2015年1月26日 星期一

A bear of a time 歡樂熊時光

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2015/01/27 第322期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

IS video threat

Islamic State group threatens to kill 2 Japanese hostages

The Islamic State group threatened to kill two Japanese hostages in a video unless they receive US$200 million in 72 hours, directly demanding the ransom from Japan's premier during his visit to the Middle East. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe vowed to save the men, saying: "Their lives are the top priority." However, Abe and other Japanese officials declined to discuss whether they'd pay the ransom for the captives, identified in an extremist video as Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. Their kidnapping immediately recalled the 2004 beheading of a Japanese backpacker in Iraq, carried out by the Islamic State group's predecessor over Japan's involvement in the U.S.-led war there. 「伊斯蘭國」組織在一段影片中,揚言將殺害兩名日本人質,除非他們在七十二小時內收到兩億美元的贖金,此舉等同於直接向目前正在中東訪問的日本首相勒贖贖金。日本首相安倍晉三矢言會營救這兩名男性人質,並表示:「 保全他們的性命是首要目標。」不過,安倍與其他日本官員拒絕討論他們是否願意支付贖金,以救出在這段影片中身份證實為後藤健二和湯川遥菜這兩位人質。這兩人遭到綁架的事件,不禁讓人想起二○○四年一名日本背包客遭斬首的事件;這起慘劇是「伊斯蘭國」的前身組織所為,以報復日本參與以美國為首聯軍入侵伊拉克的行動。
The video, identified as being made by the Islamic State group's al-Furqan media arm and posted on militant websites associated with the extremist group, mirrored other hostage threats it has made. Japanese officials said they would analyze the tape to verify its authenticity, though Abe offered no hesitation as he pledged to free the men while speaking to journalists in Jerusalem. "It is unforgivable," said Abe, now on a six-day visit to the Middle East with more than 100 government officials and presidents of Japanese companies. He added: "Extremism and Islam are completely different things." 這支確定由「伊斯蘭國」組織的「準則」媒體製作,並張貼在與該極端主義組織有關的好戰網站的影片,反映出該恐怖組織之前挾持人質進行恐嚇的一貫手法。日方官員表示,他們將對該影像進行分析,以分辨其真偽,但安倍晉三在耶路撒冷斬釘截鐵地向記者表示,他承諾將會救出這兩名人質。正與超過一百位日本政府官員和企業總裁進行為期六天的中東地區訪問的安倍表示:「這是不可原諒的行為。」他接著指出:「極端主義與伊斯蘭教完全是兩回事。」
In the video, the two men appear in orange jumpsuits with a rocky hill in the background, a masked militant dressed in black standing between them. The scene resembles others featuring the five hostages previously beheaded by the Islamic State group, which controls a third of Iraq and Syria. "To the prime minister of Japan: Although you are more than 8,000 and 500 kilometers from the Islamic State, you willingly have volunteered to take part in this crusade," said the knife-brandishing militant, who resembles and sounds like a British militant involved in other filmed beheadings. "You have proudly donated US$100 million to kill our women and children, to destroy the homes of the Muslims ... and in an attempt to stop the expansion of the Islamic State, you have also donated another $100 million to train the (apostates)." 在這段影片中,兩名男子身穿橙色連身服,背景則是滿布岩石的丘陵,一名穿黑色服裝的蒙面武裝份子則站在兩人中間。這個景象類似另外五名先前遭「伊斯蘭國」武裝份子斬殺的人質的情況,而該組織掌控了伊拉克和敘利亞三分之一的領土。一名揮舞大刀的武裝份子在影片中表示:「日本首相:雖然你跟『伊斯蘭國』相距八千五百多公里,但你卻心甘情願參與這場聖戰。」這名武裝份子的外表和聲音都像一名曾在其他人質遭斬首影片中現身的英國激進份子。他接著表示:「你自豪地捐出一億美元來殺死我們的婦女和兒童,摧毀穆斯林的家園…並企圖阻止『伊斯蘭國』的擴張,你也捐了一億美元來訓練(叛教者)。」
The militant's comments likely refer to money Abe pledged while in Egypt to help Iraq's government and aid Syrian refugees. Abe said he would send Yasuhide Nakayama, a deputy foreign minister, to Jordan to seek the country's support and to resolve the hostage crisis. The premier also said the Israeli government, which Japan promised to cooperate with on counterterrorism, is sharing information to aid in the hostage crisis. 這名武裝份子的言論應該是指安倍在埃及訪問期間,曾承諾要協助伊拉克政府並援助敘利亞難民的捐款。安倍表示,他將派遣外務副大臣中山泰秀到約旦尋求該國的支持並解決這場人質危機。他還表示,承諾要與日本政府進行反恐合作的以色列政府,目前正在和日方分享資訊,以協助解決這場人質危機。
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本文來自Student Post 1418期
1月24日 – 1月30日, 2015
A bear of a time    

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