2014年6月16日 星期一

Robots that ‘feel’ emotions 能「感受」情緒的機器人

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2014/06/17 第290期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Getting out of Gitmo

Guantanamo prisoners hope to leave despite furor over prisoner swap deal

Some of the men held at the Guantanamo Bay prison for more than a decade have been drafting plans for work on the outside or studying languages, preparing for a not-too-distant future beyond the U.S. jail. Until recently, they had good reason to believe that their ticket out might be imminent, if not home then at least to another country. 部分被監禁在關達那摩灣監獄十年以上的囚犯,會透過尋找在監獄以外的工作,或者是學習語言,以便為不久之後離開這座美國監獄的日子預做準備。直到最近,他們有充分理由相信他們 可能必然能出獄,而且就算不是返回家鄉,也至少能前往另一外個國家。
U.S. President Barack Obama said he is committed to closing the Guantanamo detention center, which is unofficially referred to as "Gitmo," and military officials say they can resume transfers at a moment's notice, just as they did with the May 31 swap of five Guantanamo inmates for a captured American soldier. "All I need are the names and a country and we could do it all very, very efficiently," the commander of U.S. Southern Command, Marine General John F. Kelly, said at the base he oversees. 美國總統歐巴馬表示,他致力於關閉關達那摩軍事監獄(其非正式名稱為「Gitmo」),軍方人士則表示他們馬上就能恢復進行移交工作,就像他們五月卅一日以五名關達那摩囚犯交換一名被俘的美國士兵。美軍南方司令部司令海軍陸戰隊將領 約翰凱利提到他監督的監獄時表示:「我只要知道姓名和國家,我們就能非常有效率地進行移交工作。」
But the current furor over the trade of the five Taliban prisoners for American Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl may have complicated the situation. The deal to swap Bergdahl, who was held by the Taliban for five years in Afghanistan, was brokered by the White House without consulting Congress. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers who initially praised Bergdahl's release have since backed off amid an outcry over the exchange, including questions about whether Bergdahl walked away from his post before he was captured. 然而,以五名塔利班囚犯交換美軍中士波伊伯格達爾一事目前所引發的軒然大波,可能會導致狀況更形複雜。交換在阿富汗遭塔利班叛軍俘擄五年的伯格達爾的協議,是白宮在未知會國會的情況下敲定。先前對於伯格達爾獲釋一事大加稱讚的共和黨與民主黨國會議員,在換俘行動引發的憤怒聲浪中,包括伯格達爾在被俘擄前是否擅離職守的 質疑,皆使得他們的立場有所鬆動。
Congress plans hearings on the exchange for the five prisoners, who officials say were leaders in the Taliban. Immediate transfers of other inmates are likely to further inflame members of Congress, much to the dismay of attorneys for some of the 71 prisoners awaiting transfer. 針對交換五名美國官員表示是塔利班領袖的囚犯一事,國會打算召開公聽會。立即移交其他囚犯的行動,很可能會進一步激怒國會議員們,而這種情況令大約七十一名等待移交囚犯的律師感到氣餒。
The U.S. currently holds 149 men at Guantanamo. They include five prisoners charged with planning and aiding the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Most of the inmates have been held without charge since the U.S. government began taking prisoners suspected of links to al-Qaida and the Taliban to the Navy base in January 2002. 美國目前在關達那摩灣監獄收押了一百四十九人。他們包括策劃及協助二○○一年九月十一日恐怖攻擊的五名囚犯。大多數的囚犯是在沒有罪名的情況下被羈押,因為美國政府從二○○二年一月起,將疑似與蓋達組織與塔利班 叛軍有關的囚犯帶到這座海軍基地。
The release of the five Taliban has created a sense of optimism, at least for now, said the prison's Muslim cultural affairs adviser, who can only be identified by the nickname "Zak," under military security rules. "They are looking at it as something that could be the opening of the door for future transfers," he said. Ramzi Kassem, who has represented prisoners at Guantanamo for nearly a decade, said he wants to see the Obama administration "bear down on the Defense Department" and resume transfers. "It is sickening that some politicians are trying to scapegoat Guantanamo prisoners who have been cleared for release," he said. 根據軍方安全規定只能透露綽號是「薩克」的該監獄穆斯林文化事務顧問表示,至少在目前,五名塔利班份子獲釋一事營造了一種樂觀的看法。他表示:「他們把這件事視為可能開啟未來移交工作大門的 機會。代表關達那摩囚犯已經將近十年的律師拉姆西卡薩姆表示,他希望看到歐巴馬政府「逼迫國防部屈服」,並恢復進行移交工作。他表示:「部分政客試圖拿已經獲准釋放的關達那摩囚犯當代罪羔羊 的做法,十分令人惱火。」
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Robots that 'feel' emotions

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