2014年7月3日 星期四

A Look Behind the Mysterious Veil of a Military Area–the Former Air Force Command Headquarters Opens to Visitors

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2014/07/03 第102期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Discove Taipei
A Look Behind the Mysterious Veil of a Military Area–the Former Air Force Command Headquarters Opens to Visitors
A Look Behind the Mysterious Veil of a Military Area–the Former Air Force Command Headquarters Opens to Visitors
文/Discover Taipei
Soaring through the skies in fighter jets during the bitter years following World War II and taking part in many bloody battles over the Taiwan Strait when death was faced on a daily basis, the stories of the era's fighter pilots are not forgotten, but lie preserved in aged photos, waiting for someone

to pick them up and learn about their heroic exploits.

Their story can now also be discovered at the former Air Force Command Headquarters (國防部空軍司令部), covering an area of approximately 69,500 square meters and situated on Section 3 of Ren'ai Road. During the Japanese era, it was housed in the Taiwan Governor-General's Office Research Institute (臺灣總督府工業研究所). In 1949, it was occupied by the Air Force Command, which finally moved to Zhongyong base in Dazhi (大直忠勇營區) in 2012. In March this year, the former headquarters was turned over to the temporary management of Taipei City Government, which has already carried out a series of revitalization measures. The site has now been opened as an area for tourism, exhibitions, etc., and it has planned to open part of the space as a workshop, allowing citizens to participate in discussion and dialogue, using public opinion to steer the direction of the site's future direction.

The first exhibition to be opened is The Age of Flight – Special Exhibition on the Air Force of the Republic of China (飛行的年代──中華民國空軍特展), planned by the Taipei City Archives Committee (臺北市文獻委員會), which is showing until May 29th. The exhibition, the first activity undertaken by Taipei City Government to temporarily revitalize and use the space, will focus on the development of the Air Force. Admission is free, and the exhibition allows the public to look behind the mysterious veil of what was once a restricted military area.

Seven themed exhibition areas have been planned, including Travel Through Time – the Time to Take off, which helps visitors understand the development of the Air Force; Dominate the Sky – The History of Valiant Eagles, which details the history of the Republic of China Air Force; Take a Look – Bloody Battles in the Clear Blue Sky, which reveals the glorious battle record of the Air Force; Have Adequate Armaments – Landing on a Peaceful Life, which introduces each unit of the Air Force and the beauty of all kinds of fighters; Launch – Heroes' Biographies, which recounts the stories of the heroes of the Air Force and key figures in its development; Fly Above the Clouds – Prestigious Pioneers, which allows visitors to see the extraordinary aviation technology which was the pride of East Asia; and Transport Through the Air – Taiwan in Three Dimensions, which allows the public to experience the history of Taiwanese aviation through their own senses.

The two-story exhibition space also contains all manner of artefacts related to the ROC Air Force from its creation to the War of Resistance against Japan and the Battle of the Taiwan Strait, and there is also an abundance of items such as aircraft models, medals, and photographs. Still more remarkable are the exhibits which use cutting-edge technology, such as touchscreen technology, 3D exhibitions, and multimedia, which reconstruct the glorious history of the ROC Air Force.

The most eye-catching exhibit is the F-104 fighter jet placed in the square outside; although it has been decommissioned, it is as dashing and spirited as ever. In order to show it in all its glory, it has been brought here from the Ching Chuan Kang Air Base (空軍清泉崗基地) in Taichung City (臺中市), and a number of weeks were spent disassembling, restoring, preserving, and reassembling it, to allow it to be displayed in its full glory. Additionally, the works of the 3D artist Tu Lung (圖龍) have also been put on display. Taking the ground as his canvas, he has produced and painted free-standing 3D jets, simulating the overwhelming feeling of flight.

The origami master Zhuo Zhixian (卓志賢) has also been invited to come to the exhibition personally, and teach visitors how to make origami plane models; classic Taiwanese movies such as Heroes of the Eastern Skies (筧橋英烈傳) and A Moment of Romance III (天若有情III烽火佳人) will also be shown every day – foreign friends are welcome to come and look back on the thrilling tales of the Republic of China's Age of Flight!


The Age of Flight – Special Exhibition on the Air Force of the Republic of China


Add: 55, Sec. 3, Ren'ai Rd. (仁愛路3段55號) former Air Force Command Headquarters, Ministry of National Defense (國防部空軍司令部舊址)

Tel: (02)2311-5355, ext. 21

Time: Until 5/29, 10:00~17:00; Sat/Sun extended hours to 18:00


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