasta n. 義大利麵
  2. treat n. 美味食物
  3. cacao n. 可可豆
  4. royalty n. 皇室/王族(成員)
  5. departure n. 離開
  6. beloved a. 摯愛的

本文中 "The word tiramisu translates into pick me up in English." 當中的 pick me up 即表『提振我的精神』之意,但如果寫成 pick-me-up 則當名詞使用,表『提神的食物』。

Whenever I feel sleepy, coffee is always the pick-me-up I turn to.

檸檬不只能做成飲料,這小小鮮黃的水果有 其他更多的用途喔!舉凡抗菌、美容保養、 清潔、驅蟲……生活中有許多檸檬可以派上 用場的地方,天然又好用。

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