2014年9月11日 星期四

台灣特色店 Uniquely Taiwanese Stores

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2014/09/12 第223期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 【口語會話 Follow me 】
【英語學習Plus】 台灣特色店 Uniquely Taiwanese Stores
【本月發燒書】 美國之音新聞英語聽力訓練
【好康情報局】 職場進修企劃 【輕鬆版】全面79折 滿千再贈書
【口語會話 Follow me 】

Not in my book. 我可不這麼想。
A:Chris is a really nice guy.
B:Not in my book.

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台灣特色店 Uniquely Taiwanese Stores

Taiwanese people don't just buy clothes, shoes, and electronic gadgets. When you walk along a shopping street, you'll definitely notice some stores that are very different from those that you see in the West. The most unusual ones are the places that sell traditional Chinese medicines. These medicine stores usually look quite old-fashioned, and they're full of old wooden cabinets with drawers. You'll also see jars containing herbs, roots, and other strange-looking objects. In times gone by, Chinese medicine involved the use of rare animal parts like antlers, but many of these things are now illegal in Taiwan. Most medicines are made from plants and funguses, although insects are sometimes used. The people who own these stores are very knowledgeable and are able to prepare prescriptions for many illnesses.

Something else that's good for your health is Taiwanese tea. Some of the best tea in the world is grown in this country, and stores selling it can be found everywhere. The aromas coming from these stores are incredible, and you might find it difficult not to walk inside and take a look around. You'll find shelves lined with packs of locally grown teas and tables where customers sit and sample the produce. The best teas have complex and subtle flavors, and they can be very expensive. But unless you're a tea connoisseur, you might want to buy a cheaper version instead.

Another common sight along Taiwan's roads is a type of store that sells things for people worshipping in temples. They are usually very simple places, as they don't keep many items in stock. Inside and outside, you'll see piles of paper money and bundles of incense and candles. Often, pieces of paper money will be folded up to make models of lotus flowers.

As Taiwan has developed, some older kinds of stores have been replaced by newer, brighter outlets. Old-fashioned grocery stores used to be found everywhere around the country. With modern convenience stores becoming so popular, many of these family-owned places have closed in recent years. They still exist in countryside areas and on the edges of towns, though. They're usually a lot cheaper than convenience stores, and you can often find snacks, drinks, and candies that you wouldn't get in other places.

There are other interesting stores that might be familiar to foreign tourists. What makes them so special is their size. Stationery stores in Taiwan are often huge places that carry hundreds of different types of pens, pencils, and notebooks. You'll also find materials for handicrafts, sports equipment, gift boxes, and toys. That might seem like a wide range of products, but Taiwan's general merchandise stores have much, much more. It's incredible how many different things you can find in these places. There's furniture, tools, toiletries, clothes, gardening equipment, and almost anything else you can think of. Walking around a general merchandise store can be fun, as you never know what you're going to see.






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