2014年10月2日 星期四

When Businesses Face Bias Charges/企業應避免被指懷有偏見

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2014/10/03 第41期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 When Businesses Face Bias Charges/企業應避免被指懷有偏見
Hollywood Star-Making Machine Descends on YouTube/明星經紀商上YouTube找人
When Businesses Face Bias Charges/企業應避免被指懷有偏見
"My theory is that the black crowd scared away the whites and there are simply not enough affluent black fans to build a significant season ticket base."


That was one of the offensive quotes in an email that Bruce Levenson, the owner of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team, sent to his colleagues two years ago. That email — and an internal investigation — pushed Mr. Levenson to apologize and put the team up for sale.


The email has also ignited a conversation among leaders in corporate America and on Wall Street . What is business and what is bias, subtle or otherwise?


Discrimination remains a real issue in the business world. Studies show that Wall Street, for example, long charged African- Americans and Hispanics higher interest rates on mortgages than whites.


Mr. Levenson appeared to be actively seeking to replace his predominantly black audience with a whiter crowd.


Mr. Levenson self-reported his email to the National Basketball Association earlier this year. The note was intended to explain why his team's season- ticket and merchandise sales were so low compared with those of other teams. Mr. Levenson wrote, "I start looking around our arena during games and notice the following," ticking off a list that includes "it's 70 pct black," "the cheerleaders are black," and "the music is hip-hop."


Some people describ ed his comments as worse than the racist rant of Donald Sterling, who was forced to sell the Los Angeles Clippers and was barred from the league for life.


Yet others suggested that Mr. Levenson's remarks were those of a rational executive. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the former N.B.A. star who has long written about race, agreed. "Levenson is a businessman asking reasonable questions about how to put customers in seats," Mr. Abdul-Jabbar wrote on Time magazine's website. "If his arena was filled mostly with whites and he wanted to attract blacks, wouldn't he be asking how they could de-emphasize white culture and bias toward white contestants and cheerleaders? "


Autry J. Pruitt, a syndicated radio host, said he was initially furious but changed his mind after he read the email in full. "Although parts of it are uncomfortable to read, nothing struck me as racist or out of line."


In another part of Mr. Levenson's email, he seems to criticize racism: "On fan sites I would read comments about how dangerous it is around" the arena . "I don't know of a mugging or even a pickpocket incident. This was just racist garbage. When I hear some people saying the arena is in the wrong place I think it is code for there are too many blacks at the games."


Mr. Levenson's remarks are a reminder of the challenge companies have when seeking out customers based on income, race, religion or another demographic. Companies can now more sharply focus their marketing by taking advantage of web search and social media . The line between singling out specific demographics and discrimination is a fine one .


The former chief executive of the clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch, Michael S. Jeffries, was vilified for saying he hired only good-looking employees "because good-looking people attract other good-looking people, and we want to market to cool, good-looking people. We don't market to anyone other than that . Are we exclusionary? Absolutely."

美國青少年服飾零售商Abercrombie & Fitch前執行長傑福瑞斯曾經說,他只雇用長相好看的員工,因為「長相好看的人會吸引其他長相好看的人。我們行銷的對象是長相好看的人。我們不會向其他消費者行銷。我們具有排他性嗎?絕對如此。」這段話使他受到痛批。

The co-founder of Lululemon, Chip Wilson, was forced to step down after he commented, "Quite frankly, some women's bodies just actually don't work" for his company's yoga pants. Many women considered his comment offensive. Mr. Levenson later called his comments "inflammatory nonsense." He added: "We all may have subtle biases and preconceptions when it comes to race, but my role as a leader is to challenge them, not to validate or accommodate those who might hold them."



The business world should take note.


Hollywood Star-Making Machine Descends on YouTube/明星經紀商上YouTube找人
LOS ANGELES — A few months ago, CBS Films wanted Bethany Mota, an 18-year-old video blogger, to make a cameo appearance in the movie "The Duff" and tell her 7.2 million YouTube followers about the experience. CBS figured that Ms. Mota, known for making fashion videos from her Los Banos, California, bedroom, would jump at the chance.


Her response: Talk to my team. Ms. Mota, as the studio discovered, is now encircled by a Hollywood talent agency — United Talent — and lawyer, not to mention two publicists. The representatives came back with a $250,000 fee, according to a person involved, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. CBS was dumbfounded.


The star-making system of the future, it turns out, needs the star-making system of the past — or at least a swarm of agents and managers has decided it does: The middle men and women have arrived, eroding YouTube's status as the quintessential do-it yourself enterprise.


The great promise of YouTube was its ability to cut out Hollywood- style intermediaries, but there are now more than 20 agencies and management companies competing to represent YouTube personalities, at least triple the number of three years ago.


Their sales pitch: For a 10 percent to 20 percent cut of your income, we will make you a bigger online star while broadening your career to include traditional licensing, endorsement, recording and acting deals.


"We're not just miners digging for gold," said Larry Shapiro, head of talent at Fullscreen, a web video company. "We're turning that gold into precious jewelry."


Still, YouTube stars are not exactly scarce. CBS passed on Ms. Mota and signed five lesser- known personalities for a fraction of her fee; together, they reached a larger base.

不過,You Tube明星並非稀世珍寶。CBS略過莫塔,用聘請她費用的一小部分簽下五個名氣較小的名人,他們的追隨者加起來更多。

Did Ms. Mota's representatives ask for too much? Brent Weinstein, United Talent's digital chief, said video creators were represented no less aggressively than movie and TV stars. "These are extraordinarily talented artists, with large audiences, and it's our job to help them build long-lasting careers," he said.


Two years ago, YouTube was still predominantly a do-it-yourself kind of place. But then the video platform decided to allow all content producers (instead of just some) to share in ad sales.


At the same time, lucrative brand deals — embedding a product into the action of a video — started to proliferate, driven in part by spiking subscriber bases . The most popular video creators make $1 million or more annually.


Intermediaries of all types started chasing the cash.


"Almost overnight it became a complete frenzy," said Raina Penchansky, chief strategy officer for Digital Brand Architects, one of the first companies to open a YouTube division.

最早設立YouTube部門的Digital Brand Architects公司首席策略師芮娜.潘查恩斯基說:「熱潮幾乎是一夕間湧現。」

The rush to represent social media stars has become so overheated that some entertainment executives are raising questions about exploitation and even government regulation. The concern is that some intermediaries — upstarts and less-honorable companies — are taking advantage of Internet performers, many of whom are naive teenagers.


"Money changed everything," said Naomi Lennon, president of Lennon Management, which focuses on YouTube personalities.


Like traditional celebrities, many YouTube stars have hired both an agent and a manager .


For the most part, video creators seem thrilled at the attention. YouTube has become so crowded that they need help getting noticed. As mainstream advertisers, book publishers and TV networks have started to view them as legitimate, the deals have grown too complex to handle alone.


Horror stories about signing contracts without proper vetting have circulated.


Last year, an online video supplier called Machinima came under public fire after a client, Ben Vacas, 24, realized he had signed away rights to his videos "in perpetuity, throughout the universe, in all forms of media now known or hereafter devised." (Machinima says it now offers less restrictive contracts.)


At Fullscreen, roughly 50 clients have signed on for what Mr. Shapiro calls "360 degree" service. He said another 200 or so receive "high level" help.


Mr. Shapiro cited a deal Fullscreen worked on for its client Our2ndLife, a group of comedic heartthrobs, that involved taking over MTV's social media channels (Vine, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr) and starring in a preshow for MTV's Movie Awards. The group members were paid, and it significantly raised their profile in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue, Mr. Shapiro said.


He said, "It's balancing their social imprint and their book deal and their music deal while brokering new relationships."



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