2014年6月5日 星期四

Taipei Riverside Bikeways – Experience a Different Side of Taipei

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2014/06/05 第100期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份DiscoveTaipei
本期主題 Taipei Riverside Bikeways – Experience a Different Side of Taipei
Taipei Riverside Bikeways – Experience a Different Side of Taipei
文/Discover Taipei
As well as shuttling around Taipei's alleys on a YouBike, to appreciate Taipei's riverside scenery on a bicycle, the connecting bikeways around Taipei's riverside parks is the perfect choice. Taipei was listed as 11th in The New York Times' "52 Places to Go in 2014," and a bike ride around the city's riverside parks to admire the scenery was among the article's recommended journeys.

The Taipei City Government completed the Taipei Riverside Bikeways (臺北市河濱自行車道) in 2011, and it comprises six bikeways along the Tamsui River, Keelung River, Jingmei River, Shuang River and Xindian River. The route offers a fine view of the riverside - come with us now as we take a look at these six routes, each with their own particular atmosphere.

Keelung Riverside Bikeway – Charming Scenery for a Nighttime Ride

Bikeways follow both sides of the Keelung River. The left bank route can be accessed by the Lin An-Tai Evacuation Gate (林安泰疏散門). The route's first major sight is that landmark of the Dajia Riverside Park (大佳河濱公園), the Fountain of Hope (希望之泉). During its four daily half-hour shows, the fountain produces a 25-story-high circular curtain of water. Elsewhere in the park, greenery and grass abound everywhere, as well as flowerbeds that stretch all the way to the path beside Dazhi Bridge (大直橋).

When darkness falls, the river's surface is lit up with reflections from the Miramar Ferris Wheel (美麗華摩天輪), the Grand Hotel (圓山大飯店) and the multicolored Rainbow Bridge (彩虹橋). These dazzling, enchanting scenes along the Keelung riverside can be admired on a nighttime ride.

Guandu, Golden River Bank, and Bali Left Bank Bikeways – Experience the Richness of Nature

Starting beside Guandu Temple (關渡宮), the Guandu Bikeway (關渡自行車道) passes the Guandu Nature Park (關渡自然公園), one of the few wetland parks in Taipei and a perfect spot for birdwatching. The path continues by Guizikeng River (貴子坑溪), connecting with several hiking trails. From the bikeway, you can admire such natural scenes as Mt. Guanyin (觀音山), a large expanse of mangroves and flocks of flying water birds.

As the Guandu Bikeway continues north, it links up with the Golden River and Bali Left Bank Bikeways. These two paths are linked by the red arches of the Guandu Bridge (關渡大橋). You can also carry your bike on board ferryboats heading to Guandu, Bali Longxing Wharf (八里龍形碼頭), Zhuwei (竹圍) or Tamsui at Dadaocheng Wharf (大稻埕碼頭). While on board, you can admire a fine view of the Blue Highway, or the beautiful scenery at the mouth of the Tamsui River at sunset, as the clouds above assume a range of beautiful hues.

Jingmei River Family Bikeway – The Perfect Place for Young and Old to Relax Together

There are bikeways on either side of the Jingmei River, linked by the Daonan Bridge (道南橋) and Yishou Bridge (一壽橋). The path on the left-hand side of the river is only 3.8 kilometers long, so it is perfect for family bike rides or for novices.

Setting off from the Muzha Bike Rental Center (木柵租借站), you will enter the Daonan Riverside Park (道南河濱公園), passing by green meadows, lovely scenery and the beautifully clear stream. Delightfully modeled stone statues and stools decorate the lawns, a perfect natural, harmonious accompaniment to the sound of laughing children on a happy outing.

As you approach Jingmei Bridge (景美橋), you can appreciate the beautiful structure, rebuilt in 2010. Its wonderful arched design stretches across Jingmei River without any supports, and its white body is set off delightfully by flowers and green lawns during the day, while at night the bridge is lit up by ever-changing LED light displays, presenting cyclists with a bold, enthusiastic welcome.

Shezidao and ErChong Spillway Bikeways – Pure and Simple Rural Scenes

Shezidao (社子島) is located at the confluence of the Keelung and Tamsui rivers. Most of the island remains undeveloped, and is imbued with a simple, rural atmosphere, quite different from that of the city. The greenery of paddy fields and vegetable gardens mingle to create charming scenes of simple, unadorned rural beauty.

A model of a bicycle stands atop Shezidao dike. Sitting here, you can see Mt. Datun (大屯山) and Mt. Guanyin on the horizon, and the rainbow-colored chimney of the Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant (北投垃圾焚化廠), which features the world's first revolving restaurant on a chimney. If you cycle to the end of Shezidao sandbank, you can absorb an extensive view of the confluence of the Keelung and Tamsui rivers, and Chongyang Bridge (重陽大橋) stretching across the Tamsui River, complete with its two white, H-shaped towers. Drinking in the scene reflected in the waters of the river, you' will hardly want to leave.

Shuangxi Riverside Bikeway – An Invigorating Green Tunnel

The Shuangxi Riverside Bikeway is the shortest of Taipei's six riverside bikeways, and the closest to a residential area; the routes on each side of the river are around 2.8 kilometers long. Anglers can be seen fishing along the length of the path, presenting a leisurely scene.

Among the beautiful scenery along the Shuang River are the many tall trees along the length of the path, creating a natural green tunnel to welcome passing cyclists, who can enjoy the cool, refreshing shade. From the left-hand Shuangxi bikeway, you can also reach the path along the right-hand side of Bailing Bridge (百齡橋). Teams can often be seen playing rugby or football in the Bailing Right Bank Riverside Park (百齡右岸河濱公園), and on the way you can pay a visit to Taipei's last sampan dock, the Sanjiaodu Ferry Port (三腳渡擺渡口).

Xindian River, Dahan River, and Tamsui River Bikeways – The City's Most Environmentally-Friendly Green Areas

The landscape along the Xindian and Dahan rivers is one of the city's green areas. Along the stretch from Zhongxing Bridge (中興橋) to Huajiang Bridge (華江橋), accumulated silt has formed broad sandbanks, marshes and wetland areas, which attract visitors from afar in the form of wildfowl and protected migrant birds.

Setting out from the Fuhe Bridge (福和橋) access road, riding along the right-hand side of Xindian River, the landscape gradually changes from the countless structures of the metropolis to expansive views of green parkland. Passing through Guting Riverside Park (古亭河濱公園), you can stop at the white terraces of the Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park (臺北市客家文化主題公園) to watch flocks of birds flitting among the green trees and Hakka-style buildings. As you enjoy the cool breeze in your face, you will feel completely immersed in nature.

For visitors who do not have their own bicycle with them, there are bike rental centers dotted along the length of the riverside bikeways. You can rent a bike at one stand and return it at another. Foreign visitors need only to bring along their passport and the telephone number and address of their accommodation to rent a bicycle just as easily as the locals. Taipei is blessed with both bustling metropolitan areas and relaxing natural spaces – and you only need a bicycle to experience it all!


The Taipei Riverside Bikeways 臺北河濱自行車道

Helpline: 0982-780-780

Website: www.riversidepark.taipei.gov.tw/BikePath

Guandu Bike Rental Center 關渡租借站

Venue: On Zhixing Rd. (知行路), next to Guandu Temple (關渡宮) and Guandu Wharf (關渡碼頭)

Tel: (02)2858-1016

Dadaocheng Bike Rental Center 大稻埕租借站

Venue: End of Minsheng W. Rd. (民生西路), next to Dadaocheng Wharf (大稻埕碼頭); enter through Dadaocheng Evacuation Gate (大稻埕疏散門)

Tel: (02)2557-1639

Dajia Bike Rental Center 大佳租借站

Venue: Turn into Jingbinjiang St. (濱江街), next to Keelung River Evacuation Gate No. 8 (基隆河8號疏散門)

Tel: (02)2517-5369

Meiti Bike Rental Center 美堤租借站

Venue: Enter through Meiti Evacuation Gate (美堤疏散門), at the end of Jingye 3rd Rd. (敬業三路) and turn left; next to the 4X Racing Ground (土坡曲道賽場)

Tel: (02)8501-1962

Jingfu Bike Rental Center 景福租借站

Venue: The Gongguan Riverside Plaza (公館水岸廣場) at the Taipei Water Park (自來水園區), end of Siyuan St. (思源街), next to Yongfu Bridge (永福橋)

Tel: (02)2364-0156

Muzha Bike Rental Center 木柵租借站

Venue: The plaza at Daonan Riverside Park (道南河濱公園), in front of Taipei Zoo (臺北市立動物園), Sec. 2, Xinkong Rd. (新光路2段)

Tel: (02) 2938-2181

Guanshan Bike Rental Center 觀山租借站

Venue: Turn into the Tayou Evacuation Gate (塔悠疏散門) on Tayou Rd. (塔悠路); head towards Dazhi Bridge (大直橋); beneath the highway bridge

Tel: (02)2761-5927

Huazhong Bike Rental Center 華中租借站

Venue: End of Wanda Rd. (萬大路); enter through Huazhong Evacuation Gate No. 1 (華中一疏散門); beneath Huazhong Bridge (華中橋)

Tel: (02)2339-0908

Shuangxi Bike Rental Center 雙溪租借站

(open on weekends and holidays)

Venue: From Zhoumei St. (洲美街), turn into Heshuang Riverside Park No. 21 (河雙21號河濱公園); head towards Zhoumei Bridge (洲美橋); beside the bikeway


Rainbow Bike Rental Center 彩虹租借站

(open on weekdays and holidays)

Venue: Beneath the right-hand side of MacArthur No. 1 Bridge (麥帥一橋), which can be reached by walking from Rainbow Bridge (彩虹橋) or Xingshan Rd. Bridge (行善路橋)

Tel: (02)2793-5910

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