2014年5月5日 星期一

A Different Kind of Mayday in Taiwan 搖滾不敗!!Rocker —— 五月天

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2014/05/06 第148期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Different Kind of Mayday in Taiwan 搖滾不敗!!Rocker —— 五月天

  They are named Mayday, but they are far from calling for help. Mayday is a Taiwanese band that got its start in Taipei in 1997. Most high school bands don't make it past graduation, but Mayday knew they had something special. The band credits The Beatles frontmen John Lennon and Paul McCartney with being their biggest inspirations and influencing their resulting sound. As such, they are often dubbed the Chinese Beatles.
  Those are big shoes to fill, but Mayday is doing a good job. They are currently in the middle of a world tour, in which one leg sold more tickets than Madonna's. Furthermore, Mayday enjoys a great deal of fame at home in Asia. They have even been called the pioneers of rock music in Taiwan. This fame has earned them the notable Golden Melody Award for best band on four separate occasions. Mayday is proof that one doesn't need to travel off this little island to hear good music because it has been right here the whole time.


  他們叫『五月天』,但他們一點也不需要求救(編按︰Mayday 是國際通用的無線電通話遇難求救訊號)。五月天是 1997 年在台北出道的台灣樂團。大部分高中生玩樂團都撐不過畢業,但五月天知道他們自己與眾不同。五月天歸功於披頭四的主唱約翰•藍儂和保羅•麥卡尼為給予他們最多啟發的人並影響了他們後來的音樂風格。正因如此,他們常被稱作『華人披頭四』。

  1. be far from + N/adj.   根本/一點都不……
    The grade I received on the report was far from what I expected.
  2. credit sb with...   (將……)歸功於某人
    Betty is credited with improving playing conditions for female athletes.
  3. inspiration n. 鼓舞;靈感
    The students were asked to talk about where they found inspiration in their lives.
  4. dub vt. 把……叫做;給……取綽號
    The actress was dubbed America's sweetheart.
  5. currently adv. 目前
    Currently, my schedule is full. Maybe we can meet next month.
  6. at home  國內
    Our overseas sales figures are better than those at home.
  7. pioneer n. 先驅,先鋒
    Albert Einstein was a pioneer in the field of nuclear physics.
  8. separate a. 不同的,各自的
    Carol and her husband slept in separate rooms last night because they had a fight.

男友牛仔褲 不羈的性感

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