2014年8月14日 星期四

麥田圈 Crop Circles

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2014/08/15 第219期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「演講、報告的音量控制」
【英語學習Plus】 麥田圈 Crop Circles
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麥田圈 Crop Circles

A design appearing quickly and secretively in a field of corn, barley, wheat, or similar crop, formed by the breaking down to the ground of these plants, is a crop circle. Sometimes they are also made by the etching of soil in dry, winter fields or in newly plowed ground. Vivid photographs, as well as colorful videos, have been published, but seeing a crop circle in person by air or from a hilltop and perhaps walking through it is the ultimate experience. Crop circles are a big tourist draw for this reason, with most being located in England.

Discoveries of later-day crop circles began in the 1970s, but they are said to have existed as early as the 7th century. In 1991 in Southampton, England, two men, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, confessed that they had been making crop circles since 1976, but there is no evidence of who or what has caused them before or after their time . . . until 1999. Researchers concluded then that a full 20 percent could not be explained. This number should have been higher, though, for those in 30 countries outside of England were not included in the study. Worldwide, about ten thousand crop circles have been reported as of 2010, an astonishing number!

The name “crop circle” was given because the first pattern was a circle. They have since “matured” to include straight lines of geometry and curved lines and flourishes that make one think of outer space orbits and calligraphy. Some appear to have messages; some look like drawings and exquisite works of art, and others depict mathematical symbols. Are they the work of extraterrestrial beings? Many enthusiastically say, “Yes!” Others believe they are the signs Jesus spoke of when referring to “end times” or that the warning of a cataclysmic event in 2012 is apparent in their content.

If you had been only faintly aware of what crop circles are, or if you are a skeptic of the paranormal or the mysterious, you might find that a little more research on this subject does not go a long way. Once you are captured by their sheer magnitude and beauty and see how they are sprinkled randomly into fields all around the globe, you will want to delve further. To say that crop circles are “interesting” is a gross understatement, and knowing that some are man-made but that others have no feasible explanation is more than an attention-getter. It can become an obsession!


近期的麥田圈是從1970 年代開始被發現的,但據說它們早在七世紀就已經存在了。1991 年,在英國南開普敦,道格• 鮑爾和戴夫.喬利承認他們從1976 年就開始製造麥田圈了。但是在這之前和之後,並沒有證據可以證明是誰或是什麼造成麥田圈的。1999 年,研究人員得到的結論是,有20% 的麥田圈是無法解釋的。而這個數字其實應該更高,因為英國以外的 30 個國家都不在這份研究的調查當中。全世界有大約一萬個麥田圈,這是很驚人的數字啊!

「麥田圈」最初的取名原因,是因為出現的圖案是圓形。從從那時候開始,麥田圈就「進化」為幾何學中的直線、曲線和奇怪的裝飾圖案,讓人很容易聯想到外太空軌道和書法。有些圖案看起來好像是傳達什麼訊息的,有些看起來像是繪圖或精緻的藝術作品,有些則描繪出數學符號。它們是外星人的傑作嗎?許多狂熱分子認為「沒錯」!有些人則認為那些是耶穌所謂的「世界末日」的符號,或者是在警告2012 年將會發生大洪水。


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