2014年10月28日 星期二

Trick-or-Peeps! 不給糖,復活節 小雞棉花糖就搗蛋!

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2014/10/28 第309期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

Nazi exile loophole


Expelled Nazis collect millions in Social Security

Dozens of suspected Nazi war criminals and SS guards collected millions of dollars in U.S. Social Security benefits after being forced out of the United States, an Associated Press investigation has found. 美聯社進行的一項調查發現,有數十名疑似的納粹戰犯與黨衛軍守衛在被迫離開美國後,仍領取了上百萬美元的社會安全福利金。
The payments, underwritten by American taxpayers, flowed through a legal loophole that gave the U.S. Justice Department leverage to persuade Nazi suspects to leave the U.S. If they agreed to go, or simply fled before deportation, they could keep their Social Security, according to interviews and internal U.S. government records. 這些由美國納稅人支付的款項,是透過美國司法部一個合法漏洞而流入這些納粹餘孽的手中,而這是司法部說服納粹嫌犯離開美國的手段。根據訪談內容和美國政府內部的紀錄 顯示,假如他們願意離開,或是在被驅逐出境之前逃跑,他們即可保留社會安全金。
Among those receiving benefits were armed SS troops who guarded the network of Nazi camps where millions of Jews perished; a rocket scientist who used slave laborers to advance his research in the Third Reich; and a Nazi collaborator who engineered the arrest and execution of thousands of Jews in Poland. There are at least four living beneficiaries. They include Martin Hartmann, a former SS guard at the Sachsenhausen camp in Germany, and Jakob Denzinger, who patrolled the grounds at the Auschwitz camp complex in Poland. 其中的受益者包括,曾看守數百萬名猶太人喪生的集中營網絡的武裝黨衛軍士兵,使用奴隸勞工來提升自己在納粹德國的研究的一名火箭科學家,以及一名在波蘭造成上千名猶太人 遭逮捕並處決的納粹通敵者。目前存活的受益者至少有四人,他們包括德國薩克森豪森集中營的前黨衛軍守衛馬丁哈特曼,以及曾在波蘭奧許維茲集中營當警衛的雅各鄧津格。
Hartmann moved to Berlin in 2007 from Arizona just before being stripped of his U.S. citizenship. Denzinger fled to Germany from Ohio in 1989 after learning denaturalization proceedings against him were underway. He soon resettled in Croatia and now lives in a spacious apartment on the right bank of the Drava River in Osijek. Denzinger would not discuss his situation when questioned by an AP reporter; Denzinger's son, who lives in the U.S., confirmed his father receives Social Security payments and said he deserved them. 哈特曼在被撤銷美國國籍前,於二○○七年從美國亞利桑那州搬到德國柏林。鄧津格 則在察覺撤銷他國籍的程序已開始進行後,便於一九八九年從俄亥俄州逃到德國。他很快就在克羅埃西亞落腳,目前居住在奧西耶克的德拉瓦河右岸上的一間寬敞公寓內。 鄧津格不願意與一名訪問他的美聯社記者談論他的狀況;他居住在美國的兒子證實,父親確實有領取社會安全金,並表示這是父親應得的。
The deals allowed the Justice Department's former Nazi-hunting unit, the Office of Special Investigations, to skirt lengthy deportation hearings and increased the number of Nazis it expelled from the U.S. 這些安排讓司法部的前納粹追捕單位特別調查處,得以迴避曠日廢時的驅逐出境審訊,使得遭美國驅逐出境的納粹黨人人數增加。
But internal U.S. government records obtained by the AP reveal heated objections from the State Department to OSI's practices. Social Security benefits became tools, U.S. diplomatic officials said, to secure agreements in which Nazi suspects would accept the loss of citizenship and voluntarily leave the United States. 不過美聯社所取得的美國政府內部紀錄卻顯示,美國國務院強烈反對特別調查處的做法。美國外交官員表示,社會安全金成了一種讓納粹嫌疑人接受他們 美國國籍被剝奪,並自願離開美國的妥協手段。
"It's absolutely outrageous that Nazi war criminals are continuing to receive Social Security benefits when they have been outlawed from our country for many, many, many years," said U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York, a senior Democratic member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. She said she plans to introduce legislation to close the loophole. Since 1979, the AP analysis found, at least 38 of 66 suspects removed from the country kept their Social Security benefits. 美國眾議院政府改革和監督委員會民主黨委員卡洛琳馬隆尼表示:「讓納粹戰犯能在被驅離美國多年後 ,還能一直領取社會安全金的情況,實在是令人匪夷所思。」。她指出,她打算提案關閉這項漏洞。美國社進行的分析顯示,自一九七九年起,在遭驅逐出境的六十六名嫌疑人中 ,有至少卅八人持續保有社會安全福利。
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不給糖,復活節 小雞棉花糖就搗蛋!

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