2014年10月9日 星期四

Globalization’s Evolving Picture/不斷變化的全球化風貌

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2014/10/10 第42期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Globalization's Evolving Picture/不斷變化的全球化風貌
Brewers Look to West to Save Sake/日本清酒廠在西方找生路
Globalization's Evolving Picture/不斷變化的全球化風貌
By Eduardo Porter/陳世欽譯
Not long ago, executives at the Dutch multinational Royal DSM, a maker of nutritional supplements and high-tech materials, used to require a battery of internal studies to decide where to do a deal or locate a new manufacturing plant. But today, "we won't even do the study," Stephan B. Tanda, who is responsibility for the Americas. "It's clear it will be the United States."


The United States, he said, has lots of cheap natural gas and a very lightly regulated labor market. At the same time, China, where Royal DSM has some 40 plants, is losing its edge. "It is less attractive than it used to be as a source from which to serve the world," Mr. Tanda said. For the last time the United States was as competitive as it is now, he added, "you have to go back to before the first oil shock in the 1970s." Of the $3.6 billion in acquisitions by Royal DSM since 2010, 80 percent has come to the United States.


Could globalization make a U-turn?


Over the last year or two, a growing number of business analysts have been arguing that we are entering a new era of global manufacturing, with the United States at center stage.


Last month, the Boston Consulting Group, a business advising firm, said the United States had the lowest manufacturing costs among major exporters in the developed world and was nearly competitive with China.


But before becoming overly excited about the prospects for an American industrial renaissance, it is worth looking more skeptically at the claim that globalization has run its course.


"I don't agree that China's moment is coming to an end," said Karl P. Sauvant at the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. "The most important determinant of investment is market size and market growth, and China remains a big market and continues to grow at a reasonable pace."


So what if workers in China's coastal areas are becoming more expensive? The country will make more sophisticated stuff. Indeed, countries tend to trade more as their incomes converge, not less. Manufacturers seeking cheap labor still have plenty of places to go, like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mexico or even China's heavily populated hinterland, which will benefit from Beijing's huge investments in infrastructure connecting it to the coast.


There are dynamics that could put a real dent in globalization. If energy prices take off again, that will favor regional rather than global production networks. Intellectual property piracy in China might temper multinational corporations' appetite to invest in advanced industries there.


Technologies that allow fewer workers to perform more sophisticated tasks – 3-D printing, say – might encourage more production in rich countries, near consumer markets.


Already, slow growth is undermining the case for open markets that globalization rests on. Trade has slowed significantly since the Great Recession. Protectionist measures have multiplied as countries have sought to protect domestic producers.


Perhaps China's rising costs will finally provide a break to American workers who have been losing ground for two decades to a once-bottomless pool of cheap workers.


Still, Richard Baldwin of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva said the convergence in incomes driven by the fast industrialization of China and some other countries like Brazil and India is unlikely to stop soon. In 1988, the share of world income held by the seven richest nations peaked at two-thirds. By 2010 it was down to half. It is, Mr. Baldwin proposes, "likely to continue to sag for decades."


Evidence that globalization might be going into reverse is hard to find in the data. Global foreign direct investment flows remain substantially below the record $2 trillion of 2007. But last year they rebounded 9 percent, to $1.45 trillion, according to United Nations data. More than half went to developing countries and China received $124 billion, nearly a record and roughly 50 percent more than six years ago.


Even if the United States draws a larger share of global manufacturing, lots of high-wage jobs are unlikely to follow.


James B. Rice Jr. and Francesco Stefanelli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology looked at some 50 American companies that have said they were bringing jobs home. Most have yet to make any move. Mr. Rice said, "We don't think that's really what's happening."


Brewers Look to West to Save Sake/日本清酒廠在西方找生路
By Kimiko De Freytas-Tamura
LONDON – Kensuke Shichida, the head of a centuries-old sake brewery in southern Japan, had spent a dizzying week in London restaurants tasting a variety of exotic and confounding dishes: pub food, gourmet burgers, French food, Angus beef, ceviche.


The experience left him slightly bewildered and slightly ill, he said, suffering from a food hangover. But Mr. Shichida, 43, is on a mission, he said, to bring his family-brewed sake to European restaurants and pair it with Western cuisine, which means charting new territory.


Japan is proud of its sake heritage, but sales have been falling for decades, and Mr. Shichida and a number of other brewers are trying to help reverse its decline before it is too late.


"I'd be lying if I said pairing sake with burgers didn't hurt my pride as a Japanese," he admitted, hesitantly poking a piece of lamb kidney and sweetbreads with his fork. "But we need to be exploring this path to survive as a brewer."


"Sake is surprisingly versatile," he added.


Fresh oysters, for example, usually go well with Champagne or Chablis, which have a crisp acidity. But Mr. Shichida, who runs the 140-year-old Tenzan brewery, says sake works better. The drink is less acidic, and its cleansing properties help remove the oysters' briny taste, he said.


Most Westerners generally view sake as a clear-colored liquor to be savored with sushi and sashimi, with an alcohol content of 15 to 20 percent. It is thought to have originated in the seventh century and is considered the drink of the gods in the Shinto religion.


Sake is made from fermented rice, water and koji – white rice imbued with a special kind of mold. It ranges from sparkling, somewhat similar to Champagne, to namazake, which tastes best straight from the vat, unpasteurized.


Some chefs and food lovers describe the experiment with sake as a shot in the dark, but for brewers, the challenge is more urgent.


Sake consumption has fallen sharply in Japan since the 1970s because of a decreasing birthrate and a switch by many drinkers to wine, much of it imported, or other domestic drinks like beer, whiskey or shochu, a Japanese spirit.


The number of brewers has shrunk to around 1,000 from around 4,600 in the earlier part of the 20th century.


"The sake industry won't survive on its local market," said Barry McCaughley, a consultant based in London. "Unless it makes changes now, it will be dead in 20 to 30 years."


Restaurants and retailers are starting to push sake as the next drink fad, similar to craft beer, whose popularity has exploded. A Scottish brewer, Arran, plans to start producing Britain's first sake on a commercial scale later this year, the second European brewer to do so after Nogne O of Norway.


"If we're able to tell the Japanese, 'Look how much foreigners are enjoying sake,' that would give them an opportunity to rediscover sake and revive demand," Mr. Shichida said. "We don't want our culture to disappear. We really don't."


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