2014年7月17日 星期四

今日流行,明日消失 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

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2014/07/18 第215期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「英文寫作三步驟」
【英語學習Plus】 今日流行,明日消失 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
【本月發燒書】 英語連音說得溜【二版】
【好康情報局】 準備下一次的旅行 全面79折 自由行自已來!
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今日流行,明日消失 Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Do you have Pokemon cards somewhere in your room? Did you have a Tamagotchi? Have you planked? If so, you were part of a fad.

Fads are intense but short-lived trends. They seem to have existed for as long as humans have formed communities. Perhaps a prehistoric cavewoman put a red flower in her hair. Then another one did, and then everyone in the clan did until one day, suddenly, the exciting thing to do was not to wear a flower. The fad died.

That's a fad. A few people start doing or buying something new or novel. Other people close to them see it and join in, eager to be part of the new, cool thing. A bandwagon effect starts, in which more and more people want to be like the group with the still-cool, still-novel thing. The number of people following the fad increases rapidly. But one day, it suddenly stops. Fads die because something new comes along to replace them or because the object of the fad has been around too long to be considered new.

As far as we can tell, fads exist because of our instinct to fit in with a cool crowd. Peer pressure can make people do ridiculous things, like buying a pet rock in the sixties. That's right, five million Americans had rocks as their pets.

Many fads seem silly after they're over. In 1920s America, flagpole sitting was a brief fad. Yes, people thought it was cool to sit for days on top of a flagpole. Mood rings were a hit in the midseventies, but were out of date within five years.

Japan has given us some major fads: Tamagotchi, Pokemon, and Doraemon, to name a few. Some of Japan's fads have turned into long-term trends. Hello Kitty shows no signs of stopping, and pachinko has been popular for decades since its rise.

We haven't seen the last of silly fads; we never will. The next new thing is always around the corner.




就我們所知,流行時尚之所以存在,是來自人類想成為時髦一員的本能。同儕壓力可以使人做出荒謬的事情,例如在60 年代購買岩石寵物。沒錯,當時有五百萬美國人養岩石當寵物。

許多時尚在退流行後顯得有點愚蠢。在1920 年代的美國,坐在旗竿上曾流行過一陣子。是的,人們當時認為在旗竿上坐個幾天很酷。心情戒指在70 年代中期也很暢銷,但五年內就過時了。



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