2014年5月6日 星期二

Do or Die 生死一瞬間

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2014/05/06 第161期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Do or Die 生死一瞬間
by Marcus Maurice

Do you know what to do to survive a life or death situation?

  On a crisp February morning in 2013, residents of Chelyabinsk, Russia, were going about their daily lives when something spectacular happened. Out of the sky, a meteor cat are bigger will get through and become meteorites. The meteor that people saame hurling at the Earth at 40,000 miles an hour. A humongous white streak appeared in the sky for about 30 seconds, and then the meteor blew up. Because many cars and trucks in Russia have cameras attached to their dashboards, there were numerous videos of this amazing phenomenon on YouTube within hours.
  As scientists know, Earth is bombarded with 150 tons of rock from outer space every day. The good news is that most of them are only the size of a grain of rice and burn up in the atmosphere. The bad news is that eventually, rocks thw that fateful February morning in Russia could have turned Chelyabinsk into a wasteland. Instead, it blew up in the atmosphere in what is called an air burst, which had the energy of a small nuclear explosion and generated a deadly force known as a shock wave. Several minutes after the blast, the shock wave tore through the city, and there is even footage of schools having their windows blown out.
  Now imagine you see an air burst in the sky; what would you do next? In National Geographic Channel's Do or Die, viewers are given three options to see if they would know how to survive. The first is to lie down in a gutter to hide from the shock waves. The second is to duck and seek cover next to a building. The final option is to brace yourself next to a tree. Make sure to watch Do or Die this month to find out the answer.

  1. spectacular a. 驚人的;壯觀的
    In the end, the wedding was a spectacular affair that filled us all with delight.
  2. hurl vt. 猛力丟擲
    The soldier hurled the gun across the fence before climbing over.
  3. numerous a. 無數的,許多的
    Numerous problems led to Sandy leaving her husband.
  4. bombard vt. 轟炸;不斷提出問題
    bombard sb with sth  
    The city was heavily bombarded by the enemy for six months.
    The audience bombarded the speaker with questions after the two-hour speech.
  5. fateful a. 決定命運的;致命的
    On a fateful day in 1980, John Lennon was shot and killed.
    在 1980 年關鍵的那一天,約翰•藍儂遭到射殺身亡。
  6. explosion n. 爆炸
    Large amounts of smoke rose from the factory after the explosion.
  7. generate vt. 產生;造成
    More windmills are being used to generate electricity.
  8. option n. 選擇,選項
    have no option but to V  不得不(做)……
    = have no choice but to V
    = have no alternative but to V
    In order to get the report done on time, Andy has no option but to stay up late tonight.
  1. crisp a. 涼爽的;酥脆的
  2. meteor n. 流星
    meteorite n. 隕石
  3. humongous a. 巨大無比的
  4. streak n. 光線
  5. dashboard n.(汽車或飛機的)儀表板
  6. phenomenon n. 現象(單數形)
    phenomena n. 現象(複數形)
  7. grain n.(穀、沙、糖、鹽等)顆粒
  8. wasteland n. 荒地;荒原
  9. burst n. 爆炸
  10. blast n. 爆炸
  11. footage n. 影片(不可數)
  12. gutter n. 排水溝
  13. duck vi. 壓低身子;躲避
  14. brace vt. 做好防備;支撐
  1. go about...  著手/從事……
  2. blow up 爆炸
  3. burn up 燒掉
  4. blow out 爆裂

  2013 年二月一個涼爽的早晨,俄羅斯車里雅賓斯克市的居民正做著他們的例行公事,這時驚人的事情發生了。有一顆流星以時速四萬英里從天外飛來直擊地球。一道巨大的白光出現在天空中約三十秒,接著這顆流星就爆炸了。由於俄羅斯的許多車子和卡車的儀表板上都附有攝影機,因此幾個小時之內就有許多這場驚人現象的影片被放到 YouTube 上。


男友牛仔褲 不羈的性感

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