2014年6月26日 星期四

Buying Ugly Fruit To Limit Food Waste/多買醜水果 減少食物浪費

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2014/06/27 第27期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Buying Ugly Fruit To Limit Food Waste/多買醜水果 減少食物浪費
Muslim , Gay and Out, Without Apologies/摩洛哥男同志 處境艱困
Buying Ugly Fruit To Limit Food Waste/多買醜水果 減少食物浪費
LISBON — Isabel Soares carefully select ed her fruits and vegetables one recent day. She picked up some spinach whose leaves had turned yellow. Then some tomatoes whose skin had been damaged by sunburn and insect bites. Finally, she set on some zucchini that had grown so large and deformed that they curved almost into a doughnut shape. They were perfect for her.



At a time of lingering economic hardship for many in the European Union, whose penchant for regulation has extended even to the shape, size and color of the foods its citizens eat, Ms. Soares has bet that there is a market for fruits and vegetables deemed too ugly by government bureaucrats, supermarkets and other retailers to sell .


About seven months ago, she and a handful of volunteers started a cooperative called Fruta Feia, or Ugly Fruit . It has taken off with hard-pressed consumers, won applause from advocates outraged by Europe's skyrocketing food waste, and provided a backhanded slap to European Union rule makers. In its own way, it has quietly subverted notions of what is beautiful, or at least edible.


"The E.U. norms are based on the mistaken idea that quality is about appearance," said Ms. Soares, 31, who formerly worked in Barcelona as a renewable energy consultant.


Europe wastes 89 million tons of food a year, according to a study by the Dutch and Swedish governments, which called on the European Union "to reduce the amount of food waste caused by the labeling system."


Ms. Soares estimates that a third of Portugal's farming produce goes to waste because of the standards set by supermarkets and their consumers. She says the waste is a n example of misplaced intervention by the European Union .


Europe's food rules have long fueled anti-European sentiment, particularly in Britain, where tabloid newspapers ridiculed Brussels bureaucrats for supposedly trying to ban "bent bananas" or "curved cucumbers." The European Commission decided six years ago to cut back its list of marketing rules for produce to 10 from 36.


For products like tomatoes, which remain on the list, the European legislation sets minimum requirements, including that the tomatoes arrive "clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter" and "fresh in appearance." The law then places them into three classes, including a lower one that allows for defects. Supermarkets, however, generally opt for a class that permits only "a slight defect in shape and development" of the tomatoes.


Ms. Soares said she could sell her food without contravening European Union legislation because Europe's marketing rules apply only to food that is labeled or packaged, which is not the case with what goes into her crates.


Fruta Feia has built a waiting list of 1,000 customers, and has sold 21 tons of food at two distribution centers in Lisbon since its inception. The association has 420 registered customers, who pay a $6.81 membership fee on top of the cost of their weekly food crate, which is $4.77 for a crate containing more than three kilograms of fruits and vegetables.


At first, Ms. Soares said, she struggled to persuade farmers to sell her their unwanted food. "I think some suspected that I was an undercover sanitary inspector," she recalled.


Now , she gets a warm embrace from Paulo Dias, who runs a family farm in Cambaia, about 72 kilometers from Lisbon, that supplies Sonae, one of Portugal's largest supermarket companies. The farm covers about 7.5 hectares .


Of his annual output of about 900 kilograms of tomatoes, Mr. Dias said a quarter do not meet Sonae's standards and are dumped. Fruta Feia buys the unwanted food at about half the price at which producers sell it to supermarkets. Mr. Dias said , "It also makes me feel good to know my tomatoes aren't wasted and that people who perhaps have little money get to eat something that is just as good as if they could afford the supermarket."



Jose Manuel Santos, a farmer outside the town of Mafra, estimated half of his spinach harvest would be thrown away this year because abrupt weather changes had helped turn the leaves yellow.


"The market has decided that spinach absolutely needs to be green, so I'm having to throw out spinach that is of the same quality," he said.

At a time of austerity and 15 percent unemployment in Portugal, Fruta Feia has attracted customers because of its low pricing, but most customers said they wanted to support local agriculture while reducing waste.


As her last customers were leaving, Ms. Soares checked if any fruit remained in the crates where volunteers put surplus food, which customers are encouraged to take free. "Of course, nothing can go to waste here ."


Muslim , Gay and Out, Without Apologies/摩洛哥男同志 處境艱困
PARIS — He was born inside the public library of Rabat in Morocco where his dad worked as a janitor and where his family lived until he was 2. For most of his childhood, he hid his sexuality as best he could, but his effeminate demeanor brought mockery and abuse, even as it would later become a source of artistic inspiration.

About eight years ago, the author Abdellah Taia, now 40, came out to the Moroccan public in his books and in the news media, appearing on the cover of a magazine under the headline "Homosexual Against All Odds."


It was an act that made him one of the few to publicly declare his sexual orientation in Morocco, where homosexuality is a crime. The hardest part, he recalled, was facing his family. They probably always knew, he said, but never talked about it. "They cried and screamed," said Mr. Taia, who now lives in Paris. "I cried when they called me. But I won't apologize. "



In February, Mr. Taia screened his film "Salvation Army" at the National Film Festival in Tangier, an adaptation of his book of the same title, and a promising directorial debut that gave the Arab world its first on-screen gay protagonist. The film has been shown at festivals in New York, Toronto and Venice and won the Grand Prix at the Angers Film Festival in France .


"Salvation Army" is based on the author's life growing up in Morocco, his sexual awakening, his fascination with a brother 20 years older, his encounters with older men in dark alleys and his complex relationship with his mother and six sisters who mocked him for being too girly or too attached to them.

"A lot of men in Morocco have sexual relations with men, but I looked feminine so I was the only homosexual," he said. "In Morocco, sexual tension is everywhere and I wanted to show that in my film without having crude sex scenes; to stay true to these secretive behaviors."


One night when he was 13 and with his family, drunken men outside called out to ask him down to entertain them . After that he decided to change his persona, to eliminate his effeminate mannerisms to stop men asking him for sexual favors.


He worked hard to learn French so he could move to Europe to escape the oppression . "I can't live in Morocco," Mr. Taia said in an interview . "The entire neighborhood wanted to rape me. A lot of people in Morocco are abused by a cousin or a neighbor but society doesn't protect them. There, rape is insignificant. "


Mr. Taia says he considers himself Muslim .

"I don't want to dissociate myself from Islam," he said. "It is part of my identity. "

His books have stirred some negative reviews and reaction. His writing, in particular, has been criticized as undisciplined, as if it were dictated.

Others say that it is the rawness of the writing that makes his work authentic and touching.


Mr. Taia says he always wanted to become a filmmaker. He became a writer by accident after writing all his thoughts and experiences down in a journal to learn French.

Today, he has patched up relations with most family members, though his older brother remains estranged. His mother died shortly after Mr. Taia came out, and he now has a cordial relationship with his sisters.


Still, Mr. Taia finds it very difficult to go home. "I can't talk to them," he said. "I am just a human being. They were ashamed of me. I always felt they were. I don't want them to be proud of me. And anyway, they're not."



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