2015年1月9日 星期五

Instead of Art, Investing in Passports/用以色列天然氣締造和平

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2015/01/09 第55期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Instead of Art, Investing in Passports/用以色列天然氣締造和平
Artificial Intelligence Is Seen in New Light/福爾摩斯對上蜘蛛人 從新的角度探索人工智慧
Instead of Art, Investing in Passports/用以色列天然氣締造和平

圖擷自Noble Energy

THE TAMAR PLATFORM, Israel — Alarms rang out across the Tamar natural gas platform off the coast of Israel.


The Israeli N avy had detected signs that a rocket might have been fired by Hamas from the shores of Gaza. As a voice over the loudspeaker warned to take cover, the crew raced up the metal stairs to a small gym that doubles as an air raid shelter. It turned out to be a false alarm.


Natural gas is both a geopolitical tool and a target in Israel, where a newfound bonanza of resources has the potential to improve ties with energy-hungry Egypt, Jordan and even the Palestinian Authority. But the key to this diplomatic push is not an Israeli official, a Middle Eastern king or an American ambassador. It is an oil company in Texas.


Noble Energy, the company that runs the Tamar platform and is developing another field nearby called Leviathan, has struck a series of deals in recent months to sell gas from Israel to its neighbors, an export strategy encouraged by the Obama administration to help ease tensions in the region. Both Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have signed preliminary agreements in recent months, while Noble is in talks to supply larger amounts of gas to Egypt.


The corporate connection is crucial. As the main negotiator and broker, Noble is giving cover to leaders who could otherwise face political consequences for buying gas in deals directly with the Israeli government.


But officials have said they are concerned that Noble Energy and its Israeli partners have a lock on gas production. Israel's antitrust commissioner, David Gilo, recently announced that he was considering action to limit the dominance of the consortium, which controls "all the gas reserves on the coast of the state of Israel."


Noble Energy , which completed the development of Tamar last year for $3.5 billion, says that it has found more than 800 billion cubic meters of gas off Israel. The finds would be enough to satisfy current Israeli demand for about a century .


Half of Israel's electric power now comes from the natural gas that flows through Tamar, making the platform and an onshore processing plant a tempting focus for enemies. Security makes up about half the personnel on the Tamar platform.


While Israel's gas consumption is growing fast, the domestic market is not large enough to fully tap Tamar's potential, much less develop the much larger Leviathan. So Noble and its Israeli partners have focused on Egypt and Jordan as the nearest, cheapest- to-reach places to export.


The Obama administration has quietly pushed the strategy. As American officials see it, the energy ties could strengthen the fragile peace between Israel and its neighbors, and perhaps offer Europe a way to lessen its dependence on Russia for gas.


"With energy you are talking about something fundamental that really counts," says Gideon Tadmor, chairman of Delek Drilling, one of Noble's partners.


While Jordan's relations with Israel have been tense lately, the country has been a receptive customer . Since 2011, Jordan, like Israel, has had its gas supply disrupted, as militants in Sinai repeatedly attack a major gas pipeline from Egypt.


Industry experts say that Noble will need more long-term commitments to support the expense of Leviathan, which is expected to cost as much as $8 billion for its first phase. The most likely anchor customer is Egypt, which is blocking exports in order to meet high domestic demand and stave off power blackouts.


A move by the regulator to break up the consortium would lead to further delays on Leviathan, which has already proved difficult to develop.


Meanwhile, domestic businesses are taking advantage of the new gas. One Israeli company, Dorad Energy, recently built a $1.3 billion gas-fired generating plant near Ashkelon. The plant meets about 10 percent of Israel's power demand. The company is planning to add another next door.


"My dream is to sell electricity to Egypt, Jordan and even Syria," said Moshe Cohen, the plant manager, as he showed a visitor the site, including a hole in the street left by a rocket . "Israel has the ability to provide a lot of energy."


Artificial Intelligence Is Seen in New Light/福爾摩斯對上蜘蛛人 從新的角度探索人工智慧

圖擷自The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

Inside the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, known as AI2, everything is white .


"The brilliant white was a conscious choice meant to evoke experimental science — think 'white lab coat,' " said Oren Etzioni, the director of the new institute, which the Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen launched last year as a sibling of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, his effort to map the human brain.


Yet the futuristic surroundings offer a paradoxical note: AI2 is an effort to advance artificial intelligence while simultaneously reaching back into the field's past.


While Silicon Valley looks to fashionable techniques like neural networks and machine learning that have rapidly advanced the state of the art, Dr. Etzioni remains a practitioner of a modern version of what used to be known as Gofai, for good old-fashioned artificial intelligence.


The reference goes back to the earliest days of the field in the 1950s and '60s, when artificial-intelligence researchers were confident they could model human intelligence using symbolic systems — logic embedded in software programs, running on powerful computers. Then in the late 1980s, an early wave of commercial artificial-intelligence companies failed. The field was seen as a failure and went into eclipse.


In recent years, however, A.I. has come roaring back as speech recognition, machine vision and self-driving cars have made progress with powerful computers, cheap sensors and machine- learning techniques.


But the debate over how to reach genuine artificial intelligence has not ended, and Dr. Etzioni and Mr. Allen are betting that their path is more pragmatic. The power of the new techniques is not disputed, but there is a growing debate over whether they can take the field to human-level capabilities by themselves. "Think of it as Sherlock Holmes versus Spider-Man," said Jerry Kaplan, a visiting lecturer at Stanford University , comparing Holmes's deductive powers with the irrational "spider sense" that tingles at the base of Spider-Man's skull and alerts him to danger.


Dr. Etzioni says that the artificial- intelligence field has made incremental advances in areas like vision and speech, but that we have gotten no closer to the larger goal of true human-level systems.


"Driverless cars are a great thing," he said, but added that the field had given rise to "bad A.I., like the N.S.A. is using it or Facebook is using it to track you."


He says both he and Mr. Allen believe that technology cannot be separated from its social and economic consequences. They have added a social mission to the project that they call "artificial intelligence for the common good."


The success or failure of the project will ultimately hinge on whether Dr. Etzioni can create a new synthesis of artificial intelligence, weaving together powerful machine-learning tools with traditional logic-oriented software. The current fad for big data, of which machine learning is a major component, has significant limits. "If you step back a little and say we want to do A.I., then you will realize that A.I. needs knowledge, reasoning and explanation," he said. "My argument is that big data has made great progress in limited areas."


Even Watson, the brainy IBM computer whose intelligence the company wants to apply in complex applications like medical diagnoses and automated call centers with interactive speech recognition, will soon reach fundamental limits, he argues.


"I really don't want a system that can't explain itself to be my doctor," he said. "I can just imagine sitting there with Dr. Watson and the program saying, 'Well, we need to remove a kidney, Mr. Etzioni,' and I'm like, 'What?!' and they respond, 'Well, we have a lot of variables and a lot of data, and that's just what the model says.' "


Some technology experts argue that self-aware computing machines are now on the horizon. "As for A.I. progress, we're mostly haggling about a few decades," said Hans Moravec, a leading roboticist who is the chief scientist of Seegrid Corporation, a maker of autonomous vehicles for warehouse applications. "I'm content to simply watch it play out, trying to do my part. I do want fully autonomous robots as soon as possible, to begin visiting the rest of the universe."


Mr. Allen and Dr. Etzioni are not so optimistic. Both are skeptical of claims that we may be only years away from machines that think in any human sense.


"Full A.I., " Mr. Allen wrote in an email , "is probably a hundred years away (or more). In reality, we are only beginning to grasp how deep intelligence works."


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