2014年12月2日 星期二

Invasion Earth 幽浮入侵中

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2014/12/02 第191期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Invasion Earth 幽浮入侵中
by Marcus Maurice

Are we alone?

  For as long as humans have looked into the sky, people have reported seeing UFOs, aliens, and alien abductions. Is there intelligent life in outer space? What would happen if a UFO landed on the White House lawn and blew the building to pieces? What if we intercepted an alien signal telling us how to travel to Mars in 15 minutes? Would we jump at the chance to do it or would we all cower away? All of these scenarios would probably make the world go crazy, which is why so many people talk about unidentified flying objects in the skies.
  This month, National Geographic Channel (NGC) takes a look at some cases that cannot be explained by camera tricks, weather, military drills, or things that are classified as top secret information. In Invasion Earth, NGC creates a UFO atlas, which is a collection of the world’s UFO sightings. In the program, documentary-style footage of some of these sightings is shown, and in-depth interviews with witnesses are conducted. Of course, not all of it is believable because some people that claimed to have seen UFOs are crazy or have drug problems, and the footage is very old. Still, there are a lot of things that do not add up. This is especially spooky when people from one side of the globe see the same thing that people on the other side of the world see. While many people may dismiss UFO sightings as hoaxes, Invasion Earth tries to dig deeper to see if we are really alone.

  1. report vt. 舉報;告發
    report sth to sb  向某人呈報某事
    Gina reported Jeff's bad behavior to the teacher.
  2. jump at the chance  抓緊機會
    You should jump at the chance to eat at that restaurant.
  3. scenario n. 情節,情況
    At the CPR class, the students learned how to deal with real-life scenarios.
    *real-life a. 真實的;現實的
  4. be classified as sth  被歸類為某物
    = be categorized as sth
    The author's latest work cannot be classified as a novel.
  5. believable a. 可信的
    Hannah's reason for running a red light was believable to the police officer, so he let her go.
  6. add up  合乎情理
    I won't take Nina's advice because her reasoning doesn't add up.
  7. spooky a. 令人毛骨悚然的
    = creepy a.
    The abandoned cabin was so spooky that no one dared to enter.
    *abandoned a. 被遺棄的
  8. dismiss... as...  摒棄……而不予理會
    dismiss sb from his / her job  解除某人的職務,解雇某人
    Mr. Warren dismissed the reports as ridiculous.
    *ridiculous a. 無稽的,荒謬的
    Rachel was dismissed from her job for incompetence.
    *incompetence n. 不適任,無能力
  1. invasion n. 入侵
  2. alien n. 外星人 & a. 外星人的
  3. abduction n. 綁架
  4. intelligent a. 有智能的
  5. lawn n. 草坪
  6. blow vt. 使爆炸(三態為:blow, blew, blown。)
  7. intercept vt. 攔截
  8. unidentified a. 未被辨識的,身份不明的
  9. military a. 軍事的
  10. drill n. 操練
  11. atlas n. 地圖集
  12. a collection of...  ……的蒐藏
  13. sighting n. 目睹/看見(尤指少見的事物)
  14. documentary n. 紀錄片
  15. footage n.(某個事件的)影片
  16. in-depth a. 深入的
  17. witness n. 目擊(者)
  18. conduct vt. 進行(研究、調查等)
  19. hoax n. 騙局;惡作劇
  1. cower away  退縮
    cower vi. 退縮,畏縮
  2. go crazy  發瘋,陷入瘋狂
    = go nuts
    = go bananas
    = go insane


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