2014年12月26日 星期五

Hong Kong Recast As Hub of Creativity/香港要轉型為創意中心

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2014/12/26 第53期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
編輯小語 Sweden's Storybook Heroine Ignites a Debate on Race/《長襪子皮皮》女主角引發種族辯論
紐時周報精選 Hong Kong Recast As Hub of Creativity/香港要轉型為創意中心
Sweden's Storybook Heroine Ignites a Debate on Race/《長襪子皮皮》女主角引發種族辯論
Since she burst onto the scene in 1945 with her mismatched socks, abundant freckles and two red braids sticking straight out of her head, Pippi Longstocking, a rambunctious, joyful girl strong enough to lift horses, has become a touchstone for generations of children who have read her in 65 languages .


In Sweden, Pippi is something more: a national treasure and embodiment of the country's egalitarian spirit. So when the Swedish national broadcaster announced this fall that it would edit two scenes that it considered offensive in a 1969 television series about Pippi — including one in which she says her father is "king of the Negroes," using a Swedish word now viewed as a racial slur — it caused an uproar.


The series was based on the Pippi Longstocking books by Astrid Lindgren, the first of which were published between 1945 and 1948. Defenders of the decision, including the heirs of Ms. Lindgren, who died in 2002, said the change respected the spirit of the author. Even in 1970, she had called the term outdated and said she had not meant to offend.


But many others — including tens of thousands of people who answered a Facebook poll on the website of Sweden's largest daily newspaper this fall — said they opposed the revision .


Coming just weeks after a hard-right party with skinhead roots won an unprecedented 13 percent of the vote in national elections, and following other controversies over caricatures in children's books, the Pippi controversy has tapped into a growing and often uncomfortable debate. It concerns ethnicity in a country that prides itself on its egalitarianism but in which ethnic minorities, a small percentage of the country's nine million people, have only begun to have a voice.


"When it comes to feminism, we're better; when it comes to racism, we're behind," said the Swedish playwright and novelist Jonas Hassen Khemiri .


Mr. Khemiri said that in an increasingly globalized world — and after the country had taken in hundreds of thousands of immigrants and asylum seekers in recent years — some Swedes were using Pippi to hold on to a traditional idea of Swedishness.


"The few things that are Swedish have become a battlefield where people are trying to defend their fantasies of that nation," he said. "It's very hard to defend this naive idea of an authentic, simple past ."


Nils Nyman, the head of the family company that oversees the lucrative rights to Ms. Lindgren's work, said that not making the changes risked distracting from the books' broader message of "girl power before it was known" as such.


In one scene, the racial slur has been removed so that Pippi now says, "My father is the king!" In the second, Pippi no longer pulls her eyelids upward, pretending to be Asian, yet still sings a mock Chinese song.


Baker Karim, an Afro-Swedish film director , summarized the debate as one in which Swedes said: " 'We're not racist! So could we just keep these racist stereotypes alive because we're not racist?' "


Hong Kong Recast As Hub of Creativity/香港要轉型為創意中心
When Candace Campos moved from the United States to Hong Kong six years ago, she encountered few hurdles to opening her own interior design company.


She started small, transforming her 70-square-meter home from a gutted commercial rental into a bright living space styled like a New York loft. A 2008 cover piece featuring her apartment in the Hong Kong magazine Home Journal drew interest from expatriates who wanted to bring Western aesthetics into their Hong Kong homes.


"The idea of leaving pipes exposed, beams and columns raw, and floors as concrete was not a design aesthetic found in Hong Kong," said Ms. Campos, 34. "So it was easy to stand apart from other designers."


Her company, ID Interiors & Identity Design, has produced designs for restaurants like the Michelin-starred Tate Dining Room & Bar . Ms. Campos said the absence of homegrown talent has given her an advantage. Her biggest competition, she noted, comes from other expatriates .


But Hong Kong, known more for its cargo ports and financial sector than for a vibrant cultural or creative scene, is working to move past an economy based on manufacturing and reproduction of goods to one based on innovation, branding and design, said Stanley Chu, 64, of the Adsale Group, which organizes international trade shows in Asia.


In 2009, the government established CreateHK, an office dedicated to developing creative industries, which broadly include advertising, architecture, design, cultural heritage, the performing arts and film.


The office has also worked with the local educational system, from primary schools to colleges, to develop curriculums for teaching film, animation and architecture.


The initiatives are starting to pay off. The contribution of the creative industries to the territory's gross domestic product increased to 4.9 percent in 2012 from 3.9 percent in 2007, according to the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department — about 97.8 billion Hong Kong dollars, or $12.6 billion. The number of people employed in those fields also increased by 20,000 from 2007 to 2012, to 200,370.


The former Police Married Quarters, barracks from the colonial era, were transformed under a conservation plan. The site, now known as PMQ, opened in April and now houses studios for more than 100 entrepreneurs in the creative industries, many of whom are product and fashion designers. It holds workshops on marketing and branding and has received more than 1.5 million visitors since it opened.


Executives in creative fields say that although the local talent pool may be deepening, customers' views on creative work can remain stuck in the past.


The Savannah College of Art and Design, an American university, is joining other efforts to bring credibility to the creative fields in the territory, said Robert Dickensheets, the college's vice president in Hong Kong. It opened its Hong Kong campus in 2010. Enrollment increased to 600 in this year's incoming class from 141 in 2010.


Lucia Ho, 21, who attended the university, works full time for Peninsula Merchandising Limited, which produces merchandise for the Peninsula hotel chain. She helped design the packaging for the hotel's mooncakes. She noted that of the 13 graphic design majors in the school's first class, 11 had job offers before graduation in June.


As more people like her find work in the nascent creative industries, they will begin to change the general perception of such work in Hong Kong, Mr. Dickensheets said.


The long-term goal for Hong Kong, he said, is to create a culture in which "the designer can be valued as much as a banker."



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