2014年8月26日 星期二

A Toy for All Ages 老少咸宜的益智玩具 —— 樂高

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2014/08/26 第164期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

A Toy for All Ages 老少咸宜的益智玩具 —— 樂高

  Some toys are simply fads that quickly fade away. Others stay with us for generations and become part of our shared popular culture. There's one toy that most people can relate to no matter where they are from, and that toy is Lego. For decades, the young and the young-at-heart have enjoyed putting the colorful blocks together to build interesting models.
  The Lego story goes all the way back to 1932 and the workshop of Danish carpenter Ole Kirk Christiansen. He started making wooden toys, and called his company Lego after the Danish words leg godt, which means play well. Later, Christiansen changed from wood to plastic.
  For the next decade or so, Christiansen and his son experimented with the bricks' design. Finally they got it right, and his famous bricks appeard in their modern form in 1947. From the 1950s on, Lego became a key part of children's lives across the globe. Thousands of different sets have been released over the years. Some are based on movies like Star Wars or the Indiana Jones series. Others deal with pirates, dinosaurs, space travel, and other themes that set imaginations flying. Lego is all about getting kids to think while they play.


  樂高的故事可回溯到 1932 年以及丹麥木匠奧爾•科克•克里斯汀森的工作間。他那時開始製作木製玩具,並以丹麥語 leg godt 將他的公司命名為樂高,意思為『好好地玩吧』。後來,克里斯汀森把他的木製樂高改成塑膠製的。
  在接下來的十年左右,克里斯汀森和他兒子用磚塊的外型來做實驗。最後他們終於走對了方向,而他著名的磚塊也在 1947 年時以現在的樣式登場。自 1950 年以來,樂高成了世界各地小朋友生活中很重要的一部分。多年來,數千種不同的組合陸續推出。有些是以像是《星際大戰》或《法櫃奇兵》系列的電影為基礎。有些則以海盜、恐龍、太空旅行及其他能激發想像力的事物為主題。樂高就是要讓小朋友在玩樂時也能動動腦。

  1. fade away  (逐漸)消失
    Cindy could only hope that the pain of losing her husband would fade away quickly.
  2. decade n. 十年
    The civil war tore the small country apart for decades.
  3. put...together / put together...  裝配/組裝……
    Jenny put together the bookcase on her own.
  4. 數字 + or so  大約……
    I heard that 6,000 or so people joined the march.
  5. experiment with...  拿……來實驗,試驗……
    The musician experimented with new ways of recording.
  6. be based on...  根據……
    This novel is based on a real event.
  7. deal with...  涉及/探討……
    These essays deal with women's rights.
  8. imagination n. 想像力
    Mike likes science fiction novels because they are full of imagination.
  1. fad n. 一時的狂熱;時尚
  2. young-at-heart  a. 童心未泯的
    the young-at-heart  n. 所有童心未泯的人
    = people who are young at heart
  3. workshop n. 工場;研習會
  4. carpenter n. 木匠,木工
  5. pirate n. 海盜
  6. dinosaur n. 恐龍
  7. theme n. 主題

字尾 -less 的用法

本文 "...will surely have their imaginations improved by this timeless toy." 中的 timeless 表『永恆的』,其字尾 -less 為常見字尾型態,表『無……的』。-less 也可表『不……的』及『不會……的』,如 harmless(無害的)及 tireless(不知疲倦的)。例:

The dress Sophia is wearing has a timeless elegance.
The mean-looking dog is actually harmless.
The manager is very grateful for Gina's tireless efforts.

常春藤?夏!開學ING 健康隨行!


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