2014年5月15日 星期四

Taipei—Getting Around and Museums 台北:交通與博物館

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2014/05/16 第206期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂-網路霸凌
【英語學習Plus】 Taipei—Getting Around and Museums 台北:交通與博物館
【本月發燒書】 說英語Fun遊台灣
【好康情報局】 畢業即失/就業?新鮮人求職展
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Taipei—Getting Around and Museums 台北:交通與博物館

Broadly speaking, the Taipei area includes Taipei City and New Taipei City (formerly Taipei County). Taipei is the capital of Taiwan. There are nearly 7 million people living there. It is a city that is alive with activity, day and night. You can always find something to do in Taipei’s busy streets, night markets, parks, and mountains that surround the city. Getting around Taipei is easy. There are taxis and buses. Taipei’s subway system is fast developing, too. It is called the MRT (Mass Rapid Transport) or “Metro.” It opened in 1996 and construction of new routes and stations is still ongoing. Taipei’s MRT offers several types of travel passes for visitors—one-day, two-day, three-day, and five-day passes. On the MRT, announcements are made in four different languages: Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, and English. What’s more, visitors carrying bicycles can get on and off the train at designated stations.

Taipei has abundant art galleries and museums. When Chiang Kai-shek escaped from China, he and his followers took many ancient Chinese works of art with them in order to keep them safe. In spite of all of the danger, every single piece that was brought over arrived intact without any damage. The late 1940s and early 1950s were difficult times for Taiwan, so the works had to be stored in a safe place for several years. However, once the economy began to expand, the government got to work on building a suitable museum. The National Palace Museum was opened in 1965. It has since been a major attraction in Taipei. The National Palace Museum has such a massive collection that only part of it can be shown at one time. Some artifacts are always on display. Others are put away after a short time. Special exhibitions are held from time to time. The Jadeite Cabbage, Meat-Shaped Stone, and Mao-Kung Ting are called the“Three Treasures” of the museum.

廣義的來說,台北地區包括台北市和新北市(以前稱為台北縣)。台北是台灣的首都,有將近700萬人住在這裡。這是個日夜都充滿活動的城市,你永遠都可以在台北繁忙的街道上、夜市、公園和城市郊外的山區,找到事情做。在台北四處走走很方便,有計程車和公車可搭。台北的捷運系統也在快速發展,這套系統稱為大眾捷運或地鐵,在1996 年啟用,仍在興建新路線和車站。台北捷運提供旅客多種觀光護照,有一日券、二日券、三日券和五日券。捷運上的廣播有四種語言,包括國語、台灣話、客家話和英語。此外,單車族可以帶著單車在特定的車站上下車。

台北有許多藝廊和博物館,當初蔣介石從中國撤退時,他和部屬帶走很多古代中國的藝術品,以便加以好好保存。雖然過程充滿危險,每件藝術品依然毫髮無傷地送到台灣。1940 年代晚期和1950 年代初期,對台灣來說是艱困的時代,因此這些藝術品被安放了好幾年。不過,一等經濟開始起飛,政府就著手興建一所合適的博物館。國立故宮博物院在1965 年開幕,此後就成了台北的主要景點。國立故宮博物院的館藏非常之多,因此每次只能展出其中一部分。有些藝術品長年展出,其他的在一小段時間後就被換下,並不時會舉行特展。翠玉白菜、肉形石和毛公鼎被稱為館方的「三寶」。

<< 本篇選自用英文介紹台灣:實用觀光導遊英語 >>
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