2014年12月26日 星期五

影響匯率之因素 Factors Affecting Exchange Rates

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【英語學習Plus】 影響匯率之因素 Factors Affecting Exchange Rates
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影響匯率之因素 Factors Affecting Exchange Rates

The exchange rate is the value of one currency expressed in terms of another country's currency. For example, in June 2011, 80 yen would buy one U.S. dollar, or, expressed another way, one Japanese yen would buy 0.0124 U.S. dollars.

Forex, short for “foreign exchange,” is the buying and selling of foreign currencies. Currency traders exchange one currency for another in order to exploit different values of the currencies. These values fluctuate according to a number of factors.

Currencies can be traded at spot and foreign exchange options markets. The spot market represents current exchange rates, whereas options are derivatives of exchange rates.

An increase in transaction demand will drive up the cost of buying a currency. In times of strong economic growth, the demand for the use of currency in normal business transactions increases, and the value of the currency appreciates.

Similarly an increase in speculative demand for a currency will drive up its cost. In other words, more of this currency is being bought as a speculation by currency traders because the value of this currency is expected to rise in the future. The higher a country's interest rates, the greater the demand for that currency.

Most major currencies are said to be free-floating; that is, their exchange rates are allowed to vary against those of other currencies. Other currencies are “pegged,” or the exchange rate is fixed to another country's currency(historically, the U.S. dollar).

There are a handful of different ways of measuring exchange rates. A bilateral exchange rate involves a currency pair. A nominal effect exchange rate(NEER) is the unadjusted weighted average value of one country's currency relative to a group of other traded currencies. A real effective exchange rate(REER) adjusts NEER by appropriate foreign price level and deflates by the home country price level.

Anyone wishing to engage in forex must be aware of the extent to which the cross-border trading of financial assets (stocks and bonds) drives currency fluctuations. The proportion of such foreign exchange transactions now dwarfs the extent of currency transactions generated from trading in goods and services.

匯率係指一國貨幣的價值以他國貨幣呈現。舉例來說,在2011 年6月,1 塊美金等值80日圓,或反過來說,即1日圓值0.0124塊美元。Forex(foreign exchange,外匯縮寫)指外國貨幣的買賣。外匯交易員透過不同幣別間的轉換來賺取價差,而各幣別價值波動則受多重因素影響。

Forex(foreign exchange,外匯縮寫)指外國貨幣的買賣。外匯交易員透過不同幣別間的轉換來賺取價差,而各幣別價值波動則受多重因素影響。







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