2014年6月30日 星期一

‘‘How to Train Your Dragon 2’ 《馴龍高手2》

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2014/07/01 第292期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Pope excommunicates mafia

Church launches attack on gangland following death of toddler

Pope Francis recently launched a scathing attack on organized crime during a trip to the heartland of a feared syndicate, declaring all mafia members excommunicated from the Catholic Church. The mafia "is the adoration of evil and contempt for common good. This evil must be beaten, expelled," he told worshippers near the hometown of a toddler killed in a clan war earlier this year. "Those who in their lives follow this path of evil, as mafiosi do, are not in communion with God. They are excommunicated." 教宗方濟各最近到一個人人害怕犯罪組織的根據地訪問時,嚴詞砲轟了犯罪組織,並宣布把所有黑手黨份子逐出天主教會。他在一名今年稍早死於黑幫衝突的幼童的家鄉附近,向朝拜者表示,黑手黨「崇拜邪惡而且蔑視人類的共同福祉,我們必須擊敗、排除這種邪惡。那些一輩子走邪惡之路的人,走黑道的人,和上帝是說不上話的,他們要被逐出教會。」
The 77-year-old pontiff was speaking at the end of a trip to the territory controlled by the powerful 'Ndrangheta mafia, where he comforted relatives of "Coco" Campolongo, a 3-year-old who was shot dead in January in an apparent mob hit over money. "It must never again happen that a child suffers in this way," the pope said as he met Coco's father and grandmothers. 七十七歲的方濟各是在他訪問勢力龐大黑幫「勇幫」所控制的地區行程進入尾聲時,發表了上述談話,並安慰今年一月於一場因金錢糾紛而引發的黑道火拼事件中,慘遭射殺的三歲幼童「柯科」坎波朗哥的家屬。教宗在接見柯科的父親與祖母時表示:「一名孩童 絕對不能再這樣受苦了。」
Francis visited the Calabria region despite fears that he might provoke the local underworld. "I pray for him continuously. Do not despair," Francis said during a visit to Castrovillari prison, where several members of Coco's family are serving time for drug-related crimes. He asked them to pass the message on to the toddler's mother, who was also in prison at the time of his murder and is now living under house arrest. 雖然有人憂心方濟各訪問卡拉布利亞地區可能會挑釁當地黑道,但他還是前往該地區訪問。他在探視卡斯楚維拉里監獄時表示:「我不斷在為柯科禱告,不要感到絕望。」 數名柯科的親屬目前正以毒品相關罪名而在這座監獄服刑。方濟各請他們把這項訊息告訴這名孩童的母親,她在他遭射殺時正在獄中服刑,目前則是被軟禁在家中。
Coco was shot in the head in January, executed along with his grandfather and his Moroccan companion after a drug debt went unpaid. The discovery of his body strapped to a car-seat in a burnt-out Fiat Punto sent shockwaves through Italy, as did the murder just two months later of another 3-year-old in the nearby Puglia region. 今年一月,由於毒品債務未清償,因此柯科連同他祖父與一名摩洛哥籍夥伴遭射殺頭部「處死」。他的屍體被發現綁在一部燒毀飛雅特 Punto 車中的兒童座椅上,以及一名三歲幼童僅僅兩個月後,在附近普利亞地區遭射殺這兩起案件,都震撼了全義大利。
Many of the inmates the pope met at Castrovillari were serving time for mafia-related crimes. Under a blistering southern sun, Francis clasped the hands of some of the 200 prisoners, several of them weeping and throwing their arms around him. Francis stopped to speak with a group of disabled people in a large crowd of faithful outside the jail, before heading by helicopter to Coco's hometown of Cassano allo Jonio, nestled at the bottom of a steep mountain. There the pope, who was met with cheers and the release of dozens of yellow and white balloons — the Vatican colors — visited a hospice before sharing a lunch of spaghetti and meatballs with poor people and young drug addicts. "Strong is he who, once fallen, manages to rise up again," the pontiff told the addicts. 在卡斯楚維拉里監獄中會見教宗的多名受刑人,都是因為黑幫相關的犯罪而入獄服刑。在義大利南部的豔陽之下,方濟與大約兩百名受刑人握手,數名受刑人更是哭著雙手環抱他。他在監獄外停下腳步,並與大批信徒中的一群殘障人士交談,接著搭乘直升機,前往柯科坐落一座陡峭的山山腳下的 故鄉卡薩諾亞洛裘尼歐。在那裡的人為方濟各的到來歡呼,當地也釋放代表梵蒂岡色彩的黃白氣球;他先是前往一座收容所訪問,接著和窮人和年輕的吸毒者共進義大利麵與肉丸的午餐。教宗向西毒者表示:「強者是一旦倒下 之後,還能再次奮起的人。」
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6月29日 – 7月5日, 2014
'How to Train Your Dragon 2'

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Three baby koalas welcomed at Taipei Zoo

Smarter and Stronger

Hitting the slopes in North Korea

Pets in storm shelters

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