2015年1月12日 星期一

Hayao Miyazaki–Peaceful Masterpieces  龍貓•小魔女•天空之城—— 那些年,陪我們一起長大的宮崎駿

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2015/01/13 第182期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Hayao Miyazaki–Peaceful Masterpieces  龍貓•小魔女•天空之城—— 那些年,陪我們一起長大的宮崎駿

   Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo during World War II. His father owned a business, which built airplane parts. When Miyazaki was only three years old, his family was forced to live in an air-raid2 shelter3. The smell of burning buildings, the sound of exploding bombs, and the sight of warplanes flying overhead, all had a great effect on the young boy. As Miyazaki was growing up, he started to draw pictures of his early memories. Before too long, he was attracted to illustrated4 stories in boy's magazines and manga comics. While he studied the details of the pictures carefully, he read and reread the stories over and over again. This is how Miyazaki learned his storytelling skills.
  Miyazaki finished school and became an artist in an animation
studio5. His amazing talent was first noticed while working on Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon. The movie's director embraced his many technical and artistic suggestions, including the storyline for the end of the movie. After working on several more movies, Miyazaki opened his own studio and started to make his own animated feature films6. Studio Ghibli is where he made all of his classic movies including Spirited Away, which was the first anime film to win an American Academy Award.





  1. be forced to V  被迫(做)……
    I don't like to be forced to do anything against my will.
  2. explode vi. 爆炸
    The bomb exploded with a loud noise.
  3. have an effect on...  對……有影響/作用
    Our actions today may have a far-reaching effect on the way our society develops.
  4. be attracted to sb/sth  受某人/物吸引
    Danny is attracted to girls that are good-looking but not necessarily smart.
  5. work on...  致力於……
    You should really work on improving your French before you go to France.
  6. artistic a. 有藝術天份的;有創意的
    The pianist gave a very artistic performance.
  7. including prep. 包含
    We go to that store for many reasons, including the prices and the friendly staff.
  8. classic a. 經典的
    This novel is considered a classic work of science fiction.
  1. masterpiece n. 傑作
  2. air-raid a. 空襲的
  3. shelter n. 避難所
  4. illustrated a. 有插圖的
  5. studio n. 工作室;攝影棚
  6. feature film  n. 電影長片

spirit away 是什麼意思?

spirit 最常見的用法是當名詞,表『精神,心靈』,也表『靈魂,精靈;幽靈』。本文中提到《神隱少女》英文片名 Spirited Away 的 spirit 是很特別的用法,當及物動詞,常搭配副詞 away 或 off,表『迅速而神祕地帶走』,字面上的意思令人聯想到『被 spirit (精靈;幽靈)迅速而神祕地將某人或某物帶走』,所以 spirit 這個動詞的運用可說是十分生動且貼切符合《神隱少女》的劇情。例:

The child was spirited away during the night.



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