2014年7月31日 星期四

With Laser Makeover, Caryatids Regain Glow/古希臘女像柱光彩重現

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2014/08/01 第32期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 With Laser Makeover, Caryatids Regain Glow/古希臘女像柱光彩重現
Workers From Abroad Pick Portugal's Fruit/葡萄牙農業 開始仰賴外勞
With Laser Makeover, Caryatids Regain Glow/古希臘女像柱光彩重現
ATHENS — For 2,500 years, the six sisters stood unflinching atop the Acropolis, as war raged around them, bullets nicked their robes and bombs scarred their bodies.


But only recently have the famed Caryatid statues, among the great divas of ancient Greece, had a chance to reveal their full glory.


For three and a half years, conservators at the Acropolis Museum have been cleaning the maidens, Ionic columns in female form believed to have been sculpted by Alkamenes, a student of ancient Greece's greatest artist, Phidias.


Their initial function was to prop up a part of the Erechtheion, the temple near the Parthenon that paid homage to the first kings of Athens and the gods Athena and Poseidon.


Today they are star attractions in the museum; the originals outside were replaced with reproductions in 1979 to keep the real maidens safe.


Over the centuries, black grime came to mask their beauty. Now, with a specially developed laser technology, conservators has restored their original ivory glow.


The women — minus one — went on full display in June. The missing Caryatid is at the British Museum in London, which acquired it two centuries ago after Lord Elgin, the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, had it sawed off the Erechtheion's porch to decorate — along with adornments from the Parthenon — his mansion in Scotland.


Greek and British authorities have long fought over the return of these so-called Elgin marbles. The missing Caryatid is glaring in its absence from the platform, a display of resistance that is reflected one floor up in the museum, where large swaths of the Acropolis frieze owned by the British Museum are represented as chalky plaster copies of the originals.



Recently, crowds stood enthralled around a dais on which the Caryatids were displayed.


"With the pollution erased, we can read more about the history of the last 2,500 years," said Dimitris Pantermalis, the president of the Acropolis Museum.


To clean the statues, conservators used a dual-wavelength laser developed by the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas in Crete . Beams pulsed across the Caryatids robes, burning soot millimeter by millimeter to reveal the original patina . It took six to eight months to clean each statue .


In their original setting, the Caryatids stood on the porch of the Erechtheion . They rested in contrapposto poses, three of them standing on their right legs, bending their left knees beneath diaphanous robes. The others stood in opposite pose. Together they held up a part of the temple's massive roof.


The Caryatids' origins were less poetic: According to one legend, the maidens were not intended to be glorified, but condemned to stand in penance at the temple for eternity to atone for an ancient treachery committed by their hometown, Caryae, a Greek city near Sparta that took the side of the Persians against the Greeks during the Greco-Persian Wars. Other historians say young women from the city who danced for the goddess Artemis were inspirations.


In 1687, the Caryatids were nicked by bullets and debris when the Parthenon was shelled during a battle between the Turks and the Venetians. Officials say the modern equivalent of that destruction is the gaping hole left when Lord Elgin made off with the statue.


"It's been 200 years," Mr. Pantermalis said. "We think in the framework of the new museum, it's possible to reunite our treasures."


Workers From Abroad Pick Portugal's Fruit/葡萄牙農業 開始仰賴外勞
ODEMIRA, Portugal — Portugal may have 15 percent unemployment, but that does not mean that Reiter Affiliated Companies, an American fruit producer, can find local people to pick berries on its 76-hectare farm here.


Last year, the company began a nationwide recruitment campaign and hired 40 Portuguese. Half quit after the first day. By the end of the week, not a single local worker was left.


"They wanted a job, but this wasn't what they were looking for, because it was basically too hard for too little money," said Arnulfo Murillo, the farm's production manager.


Instead, the farm has imported a third of its labor force all the way from Thailand — 160 of 450 employees — a more expensive alternative .


The reasons the farm work does not appeal to the Portuguese are complex, but the primary one is that it makes little economic sense .


For its agricultural sector, about 2.4 percent of the country's economic output, the problem of finding labor has been exacerbated by Portugal's low minimum wage , still ample unemployment benefits and, not least, an image problem.


Working on a farm is "very badly considered in Portugal, as a job from the past rather than the future," said Jose Alberto Guerreiro, the mayor of the municipality of Odemira.


Laura Miquelino, 32 , has been unemployed for a year. Even so, she said, she would work on a farm only for higher pay. "The Portuguese state has set a minimum wage that doesn't really justify doing this kind of work, because it means you're taking almost no money home from what is a hard and very time-consuming job," she said.


As part of the terms of its 78 billion euro ($106 billion) bailout, the government almost halved the period for which unemployment benefits could be claimed to 18 months. It is now offering exemptions from social security payments to companies that hire new staff members. But those measures have not created incentive enough for many young Portuguese.


European Union subsidies have contributed to the problem b y reducing the pressure to restructure the farming sector and bolster its profitability, according to Catarina Santos Ferreira, a labor lawyer.


At the depths of Portugal's economic crisis three years ago, RAC turned to importing labor from Asia .


Bringing in Thai workers requires visas and proof that RAC cannot find local workers. It also costs RAC almost 2,000 euros more per year than if it hired a local worker. The company pays for a return airline ticket and provides housing .


Still, the return on investment is high because the Thais work very quickly and carefully , according to Eduardo Lopez, a Californian who heads RAC's Portuguese operations.


RAC pays fruit pickers Portugal's minimum wage, equivalent to $770 per month. It also offers a bonus system for extra production . Last year, Thai workers earned about $1,440 a month, about $135 more than the overall average .


Today, just under 100 employees are Portuguese, 50 of whom pick berries. The rest are technicians or office administrators.


In addition to the Thai workers, others are from Eastern Europe, or from countries like Brazil, Morocco and Nepal.


Sunil Pun, a Nepalese fruit picker, said many Nepalese also moved to Portugal because it was easy to gain working residency.


Mr. Pun previously worked on a chicken farm in Poland. "The money is better in northern Europe, but the treatment is more equal here and there is less racism," he said.


Carlos Bernardino, a chemical engineer who is an elected member of Odemira's local assembly, said, "Everybody here wants to work in public administration, but I don't know anybody who wants to say they work in agriculture."



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