2014年7月7日 星期一


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2014/07/07第191期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

訊息通知: biz互動英語報即日起改為「雙週發報」~~
簡介:◎「相形失色」英語怎麼說? ◎ kick back 為何義?
◎ 陽光、沙灘、北海岸!

Life's a Beach: Coastal Gems around Taiwan

When you have the world-class beach resorts of the Philippines and Thailand close at hand, you might be forgiven for thinking that what Taiwan has to offer pales in comparison. However, visitors would be unwise to pass up the opportunity to kick back and relax at one of the island's many coastal areas.

On the northeast coast, firm favorites include Fulong and Baishawan. The former is a golden sand beach — a relative rarity in Taiwan — bisected by the Shuang River. The beach draws legions of sun seekers on summer weekends, especially during July's Hoihaiyan Rock Festival. Further afield, over Yangmingshan, the beach at Jinshan is a lot quieter. The white sands and clear waters of Baishawan are less frequented and just a 45-minute ride from Danshui. For those looking to catch some waves, the beaches of Yilan are recommended. In the west, Zhunan Township in Miaoli is a hit with kite surfers. At the other end of the island, Kenting stakes a claim to being Taiwan's only really developed beach location. If you're looking for a peaceful tropical retreat, this might not be the place for you. The party vibe is almost constant, and things reach a frenetic apex during the Spring Scream rock festival and the contemporaneous Moonlight beach party.

If you're really looking to get away from it all, the outlying islands are your best bet. Penghu offers some fabulous secluded stretches of coast, with nary a soul in sight. There is a plethora from which to choose, but the pristine stretch of white sand at Jibei Island may well be the pick of the bunch.


在東北角海岸,福隆與白沙灣一向是大家的最愛。前者有台灣相對稀少的黃金沙灘,雙溪將這片沙灘一分為二。這片沙灘在夏日周末吸引許多追逐陽光的男女,尤其是在七月的貢寮國際海洋音樂祭。越過陽明山後更遠處,金山的海灘則靜謐許多。有著白沙與清澈海水的白沙灣人煙較少,而且從淡水出發只要 45 分鐘車程。對於想衝浪的人,推薦你前往宜蘭的海灘。在西部,苗栗縣竹南鎮是風箏衝浪客的熱門去處。在台灣的另一頭,墾丁擁有台灣唯一真正已開發海灘區的盛名。如果你想找個寧靜的熱帶度假去處,墾丁可能不太適合你。派對氣氛幾乎毫不停歇,春天吶喊搖滾節和同時舉辦的月光飛舞派對期間是狂熱的頂峰。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.127 7月號biz互動英語雜誌 》

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2014/07/07 (一) I'm sorry this happened to you.
2014/07/08 (二) We'll just try harder to achieve the sales goal next month, that's all.
2014/07/09 (三) The manager doesn't appreciate your efforts.
2014/07/10 (四) Don't take your coworker's criticisms to heart.
2014/07/11 (五) How many days of annual leave do you still have?
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