2014年12月18日 星期四

New Meaning for Islamic Styles/穆斯林時尚 賦予伊斯蘭式風格新面貌

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2014/12/19 第52期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New Meaning for Islamic Styles/穆斯林時尚 賦予伊斯蘭式風格新面貌
The Book, a Mystery Without a Page/沒有書頁的一本神祕小說
New Meaning for Islamic Styles/穆斯林時尚 賦予伊斯蘭式風格新面貌
A fashion event took place last month that seemed — well, not like the other s: the Islamic Fashion Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


"Islamic fashion festival? Just doesn't make sense," one Muslim girl tweeted.


But that, it turned out, was precisely the point.


Founded nine years ago by Dato' Raja Rezza Shah partly to combat stereotypes about Islam, the festival is part of a wider movement within a slice of the Muslim world — most often Muslims living in minority contexts, or non-Arab Muslim majority countries — that has seized on fashion as a means to reshape the cultural narrative. Or at least how it is seen.


As Reina Lewis, a professor of cultural studies at the London College of Fashion and the author of "Muslim Fashion: Contemporary Style Cultures," to be published in 2015, said : "Every time there is a moral panic in the West about Muslims as a civilizational Other, whether it is about the jihadization of young men or whatever, it is illustrated with a picture of women wearing the hijab or abaya, shrouded in black."


The designer and blogger Dian Pelangi, who"Islamic fashion festival? Just specializes in rainbow-tinted tie-dyed chiffons and silks combined with African detailing that also cover the head and body, told The Jakarta Post: "I think that if Islamic fashion can gain traction in America, it will change people's perceptions of Islam and Islamic fashion."


The festival, which began in 2006 and is now held three times a year, most recently was a showcase for 26 designers from Malaysia , Singapore, Indonesia and Pakistan. The festival has an official goal to build " an updated visual and cultural reference from which Islam can be related to the modern world through the creative arena of fashion divorced from political, economic and social strife."


But it is also a lucrative market. The Muslim clothing and footwear market was estimated by Thomson Reuters at $224 billion globally in 2012 — 10.6 percent of total global expenditure in the sector, and the second biggest market in the world after the United States ($494 billion in 2012). The news agency projects it to grow to $322 billion by 2018.


Malaysia is competing with Dubai and Indonesia for the position of "capital of Islamic fashion," Dr. Lewis said. "It's part of national branding strategy and development ."


Calvin Thoo, one of the designers who has been participating in the event since it began, said, "There is this crisis where Islam has probably been given a bad name by extremists, and I want to show modest dress does not have to mean somber, or boring or so complicated ." His recent collection featured not just long sleeves and skirts and high necks, but also peplums, chiffon halters, beading on shoulders and arms and lace cutaways, all in jewel tones.


Nor Aini Shariff, whose line is called Jarumas, focuses on what might be termed "haute batik."


Most of the clothes on display were marked by saturated colors, from jade to rose, sapphire, crimson and white, as well as elaborate draping and headpieces. They were modest in coverage, but not aesthetic ambition.


Where the festival may differ most from the competing fashion weeks of Dubai (founded in 2005) and Jakarta (founded in 2008) is that it has traveled to London, New York, Monaco, Singapore and other cities.


The festival is a part of a growing awareness in a diverse array of cultures and countries that fashion may be a useful communications tool. Colombia's Inex- Moda has been part of an effort to change the national story from one of drug-running to one of design. And Zambia's fashion week was conceived to move the conversation from poverty to creativity and pride.


Festival organizers are positive about its potential. "I believe I.F.F. has managed to bring the message that Islam does not equal to terrorism; an easy example is we are still invited around the world," Dato' Rezza wrote in an email message.


Dr. Lewis was more measured . "I don't want to suggest this approach will end global friction or war," she said. "But alongside the depiction of Islam as a religion of peace and universal values, the depiction of Islam as part of contemporary consumer culture is an effective way to convey the message they live in the same world as everyone else."


The Book, a Mystery Without a Page/沒有書頁的一本神祕小說
Print has been good to Jeffery Deaver. Over the last 26 years, Mr. Deaver, a lawyer- turned-thriller writer, has published 35 novels and sold 40 million copies of them globally.


But his latest work, "The Starling Project," a globe-spanning mystery about a war crimes investigator, isn't available in bookstores. It won't be printed at all. The story was conceived, written and produced as an original audio drama for Audible, the audiobook producer and retailer. If Mr. Deaver's readers want the story, they'll have to listen to it.


"My fans are quite loyal," Mr. Deaver said. "If they hear I've done this and that it's a thriller, I think they'll come to it."


"The Starling Project," which came out in mid-November, will test the appetite for an emerging art form that blends the immersive charm of old-time radio drama with digital technology. It's also the latest sign that audiobooks are coming into their own as a creative medium.


Audible has produced around 30 original works, as varied as a serialized thriller about a conspiracy that drives India and Pakistan to the brink of nuclear war, and original short stories set in the world of Charlaine Harris's vampire novels.


"You have this massive opportunity when you don't have to fight for people's eyes," said Donald Katz, chief executive of Audible. "It's time for us to move from sourcing content that can produce fantastic audio, on to imagining what the aesthetic of this new medium should be from the ground up."


"The Starling Project" runs to a little over four hours and has 29 actors performing in 80 parts .


It's no surprise that authors are eager to make their mark in the medium. In the first eight months of this year, sales of digital audiobooks were up 28 percent over the same period last year, far outstripping the growth of e-books, which rose 6 percent, according to the Association of American Publishers. Meanwhile, hardcover print sales for adult fiction and nonfiction fell by nearly 2 percent.


Audiobook publishers released nearly 36,000 titles in 2013, up from 6,200 in 2010, according to the Audio Publishers Association. Audible dominates the market, with more than 170,000 works, including 18,000 produced this year .


Mr. Deaver said that when Audible approached him about writing an original story for them, he was a bit daunted. "It was like a nonvisual play," he said. He had collaborated on two other original audio works for Audible, with more than a dozen other thriller writers. But he had never written one start to finish .


First, he charted a plot about a retired army intelligence officer, Harold Middleton, who is recruited to stop a shadowy mass-murder plot called "The Starling Project." The action takes place in Mexico, Washington, London, Marseille and central Africa. Mr. Deaver quickly ran into problems, though, finding it was tricky to establish geographic locations through dialogue (he opted for a flight attendant's announcement in one scene, welcoming travelers to France).


Mr. Deaver said he was hoping the project would help him build a new audience of listeners.


"There are so many time-wasting alternatives to reading out there, and authors are up against formidable competition with things like Assassin's Creed, Minecraft, Angry Birds," he said. "This is an easier way for people to get access to good storytelling."



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