2014年10月16日 星期四

薄暮 Twilight

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2014/10/17 第228期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂「不定冠詞a/an的用法」
【英語學習Plus】 薄暮 Twilight
【本月發燒書】 超級英語閱讀訓練2
【好康情報局】 不敗經典文學展 全面79折

在單數可數名詞前面,通常要加不定冠詞a 或an(或one、my、the 等)。
Tomorrow I’ll give Ms. Tower a flower.
Ruth is looking for an elephant tooth.

<< 節錄寂天講堂「不定冠詞a/an的用法」>>
薄暮 Twilight

Have you ever witnessed a scene of such tranquility that its beauty overwhelmed you? Such was the scene of two beautiful deer grazing in the still pasture as twilight approached. Pinks, yellows, and oranges streaked the sky like a magnificent painting. Every few seconds, one of the deer’s tails twitched as it lifted its head to look around carefully before returning to its dinner. Dark shadows lengthened as the evening crept closer and closer. The forest that surrounded the pasture seemed to beckon the deer, urging them to seek refuge from any lurking dangers.

Suddenly, from out of the forest, a large fox raced toward the deer. As soon as they sensed movement, the deer took off in opposite directions, at first erratic and confused, then purposeful and focused as they ran to evade their predator. The fox paused. Then, instinctively, it raced after the slower deer deep into the pine forest. Then, all was quiet again in the pasture. Quiet. Dark. Somehow less peaceful.

The sky quickly became a murky grayish pink. The sky painting appeared as if a bucket of water had spilled across the canvas, washing away the vibrant colors. Two rabbits darted playfully, and fireflies flickered in the dusk. Within minutes, the atmosphere of peace had returned, the skirmish toward death forgotten.


突然間,一隻大狐狸從森林衝出來奔向兩隻鹿。兩隻鹿一察覺到騷動,就立刻往相反方向逃跑。牠們一開始茫然的閃避這隻掠食者,不久便有目標地專心逃跑。狐狸停了下來,然後直覺地追向那隻速度較慢的鹿進入了松林。牧場又恢復了寧 靜,沉靜又黑暗中卻少了一點平和。


<< 本篇選自FUN學美國英語閱讀寫作課本5 >>
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