2014年12月11日 星期四

The Frightening Side Of Intelligent Robots╱人工智慧失控後果可怕

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2014/12/12 第51期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 The Frightening Side Of Intelligent Robots╱人工智慧失控後果可怕
Time for Uber to Grow Up, Fast╱優步需要改變 事不宜遲
The Frightening Side Of Intelligent Robots╱人工智慧失控後果可怕
Ebola gives me nightmares. Bird flu and SARS scare me. But what terrifies me is artificial intelligence. The first three, with enough resources, humans could stop. The last, which humans are creating, could become unstoppable.


Consider what artificial intelligence is. Grab an iPhone and ask Siri about the weather or stocks. Her answers are artificially intelligent. These artificially intelligent machines are cute now, but as they are given more power , the y may not take long to spiral out of control.


In the beginning, the glitches will be small but eventful. Maybe a rogue computer momentarily derails the stock market . Or a driverless car freezes on the highway because a software update goes awry.


But the upheavals can escalate quickly . Imagine how a medical robot, programmed to rid cancer, could conclude that the best way to obliterate cancer is to exterminate humans who are genetically prone to the disease.


Nick Bostrom, author of the book "Superintelligence," lays out some doomsday settings. One envisions self-replicating nanobots, which are microscopic robots designed to make copies of themselves. These bots could fight diseases in the human body or eat radioactive material . But, Mr. Bostrom says, a "person of malicious intent in possession of this technology might cause the extinction of intelligent life on Earth."


Artificial-intelligence proponents argue that programmers are going to build safeguards. But didn't it take nearly a half-century for programmers to stop computers from crashing every time you used them?


Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest people on earth, wrote that successful A. I. "would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last."


One fear is that we are starting to create machines that can make decisions , but these machines don't have morality and likely never will. A more-distant fear is that once we build systems that are as intelligent as humans, the y will be able to build smarter machines, often referred to as superintelligence. That, experts say, is when things could really spiral out of control . We can't build safeguards into something that we haven't built ourselves.


"We humans steer the future not because we're the strongest beings on the planet, or the fastest, but because we are the smartest," said James Barrat, author of "Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era." "So when there is something smarter than us on the planet, it will rule over us on the planet."


What makes it harder to comprehend is that we don't know what superintelligent machines will look or act like. " Artificial intelligence won't be like us," Mr. Barrat said, "but it will be the ultimate intellectual version of us."


Perhaps the scariest setting is how these technologies will be used by the military. Bonnie Docherty, a lecturer at Harvard University and a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, said that the race to build autonomous weapons with artificial intelligence — already underway — is reminiscent of the early days of the race to build nuclear weapons, and that treaties should be put in place before machines are killing people on the battlefield. Machines that have no morality or mortality, she said, " should not be given power to kill."


So how do we ensure that all these doomsday situations don't come to fruition? In some instances, we likely won't be able to stop them. But we can hinder some of the potential chaos by following the lead of Google. This year when the search-engine giant acquired DeepMind, a n artificial intelligence company based in London, the two put together an artificial intelligence safety and ethics board that aims to ensure these technologies are developed safely.


Demis Hassabis, founder of DeepMind, said that anyone building artificial intelligence should do the same thing. "They should definitely be thinking about the ethical consequences of what they do," Dr. Hassabis said. "Way ahead of time."


Time for Uber to Grow Up, Fast╱優步需要改變 事不宜遲
In just four years , Uber has ignited a new global ride-sharing industry with the promise of transforming urban transportation and helping many people get by without owning cars.


But now the hot start-up is facing its toughest challenge yet — taming its most offensive impulses before its aggressive culture begins to turn off investors, employees and customers .


The recent revelation, reported by BuzzFeed, that an executive suggested investigating the private lives of journalists who criticize Uber was only the latest unflattering news about the company's tactics .


Uber has grown into one of the most valuable start-ups in Silicon Valley, with outposts around the world. It has raised about $1.5 billion and is valued at more than $17 billion, with talk of a public offering.


Uber's hard-charging culture may be characteristic of startups , but fostering such a culture can quickly become a losing proposition .


"The more stories that come out about Uber behaving badly — whether it's about the way it competes with rivals or the fact that an executive discussed looking into journalists — the risk is that it starts to become the main story about the company, rather than the great service it provides or its low prices," said Jan Dawson, an industry analyst.


Travis Kalanick, Uber's chief executive, made an apologetic series of posts on Twitter regarding the executive, Emil Michael, who made the comments about journalists. Mr. Michael's future with the company was not mentioned.


Technology companies live and die by culture; ultimate success or failure is determined less by technological prowess than by the values and behavior of people who work there.


This may be particularly true for Uber : It owns no cars, its drivers are at-will contractors who can easily switch to rival services, and its customers are just one tap away from some other service.


Uber has recently been dogged by accusations of various sorts. Last New Year's Eve, a driver hit an immigrant family in San Francisco, killing a 6-year-old and leading to a wrongful-death lawsuit . There have also been several accusations of drivers sexually assaulting passengers. Some drivers have protested over their wages and working conditions. And this summer, The Verge reported that Uber was waging a campaign to recruit drivers from its rival, Lyft .


Mr. Kalanick later told Vanity Fair magazine that he also tried to crimp Lyft's fund-raising by calling venture capitalists and telling them that anyone who invested in Lyft could be blackballed from investing in Uber.


Some passengers have worried whether the company protects riders' privacy — whether an employee can track where you went, and with whom. Uber says it has a policy forbidding employees and drivers from checking into riders' habits.


Still, the new revelations could increase that fear. The idea that a senior executive thought it would be fine to reveal a plan for spying makes you wonder if anything is considered off-limits at Uber — and that may be the sort of worry that apologetic tweets can't fix.


"Uber today is at the stage where Facebook was several years ago — they're growing ridiculously fast, and we're all wondering whether this will be the moment that they see they need to make a change," said Mark Rogowsky, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who has followed the battle between Lyft and Uber.


He added, "We just don't know yet."


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