2014年8月28日 星期四

台灣的甜點和飲料 Desserts and Beverages of Taiwan

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2014/08/29 第221期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「甚麼時候名詞要大寫?」
【英語學習Plus】 台灣的甜點和飲料
【本月發燒書】 國際專業餐飲英語【餐廳篇】
【好康情報局】 開學季Start!單書79折 套書75折

1. 特定人物的名稱
2. 星期、月份和假日(但季節不大寫)
3. 跟在某人姓名之前的位階、頭銜
4. 地方的名稱(縣市、國家、河流、海洋、街道、公園等)
5. 美國的東、西、南、北部(但用來指方位時不大寫)
6. 歷史上的時期
7. 宗教、國籍、種族、語言、國家
8. 指特定的神和聖典時...more

<< 節錄寂天講堂「甚麼時候名詞要大寫?>>
台灣的甜點和飲料 Desserts and Beverages of Taiwan

Western desserts and sweet treats can all easily be found in Taiwan, but most people here prefer locally made cakes, puddings, and beverages. In truth, it's not hard to see why people love them as they're tasty, inexpensive, and widely available.

Finding something good to drink is never much of a problem in Taiwan, as there are drink stores on practically every block in built-up areas. The beverages at these places are almost always mixed by hand, and most of them involve tea. There are green teas, black teas, oolong teas, fruit teas, and milk teas. One of the most popular drinks is called pearl milk tea, which is packed with chewy, sweet, little balls, or “pearls,” made from tapioca starch. Although this drink is delicious, it's also extremely unhealthy. Fortunately, when you go to drink stores, you can ask for your drink to be made with less sugar.

Another popular Taiwanese drink is grass jelly tea. Lumps of grass jelly, which is made from a mint-like plant, are mixed with syrup and sucked up through a straw. The cooling, minty flavors of the jelly mean that this beverage is especially popular in the hot summer months.

Something else that's sure to cool people down is shaved ice. Bowls are filled with mountains of finely shaved ice and then covered with syrup, condensed milk, and some toppings. Chunks of fresh fruit are a popular choice of topping, and mango seems to be many people's favorite. Kiwi, strawberry, watermelon, and banana are also usually available. For a variation, milk ice is sometimes used for this dish. Not only does this give a different flavor, but it also provides a different texture, since shaved milk ice is much finer. While pieces of fruit would be quite appealing to many Westerners, other popular toppings might seem more unusual. A lot of people like to eat their ice with taro, sweet potato, and red and green beans. These ingredients are actually used in quite a few Taiwanese desserts, and tourists who try them out might be surprised by how much they like them.



另一項大家很愛喝的台灣飲料是仙草茶,作法是將一塊一塊的仙草(用類似薄荷 的植物做的)混合糖漿,再用吸管吸著喝。仙草喝起來冰涼又帶點薄荷味,因此在炎夏的那幾個月特別熱賣。


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