2014年9月22日 星期一

Holland is Calling 來自荷蘭的呼喚

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2014/09/23 第168期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Holland is Calling 來自荷蘭的呼喚

  The classic image of Holland is a diverse tapestry1 of tulips, windmills, clogs2, and cheese. Many travelers continue to be impressed by these time-honored staples of Dutch culture. Yet, beneath the tapestry is a sprawling3 region filled with dikes4, bridges, canals5, museums, and bicycles.
  To truly
explore Holland, get a bike. With over 20,000 miles of bike paths and lanes, the best way to take in the sites is on the seat of a bicycle, and the experience only begins there. From Rembrandt to van Gogh and beyond, Hollanders have been on the cutting edge of architecture6, art, and design for the past 400 years. Take a look through any museum or view the Cube Houses in Rotterdam, and you can see that you are in a truly inspired place.
  After all the bike riding, tired travelers are encouraged to
grab a bite of some local Dutch food, which can be anything from smoked sausages to eels7 and to mouthwatering cherry tarts. Amsterdam alone has over 2,000 restaurants to choose from. So don't wait to book your trip to Holland right now.



  1. diverse a. 多樣的
    We should appreciate and respect the diverse cultures in our country.
  2. explore vt. 探索
    Andy took his backpack and went to explore the desert by himself.
  3. the cutting edge of...  (某事物發展的)尖端/最前線
    The supermodel's outfits are always on the cutting edge of fashion.
  4. view vt. 參觀,觀賞
    Kelly relaxed on the lounge chair and viewed the stunning sunset.
  5. grab a bite  隨便吃點東西
    Derek grabbed a bite to eat while waiting for his connecting flight.
  6. mouthwatering a. 令人垂涎欲滴的
    Jeff prepared a table of mouthwatering dishes for his friends.
  7. choose from...  有……可供選擇
    This boutique has a wide range of bags to choose from.
  8. book vt. 預訂;預約
    All the flights to Japan are fully booked, so we need to rearrange our schedule.
  1. tapestry n. 繡帷,掛毯
  2. clog n. 木屐
  3. sprawling a. 雜亂延伸的,無計劃擴展的
  4. dike n. 堤;壩
  5. canal n. 運河
  6. architecture n. 建築(風格)
  7. eel n. 鰻魚

staple 是什麼意思
本文中 "Many travelers continue to be impressed by these time-honored staples of Dutch culture." 中的 staple 指的是『(一國的)主要特色、特產』,除此之外,staple 也可作『釘書針』的意思。另外,另一個拼法相似的字 stale 則表『(麵包、蛋糕)不新鮮的』之意。

I gave John a case of staples because he had run out of them.
Jane threw out the bread because it went stale.

常春藤?夏!開學ING 健康隨行!
桃園九月飄雪 大溪鎮韭菜花季逍遙遊


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